QuantNet Hiking

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Greg just announced a class on this coming Sat. I think no current student would hike this weekend.
One of TAs can provide a make up sessison for the class :)

But about "old" students? Nobody wants to go?
Weak Greg... weak.

The great thing about a hiking club is that minimum membership is 1. But we still have a few cars full to go. Max and Vadim can meet me at my place Sat. morning and I'll drive us out there (picking up Akino on the way).

BTW, maybe we'll be having dinner aftwards in the city.
So Andy, you'll be in my 'hood and I won't be there to say hi... bummer.
Did Vadim said that he were going? I think so far is only three of us including Billy.
Vadim said probably.

Maggie, Akino, Max, Billy, Vadim, Vlad, Me, maybe others? Andre?

Not sure which class the makeup class is for or if Akino or Vadim are in it.
Well, RM said he was doing probability instead. But if you can drag him out with us...

BTW, the forecast is for rain. I'm okay with walking in the rain and mud, but many may not be. So, let me know if you will hike in the rain or wait for the next one.
There was one time, when about 30 Chinese went hiking in Vermont. We camped around a lake after about 6-7 hours drive, and planned to hike second day morning, since it's a 16-mile trail and the hill is kind of steep.

The night we camped suddenly poured like hell. Listening to the water raining beside/under my head, I was sleepless the whole night. Rain stopped the second day, some of us were very brave and went on as planned.

I stayed with some other people walking around the lake. The hikers came back really late...around 9:00 pm when it was all dark. Everyone was almost covered with mud and looked broken. ...

But we were very happy......
I think I will pass on rainy-hiking :) Let's see how it goes. They change forecasts every hour.
I would suggest we go to FAT CAT instead. The Billiard/Live Jazz/Ping Pong/Foo Ball/Chest place is really nice, and the price is suprisingly reasonable with respect to it's location in West Village! It's right beside subway and closes to the great bars and restaurants, and movie theater :) And, it's indoor.

We did have good time there last weekend after the Picnic (after beat Russia and Ukraine).

We can do it in the afternoon, such that Russian Mike and those taking Sat class can join.------Come on, too much stress here for the past two weeks, I need entertainment and rest :)

(sorry, Woody)
The weather on Saturday in Manderschied will be very fine:
about 65°F
chance of rain 10%
and in the afternoon sunny
Yeah, it's fantastic weather and a scenic route!
If it's raining, I believe I'll be the only one hiking. So it should only take me a couple of hours. After that, I'd be happy to meet at Fat Cat for some ping pong and/or billiards.
it seems it will be raining this weekend...
Weather permitting, I would like to try this hike on Saturday. A little rain isn't bad, but we won't hike in lightening.
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