Would the CFA strengthen my application?

I have an Econ PhD and I am applying for MFE. I am a brand new Econ professor teaching Financial Econometrics. Would the CFA levee 1 help me to get into top 5 MFE or at this point I don't need it?
I don't think a CFA will help.

I'm not sure why you want an MFE if you have a nice professorship somewhere. Why give up a $180K salary doing low stress research to earn $120K starting as a quant? And why get an MFE if your PhD is basically a superset of that and allows you to apply just about anywhere for a quant role?
only full professors make that much... brand new assistant profs make about 70-90k
One of my grad student friends landed an asst. professorship paying $230K at a b-school. I don't want to know what full professors there earn.
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