
I'm almost windows free. My wife is completely working off windows and she doesn't even notice it.
I was windows-free for a long time, but then I needed office, so I was back on Windows for a while. I tried using Open Office a few minutes ago and was disgusted.

I am running 32-bit Ubuntu on a 64-bit machine because no one has ever explained the advantages of using 64-bit to me. The downsides are enormous (like, everything is prone to crashing, and many drivers and some software are not supported). Also, I have 64-bit windows XP, which breaks in the most hilarious ways (I can't install home-built R packages because this version of Windows treats command line arguments inconsistently!)

Andy, you have too many dots in your versions. It's 9.04 because it's "April 2009". :)
I'm pulling my Thinkpad T2400 CPU out and replacing it with a Core 2 Duo T7400 so I'm eyeballing everything 64 bit.
Was looking at the 64 bit ubuntu Do It At Your Own Risk thread yesterday and I think I'll sit on the sideline for a while.
[ubuntu] Advantages and Disadvantages of 64bit. (Plus install Guides) - Ubuntu Forums

I have Windows 7 64-bit and MS SQL 2008 Server 64 bit waiting to be tried. From all account, neither MS or the open source camp has much success in providing a convincing 64-bit experience.

Virtualization software like VMWare has becoming very attractive these days. It's one of the reasons I upgrade my CPU to 64 bit to be able to run everything under one host machine.

---------- Post added at 01:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------

Andy, you have too many dots in your versions. It's 9.04 because it's "April 2009". :)
People definitely use it interchangeably (try google ubuntu 9.0.4) but it's good to know the real meaning of the version number. I always assume they follow the version number formatting.
I run the 9.04 64bit as my host system on both desktop and laptop. I run a 32bit xp vbox guest for those rare programs that were never ported to 64bit and I have a win7-64bit vbox guest for office. Like in Doug's case, I can't rely on open office for anything more serious than a simple spread sheet.

I haven't had any trouble with crashing or drivers not working, but then again my desktop is fairly new (I don't think anything is older than a a year since release in it) and I chose my laptop specifically to transfer to the 64bit systems at some point.

The only little bit of trouble I had was the first time I installed a kernel update and had to figure out how to install nvidia drivers from console.
Do you use a T400, Eugene? Is your chipset able to see full 4GB ram in 64 bit OS?
I have my T60 since 2006 and it's been extremely reliable (knock on wood) so I keep updating it instead of buying a new one. The Thinkpad series has one of the best support community so much of the problem can be solved by googling.
I have a new 320GB drive as main so it should accommodate the 100GB SQL server I run on it.
I think I'll host XP and guest 64 bit Ubuntu and Windows 7.
Wirelessly posted

My laptop is an x61, I forget the exact chipset. It can see all of my memory.
Sound volume now changes smoothly! Unbelievable
Sometimes, it feels like a random list of disabled device is generated for each Ubuntu release. I went through a dist-upgrade from 6.x to 9.0.4 and my volume bar indicator was alternatively working as the upgrade went through each release. If something does not work this cycle, it will work next, and so on.

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 for 64bit in my intel dual-core laptop along with windows xp (because some stupid South Korean web applications requires Internet Explorer only).

One simple but amazing thing is that I can see my Windows partition from Ubuntu OS. So I can access any file at that partition. You know that the other way is not possible.

I am now installing Eclipse with CDT, PTP, RSE, RDT.. to make high-performance computing environment. Always hard.
Can I run this on a Mac? How are the C++ compilers? I'm just trying to decide what Laptop to get for school. I'd like to have a Mac as I use music hardware (Protools HD etc), but I couldn't find too much info on how much coding trouble I would be getting into.
If you are using a mac just stick with OS X as it's unix based and xcode is a really good all around IDE.
Has any had any success using wine to run all their Win apps?
The latest wine does not run Outlook 2007 at all. I hear good things about Crossover Linux ($39) but have not tried it.

Not going to do the virtual machine route.
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