Post Doc Position ? Anyone?

Joy Pathak

Anyone interested in doing a post-doc position conducting research in financial economics/game theory/corporate finance?

Send me a message. Need to have a PhD.
More information !

I'll present a PhD in July, in statistics in Health economics (Stochastics calculus and decision making with survival and cost data) in France. I'm looking for Post-doc experience at any area where my skills and my reseach project can be useful. So, Game theory is a very interesting way. But i don't understand your quantitative problematic, can you tell me more ?
I'll present a PhD in July, in statistics in Health economics (Stochastics calculus and decision making with survival and cost data) in France. I'm looking for Post-doc experience at any area where my skills and my reseach project can be useful. So, Game theory is a very interesting way. But i don't understand your quantitative problematic, can you tell me more ?

Send me your resume to It's for a position in Canada.
Can you tell who is the tutor of the post-doc ? Personal website? Thanks.
Can you tell who is the tutor of the post-doc ? Personal website? Thanks.

Send me an email and I will give you the information. I will have to find out if the position is still open.
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