What books are you currently reading?

He and his team probably won WWII. After the war he set up the military intelligence machine for the USA. I only heard about him from a BBC late-night program. The CIA tried to stop the book being published.

Story of Alan Turing’s spymaster boss Gordon Welchman | Daily Mail Online

He turned Alan Turing's idea into a working program. And he taught the world's first computer course.

And he was the inventor of traffic analysis and metadata.

Traffic analysis - Wikipedia

So, he invented the Cloud 50 years ago, essentially. It was kept secret until the 80s. My late stats prof Gordon Foster at Trinity College (inventor of ISBN) worked in Bletchley but no one knew that until quite recently. Sworn to secrecy.
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As part of my first year Bachelors of Science(Mathematics), I am studying Linear Algebra. Having studied some fundamental mathematical objects, I felt, having more mathematical maturity, & would be better equipped to learn modern probability. Linear algebra is also nice to know, if you wish to be apply machine learning algorithms or quantum algorithms.

I found videos by Prof K. Sivakumar on Youtube to be an excellent and rigorous introduction to linear algebra.

That's on my shelf. How is it?
I've only read the first 4 chapters. So far, it's exactly how he story tells during his interviews but more details on everything and personal life.

Will update when I have completed enough to form an opinion (and if you haven't started to read it yet).

Apologies for the late reply. A few weeks after I wrote that comment I had a realisation that the path I was following (quant-esque) was not deeply aligned with my "self", if you know what I'm saying. It just didn't feel right. I believe I was starry-eyed by the top guys in the business. I suddenly lost interest in quant-related matters and everything about Thorp.
Apologies for the late reply. A few weeks after I wrote that comment I had a realisation that the path I was following (quant-esque) was not deeply aligned with my "self", if you know what I'm saying. It just didn't feel right. I believe I was starry-eyed by the top guys in the business. I suddenly lost interest in quant-related matters and everything about Thorp.

Oh, well at least you had enough self-awareness to figure that out! Best of luck to you :)
(Proof) reading Financial Instrument Pricing using C++11, 2nd edition 2018 (the manuscript).
Alongside math (diff equations, vector calculus & numerical methods), I bought a copy of the good 'ol Stoustroup C++ 11, and another on F#. Its a lot of fun! Making my own small collection of numerical algorithms in C++, and hosting them on GitHub.
Creating categories of things and classifying things is part of cognitive psychology and has been around long before OOP. I recommend "The Organized Mind" by Daniel Levitin before jumping into volatile class hierarchies. It might be an eye-opener. The weakest link is the human brain; it plays tricks on you (like the bespoke erroneous Shape hierarchy in the OO literature).
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