Winterfest 2008

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris
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Unfortunately, I have a family commitment to honor today... :(

Have a great party!!!
Me too, to a lesser extent though, :smt047 , wish you guys have fun!
Have a great time, everybody.

Sorry to miss the festivities, I'm travelling today.

Cheers to everybody that just finished the program, and have a beer or three for me.


See you in the new year, have a great holiday!
Thanks for the cookies. They are delicious ;)
And Hien, Thien Ly, thanks for hosting the party. One of the best parties I have since joining the program. You guys are the best.
Thanks a million, Hien and Thien Ly !!!
We had a great time tonight. I will miss such a wonderful party.
Thanks, Jake, the cookies are fantastic. Thanks hien, too. We really have great time today : )
Thanks Hien and Thien!!! The party was awesome!!!
Special thanks to Jacob, the cookies was so good that I even did not have a chance to take one, everybody finished it quickly!!! :D
Thanks all, glad you enjoyed those cookies, they are my favorite. I had a feeling the box was a little small...

Hien, sounds like you threw a great party, nice work. :tiphat:
Yeah. Thank you Jacob for the cookie.:)

And for Hien and your wife, thank you so much for hosting this great party!
Thank you Hien and Thien. It was a really wonderful get together. The hotpot and egg nog were delicious!!
Thanks Hien and Thien for the good time. Sorry I missed Jacob cookies.
It was nice to see everybody there and I'm glad that everybody had fun.

Congrats to Vadim, our poker champion! :prayer:
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