Review of Boston University Mathematical Finance program

Some really positive things mentioned here. Thanks. I have been admitted to this program and am looking forward to it now. It would be really nice to get some more info regarding the summer internships and placement statistics of the class and also the quality of students coming to BU. Thanks.
thanks. Weird there were two bad reviews and then two good reviews right away. Looks like damage control.
possible, then again, there is such a low amount of total reviews that it doesn't matter.
wish there was a way to make people write reviews consistently.
see from the interview section, the practical part of the curriculum is a bit late and BU does not seem to pay much attention to the programming training. Also, professors tend to give low GPA, which i experienced in some courses during my undergraduate school. The fianl score was obvious lower than what i expected and so was anyone else's, which was a big disadvantge for my master appliation because everyone would just say"your low score is just because you didn't do well", which is not the fact. I assume less programming training and lower GPA are BAD for job hunting.

Moreover, if the reviews say the fact, most BU graduates do get a job BUT the job is nost likely risk management. Comparing to UIUC MSFE, though lower ranking, has more fucus on the prgramming and students seem to have a better likely hood to get a job in Chicago trading companies(also seen from the UIUC reviews section).

Although i doubt about the highly consistent and vague reviews on UIUC, based on above information, i'm wondering if UIUC is better compared to BU regardless of the lower rank.

that's interesting but then again I wouldn't base my judgement on the reviews that you see here. there are not enough reviews for this sample to be acceptable. if possible try too get in touch with a couple of alumni through social media and other means to see for yourself.
that's interesting but then again I would base my judgement on the reviews that you see here. there are not enough reviews for this sample to be acceptable. if possible try too get in touch with a couple of alumni through social media and other means to see for yourself.
THANKS. i‘ll try. I like BU. Just got confused after reading the reviews.
THANKS. i‘ll try. I like BU. Just got confused after reading the reviews.
do your homework. "Like" is very subjective and personal. I would recommend to remove feelings from the question and be objective.

Couples like each other when they get married and 50% end up in divorce. You wouldn't want those odds if you are a risk manager.
do your homework. "Like" is very subjective and personal. I would recommend to remove feelings from the question and be objective.

Couples like each other when they get married and 50% end up in divorce. You wouldn't want those odds if you are a risk manager.
what's your opinion about choosing a program, may i ask?
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