What books are you currently reading?

The Seven Sisters, by Anthony Sampson: recounts the development of the seven major oil companies in the twentieth century and these multinationals' joint control of oil market alongside the OPEC cartel. Written in the 70's, it lends a historical perspective to understand the current geo-economics of oil industry and markets.
The Seven Sisters, by Anthony Sampson: recounts the development of the seven major oil companies in the twentieth century and these multinationals' joint control of oil market alongside the OPEC cartel. Written in the 70's, it lends a historical perspective to understand the current geo-economics of oil industry and markets.

He was a fine writer. I read "The Seven Sisters" many years back, along with "The Sovereign State of ITT" and "The Changing Anatomy of Britain," all of which were written during the '70s.

For the oil industry I would recommend Engdahl's "A Century of War."
He was a fine writer. I read "The Seven Sisters" many years back, along with "The Sovereign State of ITT" and "The Changing Anatomy of Britain," all of which were written during the '70s.
For the oil industry I would recommend Engdahl's "A Century of War."

I heard good things ( http://www.theoildrum.com/node/5107 ) about "Oil 101" by Morgan Downey, but haven't had a chance to take a look yet. Anyone else did and can share an opinion?
Primer for math of FE and Fooled by Randomness.... one is pain and the other is fun.... (not going to say which is which ;))
wondering what's the feedback from traders who read the book "fooled by randomness"
It appears Scott Patterson, author of "The Quants," will release his book on AI/HFT called "Dark Pools" on June 12. Can't wait for some more overzealous superlatives like this:

"A news-breaking account of the global stock market’s subterranean battles, Dark Pools portrays the rise of the “bots”– artificially intelligent systems that execute trades in milliseconds and use the cover of darkness to out-maneuver the humans who’ve created them."

An Introduction to Mathematics of Financial Derivatives 2nd Ed, Salih Neftci ....anyone has read it yet? I would like to ask some questions and share some opinions...thank you
An Introduction to Mathematics of Financial Derivatives 2nd Ed, Salih Neftci ....anyone has read it yet? I would like to ask some questions and share some opinions...thank you
I started reading it too but i jumped directly to the option part.
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