Hello, I am a high school senior planning on becoming a quant. Can anyone give me recommendations on where to go for undergrad and which major I should choose? I have been researching and found that I could major or get a degree in financial engineering/computational finance but I need some advice. CMU offers a bachelor's, master's and a PhD degree in computational finance. Does anyone know the difference between the 3 levels of computational finance offered by cmu in terms of prestige, recognition, opportunities, and difference in depth of knowledge/things taught? And is a mscf equivalent to msfe? What about Operations Research: Financial Engineering major from Columbia? Do I HAVE to go to graduate school to become a quant? or can I just major in financial engineering in undergrad? And if I majored in financial engineering in college, will I be repeating classes if I decide later on to get a masters for it?
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.