rafting / paintball

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yan He
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If we're going for sure, I'm gonna get my own marker, I have always wanted a Tippmann A-5 (any voice on that?), maybe this is the time to get it.
Paintball is a lot of fun guys, yes, it gives you bruises and hurts, but that's where the fun lies, really brings out ya MANHOOD, hope everybody is enthusiastic about it.
If we're going for sure, I'm gonna get my own marker, let me know if we have the date down a.s.a.p.
You'd better start looking for a good marker now ;)
We are going FOR SURE. The tentative date I have right now is Sat, June 2nd, the first weekend after the final and before the Stat refresher.

Chris will be in charge of collecting deposits via Paypal and rsvp for us. Details will be available in a couple of weeks. Everyone is welcome to join us. If we have more than 20 people, we can have our private field instead of shooting in the same field with other groups.
We shall get as many people as we can, the more the merrier.
I will love to play paintball.
I will be there!
BTW, do we have enough ppl to play paintball?
In my expereience, less than 30 players won't be too much fun.
If we decide to have one, we need to email (not just post on Quantnet) everyone ASAP.
I will love to play paintball.
I will be there!
BTW, do we have enough ppl to play paintball?
In my expereience, less than 30 players won't be too much fun.
as long as we have enough people to get our own private fields and judge, we are ok. I think 20 is the minimum.
we will send out an open invitation/challenge to the 2007 MFE guys. We can play 2006 cohort vs 2007 cohort, then mix and match teams so everyone got to know each other well.
Call it "Battle of the Quants" ;)
Yeah. the more people in the field, more excitings in the field. Last year, we had around 30 people and had our own field and referee. Andy, can we have other choice of date ? I definitely can not make it for June 2......
June 2 is a tentative date. We know for sure that whatever date we set, someone is gonna have schedule conflict so hopefully the chosen date will accomodate most people

A good date would be
  1. Saturday so they can sleep in on Sunday.
  2. Early in June. If we set it later, people will be busy with refresher course, internship, work and some will lose interest
So June 2 looks to be a good date for our first outing. If everything works out as planned, we can organize more during the summer.
As for 20+ participants, it's definitely doable. We can invite incoming MFE students and MBA students from Zicklin school.
I don't have a mask. But the last time I went I definitely did not like my mask. The rentals tend to fog up as you play later in the game. I'm thinking about buying one that has anti-fog.


Alain, Chris,
Do you guys have own googlemask too ? I heard it's better to get own mask than to use rental for sanitary reason.

I have my own antifog mask. You would like to have your own maks for a variety of reasons (some of them mentioned above :) )
Wont be a problem...but I am hesitant to reserve since isn't the 9852 final due on that weekend?


I hope he will post the project early so we can finish it by Saturday. We have a week from May 24-31 for it.

sounds like a lot of time, but week days don't actually provide part-time students much time at all.

Gave them a call. We can reserve for Skirmish up to a week in advance. Do you want until we actually see the final so we know we are good to go?


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