New Quantnet members say hi

Hi, I am working in Computer Science field. I am interested in trading stock, forex and commodities. I like to use Maths and Computer Algorithms to find best trading strategies

I am a finance graduate currently working in Buffalo. I am passionate about quantitative finance, particularly the statistical models for markets. I am currently looking into the different graduate schools.

I have been a long time lurker and have finally decided to say hi and start posting. This is a fantastic community and I am very happy that it exists.
Hi, I am working in Computer Science field. I am interested in trading stock, forex and commodities. I like to use Maths and Computer Algorithms to find best trading strategies
hey vman. I think we share the same interest. How is your strategy going?

Just by glancing at my name, you can best bet that I am Michael. Currently in my life of finance I am a young professional working with a financial services firm doing consulting for the many regulations that face finance(gips, sec, finra, etc). I am making a slow progression to a more quantitative lifestyle as I have two undergraduate degrees with a 'quant' focus(although just not from those shiny ivy leagues).

On the personality side, I have been quoted to be the male Julia Child. Wild cook, red wine drunk, and beastly in terms of height. In the Myers And Briggs world I am an ENTJ with the acidic wit and dark humor. Despite being this finance person, I still enjoy winding down in the evenings after studying with some Zelda and other games.

On a final note, I did not proofread this at all. So, ya.

Till next time,
~ Michael
Hello to all Quantnet members,

I didn't know this thread exists. I received BS in Mathematics & BS in Statistics (Econ minor) from Penn State University. (Go! Nittany Lions!) Currently, I am working in public sector for building a national financial stability model. I also do lots of computational simulation model.

For this coming Fall, I will be joining NYU-Poly's MFE program, and look forward to get into financial industry upon graduation, particularly Quant Analyst role.

Thanks for making such informative forum, Andy.
Hello forum!

I am a specialist in internal audit in a bank in Denmark, so one of my 'specialist tasks' is to talk with the Quants and analyse the C++ implementation. This helped me realize how exciting and complicated the Quant world can be. To understand it better, I joined the QuantNet, and I'm taking the QuantNet C++ course (and any other relevant courses, if anyone can suggest something :geek: ).

Based on what I learned about the Quant field, from this and other forums, I wish to one day be able to finally utilize my MSc in mathematics (from 2007...) in my daily job, and move to the Quant world for good.

I'm Edward, a CS/Physics major at Johns Hopkins University. My main interests lie mainly in HFT, but I'm still learning a lot about this industry so that could change anytime.

Thanks all of you guys (especially Andy) for creating this forum to help newbies like myself out.

I am a BA economics major at Carleton University.

Mainly looking to learn ways to apply what I am doing in school.

I have tested: long/short strategy, currently looking to test mean reversion. Realizing I am well behind a lot of the discussions here, but I am very adventagious
Hi everyone, greeting from Indonesia.

Undergraduate degree in indutrial engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology. Currently having independet research in market, especially fx and commodities markets. Will expand it to stocks later . Have plan to take master degree in financial engineering in upcoming years. Coming here to enhance knowledge with you.


Hello to every one on this board. Here is the new member to this discussion board. I have been checking thing forum for two days and finally decided to join it. I am very glad to join the forum.
Hi everyone!!

I'm Sam. It's great to finally join the QuantNet family!! For a while now, I've been using this website to glean useful information about MFE programs and the quant field.

I am currently a senior at Brooklyn College (CUNY) majoring in Financial Mathematics and minoring in Computer Science. I am in the process of researching the different MFE programs to apply to for the Fall 2014 semester.

I would like to thank all the helpful members of this website for the immense amount of useful information provided for prospective MFE students and quants. I hope to be able give back to the community in the near future!!!
Hi Guys,

I am newbie here and a Quant expert too. Few days back, my colleague inspired to write some good thoughts and experience of mine which can help other candidates OR community to gain some knowledge out of it.

Post that discussion, I am here to do so.

Which is the right place to share experience (Content/article) on this community.?
Hi guys,

I'm Zhenfeng. I am new here and I'm studying for the C++ cert now.
I will receive BEng in Electronics Packaging in Beijing Inst. of Tech. and BS in Econ (minor) in Peking Univ.
I will apply for the Baruch's MFE program in this year.
Glad to know you all.
Well... this page seems to have collected a few months of dust...


I'm an aerospace engineer by degree, mechanical engineer by career so far. I design compressor jet engine parts, have been doing so for about 4 years. I'm enrolled in Columbia CVN starting this fall, and my major will be in Engineering Management Systems: Risk and Revenue Management. I love working with numbers and equations so I'm looking forward to the few quant electives I'll be able to take. Looking forward to engaging in productive discussion with you all.
Hello everyone, Namaste from India!

Been lurking on QN since almost a year now, it's finally time to say hi! I'm Mayur and did my engineering in IT from India and currenly working in the Business Intelligence domain. There have been many resources that caught quant finance on my radar but QN has played a big, big role. Kudos Andy for bringing people with similar interests to one place! Hope to keep finding interesting material on the site. Good luck all.


I am a 2nd year student at an Australian university, majoring in financial mathematics and statistics. Still considering my options - a costly MFE or a PhD either in the UK or US after my bachelor's degree. I don't know that much about finance, but am actively doing as much reading as I can to see if this is what I really want to get myself into. I have had some experience with C and Matlab before, now learning C++ for obvious reasons.

PS: The resources on QuantNet are incredible! Thanks :)
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