Quantnet Picnic RSVP

doug reich

Some guy
I figure this requires a bump just to make sure people see it.

Quant Network - Financial Engineering Forum

The picnic will be a week from Sunday, September 20, on the Great Hill in Central Park. Please RSVP by Wednesday so we know how much food to get. You are, of course, welcome to bring your own items to the picnic.

If you have a car and would like to volunteer to help us get food, please post here or contact me directly.

Following is a partial and evolving list of non-food items. If you have these or other games, activities or necessities to bring, please claim them in the thread. Feel free also to suggest items in the thread and I'll update the list!

* Blankets
* Camp chairs
* Sporting equipment (soccer ball, football, hackysack, etc.)
* Frisbee
* Cooler
Please volunteer to bring some of the following:

* blankets to sit on
* sporting equipment, i.e. soccer ball, football, baseball
* Several coolers (we will supply the ice and the drinks)

See you all on Sunday!
Great picnic, everybody!!! The QN Nursery School was in full swing ;)

Thanks a lot Doug, Shlomi, and Shuwen, for organizing it!!! (And if I forgot anybody, Doug will add more credits :) )

Pictures, anybody?
Great picnic, everybody!!! The QN Nursery School was in full swing ;)

Thanks a lot Doug, Shlomi, and Shuwen, for organizing it!!! (And if I forgot anybody, Doug will add more credits :) )

Pictures, anybody?

I have a few. are there instructions some place on how to upload them to the quantnet albums?
I have a few. are there instructions some place on how to upload them to the quantnet albums?

User CP -> Networking -> Pictures and Albums

Add a link here when you've created it.

Also, thanks to Mathew, Aditya, Vladimir for your help!
Thanks a lot, Mathew, Aditya, and Vladimir!!! (One exclamation mark each ;))
I have put up some pictures in QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum
Hope to see more pictures from other photographers

NOTE: You need to log in on Quantnet to see the photos

Massive thanks to everyone who had a part in organizing the picnic. It was a heck of a lot of fun...

As for the album...

I swear I look like a hobbit.
Andy, thanks for posting the pictures. You have the location mistaken, however. We were not on the "Great Law". It was actually the "Great Hill", but the mistake is a common one. :)
Nice to see all of you in the pictures and it is great that the number of kids in the Baruch community is growing every year! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
This was a good weekend for the event as the Jewish holiday closed the organized teen sports activities and even soccer crazed families like mine were off. Unfortunately my kids were not feeling well after a week in school and I figured they needed the rest.<o:p> </o:p>
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