University of Toronto - Master of Mathematical Finance

Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dibbs
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Hi, I just received the online assessment yesterday. Can I ask whether the 10 questions can be asked separately( I mean for example, download one file and finish it today but answer another question tomorrow? ) Also, do I need to prepare some papers and pens to write the answers and use the scanner to upload? Thank you !
No you can't do them separately. It has to be downloaded, finished, and uploaded within 1 hour and 15 mins.
Just done the Skype interview one minust ago...
Shari's camera didn't work…so it was actually a phone interview. It muh shorter than I thought. I wish she could ask more :unsure:
Just done the Skype interview one minust ago...
Shari's camera didn't work…so it was actually a phone interview. It muh shorter than I thought. I wish she could ask more :unsure:
hehe thank you for your information~~wish you a good result~
Just done the Skype interview one minust ago...
Shari's camera didn't work…so it was actually a phone interview. It muh shorter than I thought. I wish she could ask more :unsure:
How long was ur interview? R u in Canada?
It started ten minutes early and last about fifteen minutes. I am in London.
I heard lots of interviews have already been done.
Has anyone received AD yet??
I heard that a few students interviewed in Vancouver have received AD.
Did her ask technical questions and how long is the interview?I have interview tomorrow:ninja: ~~anyway wish you a good result:)
yes, i did get some tech questions on Lenear Algebra and Stat, but not all people will be asked the tech questions.
it really depend on Shari's

Relax and Good luck
yes, i did get some tech questions on Lenear Algebra and Stat, but not all people will be asked the tech questions.
it really depend on Shari's

Relax and Good luck
haha thanks ~~wish I would not meet tech questions:P
I feel like they are notifying the domestic applicants first, but that is pure speculation.
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