Wish list for QuantNet 2023 and beyond

I joined QuantNet couple of months back when I started to kickstart my career in the field of Quant Finance. It is a very focused forum for students as well as professionals inspiring to learn and gain insights on the field of quant finance and also browse across courses that are offered by various institutions across globe.
I was able to shortlist some of the best colleges for MS Finance from this forum which otherwise would not be easily possible and also not readily available outside.
1. For aggregating a lot of data on courses and colleges that can be readily used by any newbie who is planning to go for Quant programs (like me :)).
2. The tracker tool that really helps you access yourself against your peers applying to the same program.
3. The college Rankings page that helps you to filter and decide the best course in any college

Can be extended in future:
1. Some additional and detailed information about each course in the college, like the internship opportunities/difficulties.
2. Placements statistics for each college (the ones that openly share) and deep down on the major roles offered to students from that college (e.g. buy side, sell side)
3. Comparison feature to compare the coursework/curriculum between two or more colleges that can help students to understand which field (Quant/Computing/Finance) the course is majorly aligned.
4. Lastly, a small up/down arrow beside each college rank to show whether it went up/down in rank from previous year. And if so what is the major reason for that move (e.g. better or worse placements than previous year, better research progress …).
I am surprised I didn't think of this immediately, but my #1 wish is for a thoroughly updated edition of the "Master Reading List for Quants" Thread.
Even if many of the books are just newer editions of the old books, the list was made 16 years ago, it would be nice to know that the new edition was thought through and approved by those who are up to date.

I know that the list was given some additions, but there are many comments under it asking for an updated version. Let's revamp it so that it is the go-to study source again (plus the C++ courses).
Many of the authors in that list have unfortunately passed, retired, playing gauf or spending more time with the grandchildren.

My own books ->

At some point, I would love to implement a Compare function so members can select a few programs and be able to view them side by side. See how programs stack up against each other in employment stats, admission, acceptance rate, student profiles, cost, etc.
For me, I'd like to see a ranking for european financial engineering programmes. It's a shame that there's no ranking for european MFEs so far since there are very good european programmes such as Oxford MCFinance and Imperial MathFin.

Edit: Haha, I just saw this was mentioned by another member. Oops! I will be joining one of the above mentioned programmes in September, so I can help you with the rankings.
In the rankings you show the average starting salary per program, it would be nice to get more granular and show specific firms/job titles and the distribution of salaries.

Continually tracking post graduate salaries would be powerful. Most MBA programs show average 3 years out salaries.

I imagine something like an annual survey where you can post years of experience, what program/background you had, company / title and total comp numbers. And you would have to contribute to see the results.

Although typing that out I think people would be uncomfortable sharing their program + company/title since you could probably pretty easily back into who it is. Not that it really matters but still. Maybe its just like T5 quant program, Citadel Data Engineer, 3 YOE, xxx TC.

Just spamming ideas because i'm at work.
Not sure if, outside of the UK, European institutions track salaries, let alone placements. An alternative ranking system and list would be needed for Euro institutions. Enrollment is less compensation driven.
Industry experience in professors sounds funny to read with all of the banks that are on the brink these days. The industry isn't doing so well with its own experience.
I have some idea but need a way to implement them so I can build and scale it quickly. There aren't many great rankings around, are they?
There aren't a whole lot that I know of.

But the idea is good. Right now that page is very self-contained. And even if visitors click on the links to the programs reviews they are not exposed to any other parts of the website. Opening that up to organically flow into other areas is a good idea.

However, I do really like the look (and prominence on the toolbar up top) of the current rankings. Good luck figuring out how to balance/improve it. If I see any webpage designs I think could be helpful to look at I'll send them your way.
I have some idea but need a way to implement them so I can build and scale it quickly. There aren't many great rankings around, are they?
I think at the least the Table header should locked when scrolling. Right now, the header and the school rankings scroll. It should just be the schools that scroll so I always know what the columns mean.
I am thinking of a new layout for our popular ranking page to encourage people to explore more and hang around a bit longer.
Would it be possible to include a column for the average undergraduate GPA of the most recent incoming class for each program? Since it is anyways being used to calculate the rankings
Would it be possible to include a column for the average undergraduate GPA of the most recent incoming class for each program? Since it is anyways being used to calculate the rankings
Certainly possible when we revamp the layout a bit. Right now, it's a lot of data stretching the table width and I think there is better way to represent the data.
One feature that I would definitely like to see augmented is the social media aspect of QN.

I don't know if I'm alone on this, but what I usually do is that for really serious stuff (Books, Quant roles, interview questions, etc.) I use QN, but for more "chill" topics --like reading a post about a summer Intern complaining about GS and quitting after 1 HOUR of Interning-- I go to Wall Street Oasis.

So maybe do a subtle visual revamp and incentivize more day-to-day Quant posts?
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So I am wrapped up with the Advanced course (other than the final project) and wanted to check in on this. Is this course still in the works or not something that’s going to happen any time soon?
Not that I know of, but maybe someone is thinking about it..

What is needed?

1. People to do the actual work.
2. Feasability study.
3. Budget.
4. Project plan.

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