I was able to install the current version 1.55.0 of
Boost library on the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 IDE but wasn't able to install QuantLib 1.3 (1.3 is the current version). The reason is that I don't understand step 7. in the installation list given above.
I downloaded QunatLib 1.3 in the directory
in my computer, and added the folder
to Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Include Directories,
and the folder
to Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Libraries Directories.
After all this, when I build QuantLib.sln solution I got 737 errors.
Here are the first few:
1> cpicoupon.cpp
1> cpicouponpricer.cpp
1> dynprogvppintrinsicvalueengine.cpp
1> fdextoujumpvanillaengine.cpp
1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\cashflows\cpicoupon.cpp)
1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\experimental\finitedifferences\dynprogvppintrinsicvalueengine.cpp)
1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\experimental1>------ Build started: Project: QuantLib, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\users\vigen\quantlib-1.3\ql\qldefines.hpp(37): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory (ql\cashflows\cpicouponpricer.cpp)
1> fdklugeextouspreadengine.cpp
1> fdmblackscholesfwdop.cpp
1> fdmextendedornsteinuhlenbeckop.cpp
1> fdmextoujumpop.cpp
It is not clear for me what paths to use in step 7.
Those I gave above, or these
Also, it is not clear how many times to use these paths, in the picture it is shown to include twice.
I also tried the following paths (following the picture in step 7.)
and again got the same errors.
I would appreciate if anyone can help me with this problem.