New Quantnet members say hi

hi....i am nachiket...fourth year engineering student from IIT Madras,India.Hello to all quant net members.....
Hi, I am an undergraduate senior about to graduate with Finance and Management Science, Minor in Math. I am considering applying for fall 2008 programs or potentially working for a year and applying for fall 2009. I am interested in taking some time to look for funding and scholarships.
New member


My name is Sachin and have graduated in engineering from Indian Institute of Technology.
I have round about 3 years of work experience in financial domain- as an Assistant Manager in CitiGroup and now as an Associate in MSCI. I have worked on a lot of analytical products for consumer banking and benchmark indices using statistical packages. I hope to further my quantiative skills with the MFE course.
Hi to the Quantnet forum from Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Just registered, stopped by to say hello. Hmmm, seems you have to have more than 50 characters in a post.
Hi guys,

i happened on this forum in a fairly random way and have andy to thank for it...

i was searching the internet for free CDX.NA.IG historical data and google lead my to Andy's data cleaning post that used that exact data set.

from there i've found some great links and posted a few thoughts.

my background:

- Int'l Affairs & Econ double major from george washington university class of '02
- Economist for the deparment of labor (though really statistician studying health care/pension coverage data)
- MBA from washington university in st.louis w/ MathFin concentratin (1 of 4 out of 260 MBA students to take/complete this course series meant for MSFin / PhD candidates)
- Investment Associate for top 3 hedge fund in Client Service Analytics
- Now unemployed and interviewing...

...which leaves me much free time to build my historical data spreadsheet in excel and ask questions about the global economy that i find intriguing.

i actually have no association w/ baruch university or MFE degrees...

but i would love to learn more excel and can use matlab and read code (in terms of maths), but have no real VBA ability or ability to get matlab to communicate w/ the internet or other programs by myself.

so hopefully i can get some learning going on here as well as get some smart opinions on trade ideas.

thanks andy and all.

Just an introduction

Just saying 'Hi'.
Physicist by training (Dartmouth).
PHB by day.
Not in trading, but providing the tools for fast market data and exchange access.
Based in Colorado - home office in NYC.
Looking forward to seeing what's going on here.
Hey everyone,

I work for a hedge fund as a quantitative risk analyst.
I studied software engineering for masters degree and has a PhD in applied Mathematics.
I am located in Melbourne but is planning to move to either NY or London within a couple of years.
I worked in a consulting firm as an econometrician and then an openration quant at an investment bank before this job at which I focus on quantitative finance modelling.

make friends and feel free to chat through bloomberg. shoot me an email for my bloomberg id.

Hi everyone in Quantnet. I'm William, and working as Software Test Engineer in Beijing China. But I am interested in Financial Engineering, so preparing to apply this MSFE. Need your adives and teach. Thanks!
Hello everyone, I'll be graduating this spring with a B.Sc in Maths from the Ohio State University, and I'm contemplating pursuing a master degree in Financial Engineering. Thanks to all of you who devoted your time to putting this very useful source of information together and happy new year!!
i should get rid of that annoying thingy at the top so here goes :D

my name is petri and i'm currently in the mfe program at cornell. i'm currently looking for a summer internship in a quantitative trading/modeling type of position. i'm very interested in algorithmic trading.

for now i play poker for a living and have written programs to model various parts of the game, but actually playing bores me for the most part and running bots is illegal, so i'm hoping to do similar things in finance.
Hi everyone,
Welcome to Quantnet.
I hope to get to know all of you in a more casual level. If you are currently working in NYC area, send me a message and maybe we can get together for a drink or something.
I'm looking forward to extending my professional network and knowing more about my Quantnet members is one of my New Year resolutions.

P.S: I'm glad to know that the annoying reminder message works. Apparently, not everyone got annoyed by it. Maybe I should put some more bold, flashing letters in it ;)
Hello All,
I've read forum posts for a while but have just now joined. Quick background - I have a BS in Finance and an MBA, I work in the M&A field on the buy-side, but not in NY.

My relevant interests outside of work fall into the areas of financial modeling and automated trading. I have traded on a discretionary basis personally for a number of years, and have worked with equities, options, and futures.

In order to implement algorithmic systems I have started studying C++ and MATLAB. I've also been revisiting Calculus and related financial math. I run a blog that helps me keep some notes together, although it is a newer site so the content isn't all the way there yet - I took an older site down and decided to start from scratch.

I'm from Toronto, Canada, originally Ukrainian.
I have Masters degree in Applied Mathematics and worked as software developer for 8 years.
Planning to make career move from IT to Financial Engineering. Recently I became CQF delegate.
Hi Everyone!

Greetings from Washington D.C.!

Short summary of my background:
- bachelors in Math/CS and a masters in CS
- been doing personnel (behavior) mathematical modeling and simulation systems using C++ and Java for the past 14 years
- last 4 years been more involved in building and validating an enterprise-level Agent-based simulation system using stochastic behavior
- been doing trading (equities, options) at a personal level
- very interested in world markets

Hope to learn from all of you!
Hello all,
I'm happy to see this website about QF. And, I wish to learn something more from here.
It's so great and cool QF community , guys......

Introduce myself here.
I graduated from financial engineering master program.
Now, I'm working for a securities co and especially for trading desk.
My job is to measure risk from financial market.
But, I'm just a junior.

Hi all,
Very glad to see your first post here. Hope to see more of your posts.

Sanjay, I have a similar background like yours.

Josh, which FE did you graduate from ? Are you working in NYC now ?
Hello Andy,
I did study FE Program in Polytechnic University from 2005 to 2006.
Now, I have come back to work in my homeland, Taiwan.
But, I still am waiting for a chance to get a job in NYC if possible..............

ps.I'm NYGiant fans ,too when I was in NYC to watch NFL in TV.
I miss NYC' life about everything, especially in Food.

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