Operations Research students and Quant jobs.

Is it true that only FE students go into Quant job industry (or related job, such as i-banking)?

How common is it that OR students get quant job (or related) offers?

What is the ratio of FE and OR students in quant or ibanking industry?
Operations research students are good candidates for MFE programs due to the curriculum but Im not sure how possible it is to get there directly without the masters.
I did OR at undergrad and got to final round interviews (~10 ppl left) for IB positions at Deutsche Bank and Macquarie Bank last year in Australia (Didn't get the job though). Saying this, all others were finance/accounting graduates.

You'll probably notice that some FE programs are housed within OR departments (namely Columbia & Cornell off the top of my head, possibly more).

I'll be starting at Cornell next month (though got accepted to Columbia, MIT & CMU too).
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