quant vs s/w engineer

who make more money, a quant or a s/w engineer (not including bonus)?
compare a Masters in CS and MFE I think a they are more or less same initially. but after some experience a quant earns more.

if you're considering a quant degree solely for the sake of money, you have come to the wrong place.

people here do it out of a passion and flair for all things mathematical. Dont blasphmize the sanctity of this profession by asking such mercenary questions.
If you do something you love and something people need you to do, you will get rich. It doesn't matter what field you're in. The end.

As for an intellectual mercenary, hey, it's not like there's only one company that employs quants and other number-freaks. So I guess that means I *am* a mercenary =P
come on dude. money is there ofcourse. why people talk about average salary of quant in this forum? ofcourse Quant loves to be a Quant, but money plays a role.
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