Where can I take a formal C++ course in New York City?


I am a newbie here and I have a quick question - Anyone know where I can take a qualified C++ course, ideally with reasonable cost, in NYC or Queens? I plan to apply for Brauch's MFE and I guess I can not get admitted without a C ++ class certification?

Stephen J
Maybe you could enroll in a summer/fall course at a CUNY School? BMCC? Queens College etc.. ?
Any CUNY college will do. You will pay identical tuition at any of these colleges.
You want to do at least 2 sequential courses. Check out the instructor and syllabus before you signup. Queens College, City College are in your desired location.
Hit the books and do the exercises in addition to taking formal classes.
Only Queens College among CUNY's affilicates offers C++ course?

Thanks Andy and Wallskyouch for the prompt feedback. I tried to check out each of the CUNY's colleges and I only found queens college offers C++ course called "Object Oriented Programming in C++" for fall/2008 semester. do you know if this something I should start with?

Stephen J
You have to contact the depts to see what languages they use. Some colleges will use a more general course title such as "Intro to Computer Programming I/II".
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