Step by Step Guide to Learn Quantitative Finance

Can some one help in creating step by step guide to learn Quantitative Finance?

The suggestions should be in the lines of

1- Which Maths topics needs to be learn 1st

2- Which Maths Books or resources should be used to learn the above topics

3 - Once the Maths brush up is done which topics to do after that and in what order and which books

4 - Any other suggestions

The cost of a MFE is too high nowadays and CQF is also not that cheap, but there are many students/professionals out there who would like to learn the subject but doesn't have the means or time to do a Full Time Program. They would like to learn on their own but there is no definitive guide on which topics should be handled and in what order.

Please help me build this list.
What are you planning to achieve with this "independent study"?
do you want something broad or narrow? You might need to reduce the scope.
do you want something broad or narrow? You might need to reduce the scope.

I am aware that there are different disciplines among Quants, but what about the MFE course, I believe that's more in line with "Pricing Quants", that can be a good starting point.
Most pricing models are already done...what are you going to do reinvent the wheel ? Also, the reward to cost ratio of learning Stochastic Calculus is much lower and the job scene fiercer better yet spend time on something more tangible like Risk. Books- Neftci/ Math...Wilmott/ Mark joshi for Quant & Carol A for Risk is a good step for beginners.

I am aware that there are different disciplines among Quants, but what about the MFE course, I believe that's more in line with "Pricing Quants", that can be a good starting point.
Most pricing models are already done...what are you going to do reinvent the wheel ? Also, the reward to cost ratio of learning Stochastic Calculus is much lower and the job scene fiercer better yet spend time on something more tangible like Risk. Books- Neftci/ Math...Wilmott/ Mark joshi for Quant & Carol A for Risk is a good step for beginners.

Thanks for the honest feedback.
What's being taught at MFE nowadays? Have they also come out of "Pricing" mindset and more focused on Risk/ Algo Trading etc.??
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