Prop trading firm is looking for external systematis traders/quant signal contributors and aspiring quant students


We are a partnership proprietary trading project with Lime Trading Corp (Low Latency APIs and Trading Platforms for trading US Equity and Options):

Begin your adventure 
in quantitative trading with Limex Quantum today!

We have also launched a free Advanced Algorithmic Futures Trading learning course for students on our education platform Limex.

We are looking for 3 different participation plans: students to onboard to our team of extrnal research consultants and independent external systematic traders and quant signal contributors.

We are interested in:

1. Market neutral US/EU/Asia futures systematic trading programs

  • proven track record 2+ years
  • realized Sharpe ratio from 1+
  • mid-latency (we use CQG connectivity and pre-trade)
  • SMA opened by Lime Prime Ltd ( with Lime Trading (CY) (About Just2Trade)
  • Advisory agreement (can be customized)
  • Success fee starts from 20% for Sharpe 1+ and can be increased for higher Sharpe (from 2+) and/or hurdle rate implementation up to 40%
  • First Loss Coverage can also be an option to leverage Success Fee up to 70-80%
  • Connectivity to CQG WEB API/FIX directly or through CQG’s partner programs like Multicharts, Trade Navigator etc.
Depending on the Due Diligence approval and trading program expected realized Sharpe we could offer:
  • Margin-to-equity ratio/Leverage can be scalable aggressively (up to 60..80%/8..10X accordingly)
  • Trial period of 1-3 months with a minimum capital required to maintain opened positions
  • start with 200-500 k $ (the higher the Sharpe and our confidence in the manager after our due diligence)
  • increase the AuM up to 700 - 1 000 k $ after first half of the year subject to realized performance
  • First Loss coverage funding can be up to 10 mio $

Market neutral US Stocks systematic trading programs
  • proven track record 2+ years
  • realized Sharpe ratio from 1+
  • low-latency connectivity (Trading REST API & Python SDK, Welcome to the Lime Developer Docs | Lime Direct REST API)
  • SMA opened with Lime Trading Corp ( or with Lime Trading (CY) (About Just2Trade)
  • Advisory agreement (can be customized)
  • Success fee starts from 20% for Sharpe 1+ and can be increased for higher Sharpe (from 2+) and/or hurdle rate implementation up to 40%
  • First Loss Coverage can also be an option to leverage Success Fee up to 70-80%
Depending on the Due Diligence approval and trading program expected realized Sharpe we could offer:
  • Margin-to-equity ratio/Leverage can be scalable aggressively (up to 60..80%/8..10X accordingly)
  • trial period of 1-3 months with a minimum capital required to maintain opened positions
  • start with 200-500 k $ (the higher the Sharpe and our confidence in the manager after our due diligence)
  • increase the AuM up to 700 - 1 000 k $ after first half of the year subject to realized performance
  • First Loss coverage funding can be up to 10 mio $
Please DM me in interested.
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