Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

A reminder for all current applicants to take advantage of our Tracker which now has 355 cases and growing.

The more you share your timelines, the more useful it will be for everyone else. And thanks to all who have added and updated their status.
I hope we will reach at least 500 cases in our tracker by the end of this admission cycle.

So please help me out by adding your cases (if the program is not listed, let me know) and asking friends to add their cases as well.

We have 412 cases right now and its usefulness has been very apparent this year.

EDIT: I have added IIT Stuart MSF, IIT Stuart MMF, Imperial MathFin to the tracker's list. If I miss out other programs, let me know.
I have put in a script so people go to the old location will be automatically redirected there.
@PennyLess @Michael Sun @wuzhemin @kpranjal @bichette
Also, I'd like to point out a little utilized feature on the Tracker. The blue bars in the middle that shown to you are progress bar of your cases. It will disappear if it reachs 100%. If you hover the blue bar, it will show you what action you need to do to get 100%. In most cases, you need to add a note to your case or add a profile picture.

And we reached 500 applications in our Tracker today. Time to celebrate that milestone and thanks everyone who help with adding their timelines.

Together, we will demystify the whole application process at every MFE program.
I applied to Purdue Computational Finance because it's a strong foundation in mathematics with finance sprinkled on top. I do not see much activity for this institution on this network though, so I'm not sure if you want to add it to the tracker.
hi andy

the tracker has recently bee sending daily emails regarding updating of results. However, i am stil lwaiting to hear on my decisions. How can we turn off the daily reminder emails ??
Got it. It's currently set to notify after 30 days of cases being last updated. But it looks like it takes longer than that.
How many pending cases do you still have?

Let me increase the 30 days to 45 days and turn off the email notification for the time being. Hopefully when we turn it back on, final decisions are made.

Thanks again for letting me know about how our Tracker feature is being used.
i have around 3 pending cases all of which are older than 30 days ...
Would be nice if people using our Tracker indicate their final decision somewhere in the tracker. It would take weeks after the final results for them to take the final decision.
Would have to think of a way to accomplish this. Maybe another column field?
Well Yeah I think another Column Field would be of great help like "Your Decision" field taking any of the values "Definitely accept the offer" , "Settled for another one", " Still waiting for another school", " Need more time to decide", "Won't take it". You know anything would work.
I was thinking of another improvement which can combine different programs by user. I mean let's say we saw person A getting accepted at CMU, it would be interesting to see what are his other options as per the tracker and what is his status in the other ones...
Another column field or a field inside the "note" section.
Another column makes sense since we still have enough room for it. Put it inside the Notes section will be hard to see at first glance.

Say an applicant has 5 trackers, 3 of them are admits. He can only edit the cases with Accepted status and only one them them can be toggled as Final choice (or some wording to that effect)

Once he chooses one of the case as his choice, it will either make that field a distinctive color or add an image or something. Or we can put that Trophy that in a column next to it.

How my logic sounds?
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