QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

OK, so its official!! The polls are closed and we will have the picnic on the Sat, Sept 20th. I am thinking of a 11:00 (AM!!!) kick-off time.

I started a new thread so that there will be less clutter.

Dan has a huge budget so we need some volunteers to pick up stuff like beverages and some food (someone with a car???).

Additionally, it might be nice if everyone brings something from their homeland (food-wise, beverage wise).

The location is the big picnic area on the west side of Central Park around 106th Street.

Any comments, any thoughts, wanna volunteer??? Post them here...

Please RSVP for this picnic HERE
Billy, better put the location here, since many of new students do not know where it is. :)
Ummm...that is the best I know...go into Central Park via the stairs at the 106th and Central Park West entrance, then walk until you see a big field.
Does anyone from last year have better directions? Maybe Woody can post a map!!!
Google maps to the rescue!

Google Maps

I have the location marked on the map. The picnic area is called the "Great Hill", if you want to seek other web resources.

Ways to get there...

1. B,C to 103rd street. (There are stairs right where you come in on 103rd street; walk up those and keep going up the hill until you reach a field.)
2. 1 to 103rd street and walk east. (Same.)
3. 6 to 103rd street and walk west through the park. (Kind of a pain... go into the park below the conservatory on E 102nd street. Follow the park drive; take the cross-over; get on the path right when it reaches the west park drive; keep going west and north until you reach the 103rd street entrance; go up stairs)
4. 2, 3 to 110th street, and walk south and west. (follow the park drive going west; keep going up hill, eventually getting off the drive as you go up the hill)

The park is quite beautiful up there, and the walk from any location shouldn't be more than 20 minutes.
Good thought Andy... maybe we can finally have that brain teaser contest too...
Hey guys let me know what you need help in.

Also shouldn't we set up a RSVP so we know exactly how much food and drink to prepare?
Let's hope for good weather and no remnants of hurricane M, N, etc.

I'd say there's a pretty low probability of me being there at 10am.
11am might be more realistic for everyone, indeed
We still need someone with a car to move heavy items, otherwise it will be every man for himself.
I can rent a car and help you move the items. I live in Queens, close to the City.
I have an old Cherokee that would be good to use. No need to rent something.
I have an old Cherokee that would be good to use. No need to rent something.

Thanks Woody. I am assuming you mean a vehicle... So, if Woody can drive we now need a few volunteers to help round up provisions Saturday morning. I am thinking beverages, some food, plates, forks etc..

We also need a couple of coolers to keep things...cool.

Any volunteers?

I'll probably drive there too. Let me know what you want me to bring up. I also have a cooler.
OK, here is the plan. We are starting at 11:00 on Saturday. Woody and I will round up some food and beverages. We will be at the park at 11:00 -ish.

We need volunteers for the following:
- To secure a location prior to our arrival. Maybe get there around ten-ish in case the place gets crowded.
- A couple of people to help unload the provisions we bring. At least two people in addition to whoever secures the location.
-People to bring blankets or whatever people sit on. Also, chairs will be bring your own.
-People are encouraged to bring a snack or a beverage of their choice.
-Bring some football, frisbees etc.

So, if you want to volunteer do so on this page and state which action.

Anything I may have forgotten, please advise here.

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