Search results

  1. Connor

    Am I making the RIGHT move?

    I agree that there is no ideal candidate, but I would say that much of the general advice you will find here on this forum and online in general is more towards a "cookie-cutter" candidate. Common advice is to study math and take xyz math courses as bare minimal prerequisites, to have some...
  2. Connor

    Masters or Work Experience?

    Apply to both, you're not spreading yourself too thin. Unless you are lucky or well connected in the current economy applying to a larger number of places becomes necessary, and by applying to both jobs and graduate schools you cover yourself. I have a friend that has applied to probably close...
  3. Connor

    Must Take Undergraduate Math Courses ?

    in addition numerical analysis could be useful
  4. Connor

    What's wrong with the American university system

    The thing I don't like about the American class system is that we don't openly admit it. Sure if you asked people they would agree with the idea, but we as a society still cling to a misguided concept of equality and fairness.
  5. Connor

    Help for a future undergrad from Italy

    Getting a strong background in math and computer science (programming) is most important, as well as getting some exposure to finance such as the mathematical finance course that you can take in your 3rd year. Math and computer science are key though, you really can't take enough of either. So...
  6. Connor

    Goldman Sachs bans naughty words in email

    Low blow, but sadly true
  7. Connor

    High-frequency programmers revolt over pay

    I can understand the programmers point of view. There is basically a cap on their compensation while traders can wheel in the dough. But leaving their jobs to start on their own involves more risk. If this becomes a big enough deal, I can see some firms modifying compensation structures to...
  8. Connor

    What sort of educational track should I persue if I want to become a quant?

    Career development can be a *****. Sounds like you are do a great job of it so far though, just keep it up. The thing is that there is no one correct path to becoming a quant. Most advice is based on how someone that is a quant became one. By following a well trodden path (i.e. MFE) you lower...
  9. Connor

    Would you go work in Asia?

    I answered maybe because if I was offered a better offer in the US/Europe I would probably take it. But all else equal I would go to Asia, would be an amazing adventure (for the record I have no Asian heritage and when I visited China I was the tall white guy people wanted to take a picture...
  10. Connor

    UK University MFE MFM Comparisons

    A quick look at the Cass business school programs and they all look very similar to me, but looking at the listed elective MSc Quantitative Finance and MSc Financial Mathematics seem to have more programming. You may also want to consider the Imperial business school's MSc Risk Management and...
  11. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Master in Finance should be a more general finance degree, but depending on the program you can take many financial engineering/quant finance electives. I suggested this as an option because there are probably more good masters in finance programs in the US than MFE programs and I think it would...
  12. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Your low GPA will make it difficult for you to get into top programs. Take a look at the QuantNet rankings: You may also want to look at other masters as a way into finance, for example masters in finance or applied math In your...
  13. Connor

    EDHEC Business School

    Here's the link for the PhD program: Masters or PhD is really up to you. I guess it depends on what you want to do. If you just want to be in Europe, then a PhD would allow you to work in industry if you got a job...
  14. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Getting a 800 quant score on the GRE is a must these days with so much competition. I personally think applying to 13 programs is alot, pick a few programs at the top, middle, and a few on the lower end. Check out this review on Georgia Tech:
  15. Connor

    Masters or Get a Random Finance Job?

    Does doing the math course guarantee entry to the masters? Just curious. Go for the job.
  16. Connor

    EDHEC Business School

    I don't know about that program but EDHEC is fairly well ranked/regarded. Location worries me somewhat because most jobs you will be looking at won't be in Nice. But on the plus side it looks like they require you to do an internship in your chosen field which would help. In my opinion a key...
  17. Connor

    Jamie Dimon's 2010 Summer Reading List for Interns

    Thank you bigbadwolf
  18. Connor

    Paul Craig Roberts' latest

    Hmm this scares me because it sounds possible. That or I watch too many post-apocalyptic sci-fi movies...
  19. Connor

    Jamie Dimon's 2010 Summer Reading List for Interns

    Anything else you would recommend bigbadwolf? I'm always looking for new things to read. Perhaps a bigbadwolf reading list is in order.
  20. Connor

    MSc in High Frequency Finance and Trading

    "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." You can always do a MBA or executive MBA later if you want to.
  21. Connor

    What sort of educational track should I persue if I want to become a quant?

    It's not that knowledge of finance isn't required, but learning finance is much easier than learning math. For example, when I was looking for jobs last year, many investment management firms and banks were willing to take smart people with whatever background and train them in...
  22. Connor

    What sort of educational track should I persue if I want to become a quant?

    1) Go to a good university, the "best" you can given cost, location, and other limitations. 2) Math is king. You probably can't take enough math, which basically means you end up majoring in math. 3) You need to know how to program, but how much computer science you take should be based on how...
  23. Connor

    Working at Goldman Sachs London for a female professional?

    Politics are everywhere, you really can't escape them. I think whether you plan to stay at GS or not the experience will be great (cv builder). I read an article once about a female president I think it was at GS, from my understanding they are fairly supportive of mothers as long as you...
  24. Connor

    MSc in High Frequency Finance and Trading

    Other UK universities I would shoot for first.
  25. Connor

    Finance Major looking to get into a MFE program.

    Take a look at this other thread: Some good info there. Someone mentions Columbia having good online courses but being expensive. Because you have little/no math background (I assume), self-study isn't really an option so you are left...
  26. Connor

    UCB MFE Should I even try to apply for spring 2011 ?

    Then wait for the next round, strengthen your application while you wait, and apply at the earliest. Good luck!
  27. Connor

    UCB MFE Should I even try to apply for spring 2011 ?

    If you can make the deadline then all you have to lose is the application fee.
  28. Connor

    EDA or OR?

    Looking at the different tracks briefly (as they are fairly complex to an outsider), I would say it matters less which track you take and more what electives you take. Some electives that sound promising are: Econ 3150 - Econ & Fin Modeling Mgmt 3078 - Fin and Investments ISyE 4031 -...
  29. Connor

    Future of finance?

    The skills you learn in a MFE will be applicable for a long time. You could always consider a dual MBA/MFE, that way you would be covered.
  30. Connor

    PhD in Finance vs. Graduate Program in Investment Banking

    I say go for the trainee program, you shouldn't need another degree masters or phd to do some of the things you listed. It is possible to go into academia to teach with experience and no PhD. In the US and the UK I have had professors without PhDs but with real world experience. Regarding #4...
  31. Connor

    Investment actuary to quant?

    I don't know your background but strong math is needed as a quant. And depending on where you live you may need to relocate for a MFE or even a job in finance anyway. While you shouldn't pursue a PhD for the sole purpose/plan of becoming a quant, many PhD programs fully fund their students...
  32. Connor

    Is it possible for anyone with moderate skills in mathematics to fulfill PhD in Finance?

    How much math you need also depends on your research interests.
  33. Connor

    Is it possible for anyone with moderate skills in mathematics to fulfill PhD in Finance?

    I think you have enough math to succeed in a finance phd program. The question is how much math does the admissions board want?? No one really knows for sure, and some people assume more math is better. I agree with Yike Lu. Something to consider is what you want to do. For example if you are...
  34. Connor

    MFE and Actuarial test

    With a GPA that low you will find it difficult to get into a top program in any field I'm thinking. My advice would be to get another degree (undergrad/graduate) at a decent local university and then do really well, after which you should be able to find a job with your actuarial exams passed.
  35. Connor

    Operations Research students and Quant jobs.

    I think you would have similar skills/knowledge just without the focus on finance. I think with OR, how you market yourself would play a big role as well as work experience/internships. But I'm just guessing...
  36. Connor

    CMU MSCF CMU Undergraduate Computational Finance

    I would question the BSBA. Business Administration without a concentration isn't very useful for anything in my opinion, and a degree in Finance-only doesn't make you very competitive. You should ultimately study something that interests you, but I will say in my opinion business overall...
  37. Connor

    Finance BBA or Economics BS?

    I'm not 100% sure on how BBA vs BS will be viewed but in my opinion a BS is more quantitative and rigorous. I would say option 2 (Econ with CS minor) because economics underlies much of finance and business degrees are sometimes viewed as easy (rightfully so from my experience). Option 5 would...
  38. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    800 quant score on GRE is always a plus. You need to demonstrate an interest in finance through self-study, taking a few courses, or CFA level 1.
  39. Connor

    My Next steps...

    I know, generally when I hear people say technical degree they mean something like engineering. Hence, engineering would be considered a technical degree. The best majors/degrees for FE are usually not easy :D
  40. Connor


    The program at University of Minnesota is new and from other posts doesn't sound great, but if you have don't have the option to leave MN and you want to get a job in MN afterward then you aren't left with many options. On the other hand, if you want a job say on Wall Street then take more math...
  41. Connor

    My Next steps...

    Engineering, computer science, maybe a hard science like physics
  42. Connor

    Financial Engineering research

    I believe there are very few financial math PhD programs, and I feel such a PhD is very narrow in focus. I would probably recommend considering either a PhD in statistics or applied math that would allow you to focus on finance in your research. Some PhD programs allow you to also do a masters...
  43. Connor

    Is it legal to bet on football online while here in US

    Not 100% sure but if you are currently in the US then I think yes it is illegal.
  44. Connor

    A recent engineering graduate looking for advice

    For MFE I would recommend more math and programming courses. But because of your background I would also recommend going the engineering route. Get a job and some work experience or do a masters/PhD in engineering
  45. Connor

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    I'm currently reading Gold-Trading-Boot-Camp-Commodities But still too early to recommend or not
  46. Connor

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    I refuse to get an iPhone because they are so closed. Planning to get either an Android phone or Blackberry. Same issue with iPad, waiting for someone to make a decent, cheaper clone.
  47. Connor

    The value of Wharton brand

    I think this could happen at other schools if they aren't careful. This case seems to have been a problem of wording and the fact that they were trying to use the Wharton name without actually being under Wharton control/influence. Most of the joint programs/dual degrees I have looked at...
  48. Connor

    Java vs .NET - the movie

    lol excellent, i would see that movie ;)
  49. Connor

    My Next steps...

    I've looked at doing a second bachelors, and it really depends on the university. One local university I applied to had no limit on the number of transfer credits meaning that I can skip all the boring stuff, i.e. art history. The only requirement is that at least 30 hours be completed at the...
  50. Connor

    2 years till graduation.

    It's possible. No way to know for sure until you try. To better your chances, take lots of math courses and learn to program. A high GRE score is important for US programs, not sure about UK. Look at the requirements of a few top programs you are interested in.
  51. Connor

    2 years till graduation.

    Strengthen your math and programming skills. One route into becoming a quant is working as an engineer first and gaining that knowledge and experience. My advice would be to apply for engineering masters or MFE programs in the US or UK.
  52. Connor

    The GMAT Gets a Makeover

    Sounds like a good change to me. Writing skills are important but because the writing score was never part of the composite score it wasn't really a key part in admission decisions. So what's the point? Plus they had to do something to compete with the growing popularity of the GRE
  53. Connor

    COMPARE Columbia MS Statistics or Rutgers Mathematical Finance

    Apply to both. I would almost lean towards Columbia's MA in Stats because it is quantitative on the one hand but isn't solely focused on finance but can be applied more widely. Plus it looks like in the Stats program you may be able to take electives covering mathematical finance topics. (And of...
  54. Connor

    CMU MSCF CMU Undergraduate Computational Finance

    CMU is a good school, congrats. My concern is limiting factor of computational finance. Can you get a job outside of finance with it?? Thus I would recommend the minor in computer science because it compliments computational finance but also broadens your range of skills for other potential jobs.
  55. Connor

    MFE Straight from University

    I think it depends on what you want to do after graduating. The people in my MSc Finance program that received job offers so far had done previous finance internships, while those of us without have been struggling. So I think you will be able to get a job, but whether it is exactly what you...
  56. Connor

    High Freq. Trading option for a confused EE&CS student.

    This seems like a decent plan and a fair assumption, but I wouldn't use the word "easily" ;)
  57. Connor

    High Freq. Trading option for a confused EE&CS student.

    There are always different paths to take. Not I may be wrong but I would be surprised if you could just get a MFE then go straight into HFT. My understanding was that it is very technical. Looking at the profile of Serge Aleynikov, a programmer at Goldman Sachs that was in the news previously...
  58. Connor

    Advice about Retaking a Class

    Agree, don't retake it but take something else useful
  59. Connor

    IT setup when starting MFE program?

    I'm using an Ideapad from Lenovo which I really like especially compared to my last Dell laptop. (I wanted a ThinkPad but so much more expensive). OpenOffice is another free option for document work.
  60. Connor

    Admissions to Masters Degree in Finance

    One tip I read about somewhere for math courses was even the actual courses you have taken don't have specific topic names like "Linear Algebra I" then you can include short course descriptions from your university so the admissions board has an idea of what topics you covered in say for example...
  61. Connor

    Admissions to Masters Degree in Finance

    I think relevant financial work experience would help your application, but I don't believe not having it would hurt you. How much math courses you took could be an issue. For GRE 800 quant score is necessary, but I feel that your verbal is low. GRE verbal can be very difficult because of the...
  62. Connor

    active duty military personnel and distance learning degrees?

    In terms of versatility, I would recommend Statistics and MBA. All forms of business are becoming more mathematical, even Google hires statisticians. Another option you could consider post-commitment is a dual MBA/MFE. I know that Columbia and NYU have these.
  63. Connor

    Where to watch World cup for free

    I use this site to watch sporting events:
  64. Connor

    Masters Degree

    Depends on how they define work experience. Sometimes work experience is considered only full time work as an employee; having done a relevant internship will help in finding a job after completing a masters.
  65. Connor

    Undergraduate help (Sophomore)

    More stat classes and econometrics are good to take, but it really depends on what you can realistically fit in and what is offered. It's going to be hard to be a super-applicant all around (but not impossible, will just require taking more courses or lots of self-study). Your best bet is to be...
  66. Connor

    Undergraduate help (Sophomore)

    It slightly depends on what you are interested in doing overall. The CS minor looks adequate for admission but if you are interested in a more developer role where you would be primarily coding, then more is better. But the math is not enough, you will need to take more math (either just...
  67. Connor

    COMPARE CMU MSCF vs ETH Zurich M Quant. Finance

    Probably not impossible to do the CMU MSCF and get a job in Zurich, but if Zurich is where you want to end up doing the ETH program is a better plan in my opinion. There are also a few MFE programs in the UK that would allow you to get a job in Europe, if you wanted more choices. I don't know...
  68. Connor

    COMPARE CMU MSCF vs ETH Zurich M Quant. Finance

    Try these:
  69. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    GPA is a bit low For a top program you will need 800 on the quant section of GRE. I'm told GRE math is super hard, only take it if you are really sure you can do well. Look to score 75+ percentile Math and programming sound pretty good CFA level 1 isn't necessary but it will teach you some...
  70. Connor

    Rutgers MSMF would i be in over my head for Rutgers MSMF?

    I think the math/cs double major is a good one for MFE, and you should also consider other similar programs as well.
  71. Connor

    What aspect of Computer Science is important?

    Do which ever interests you most, and then double major in mathematics.
  72. Connor

    Advice for an undergrad student

    I agree with mag regarding the book. There is no one sure path to becoming a quant. Relevant work experience is going to help you more than hurt you, the question is whether you can get a job after undergrad. Getting a PhD to become a quant is tricky because PhD programs assume they are...
  73. Connor


    I say advanced C++
  74. Connor

    Did i mess up my chances for a good MFE program?

    Very sensible, good luck!
  75. Connor

    Did i mess up my chances for a good MFE program?

    Yes I think it will hurt your chances of getting into a top program, but I would think you would be able to get into a MFE program somewhere. What is your programming background like? As you said relevant work experience is not required, but it is helpful in getting a job afterward. I see your...
  76. Connor

    COMPARE Columbia Math Finance or CMU MSCF

    Agreed, CMU is a good program but the NY campus isn't the main campus so many of the courses are virtual. Go with Columbia in my opinion.
  77. Connor

    Intro Book to Quant Finance

    Try: My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance How I Became a Quant There is also the master reading list linked below in my signature
  78. Connor

    How do you prepare for a rejection, advice needed

    You need different things on your application to get into a MFE program compared to a PhD program (assuming in finance).
  79. Connor

    How do you prepare for a rejection, advice needed

    Yeah I wouldn't recommend saying that you might go for a PhD in your personal statement as MFE are generally considered professional/practical degrees. What should you do if you get rejected by all? My first question is what do you want to do exactly because if you are considering a PhD why...
  80. Connor

    Last year undergrad

    If you have no programming experience I would recommend the C programming class. Define "good mfe program". I think you would have trouble getting into a top 5. If you want to go to a top MFE program I would recommend getting a relevant job if you can (following Ken's advice) or maybe even...
  81. Connor

    About the prerequisite course of MFE

    I don't think the Sub test will add much to your application. If you can't take more math classes then there isn't much you can do. But as I said, what you listed should be enough to get accepted somewhere.
  82. Connor

    About the prerequisite course of MFE

    Take more math courses.
  83. Connor

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    To start your own firm you will need experience in another firms before investors will trust you with their money. From an individual standpoint, if the CS/SE side is what interests you focus on that in your career/education pursuits. From a group perspective with your friends, if all of you...
  84. Connor

    Is a Quant.fin route a wise one?

    No one knows for certain the required skills/knowledge in 5/6 years, but the general trend in finance (and possibly soon to follow other disciplines) is a move towards the quantitative. Maybe consider majoring in engineering and minor in stats?
  85. Connor

    About the prerequisite course of MFE

    Looks good except for no stochastic processes or partial diff eq. First I don't believe the GRE Math test covers these 2 topics and second I've heard it is very difficult and it's not worth taking unless you can get say 85%+ You have covered a majority of the prereqs and can probably get into...
  86. Connor

    Is a Quant.fin route a wise one?

    What interests you more engineering or math/stats?
  87. Connor

    Is a Quant.fin route a wise one?

    I second Andy's comment. Also doing an understand quant fin degree doesn't give you many options in the future. I would recommend something else
  88. Connor

    Undergraduate Advice

    While I agree that undergrad is a time of discovery both personally and academically, I think there is a real danger of becoming limited in what options are available to you. For example, if you major in finance in undergrad because finance interests you but then in your senior year realize that...
  89. Connor

    Is a MFE program really for me?

    Two of the main MFE requirements are math and programming, and you will have candidates strong in both or stronger in one or the other. You will need to take more math to at least meet the minimum prereq requirements, but other than that focus on your programming knowledge/experience. I...
  90. Connor

    Second bachelor at OR in columbia or master in econ at nyu?

    Math/stats helpful for a career in IB? probably debatable but more useful than OR and I would say more flexible in terms of jobs than econ If you are interested in finance then yes I would recommend going with NYU based on your options (deferring only makes sense if you can get a job otherwise...
  91. Connor

    Second bachelor at OR in columbia or master in econ at nyu?

    From my experience IBs like students with relevant job experience and they seem to hire alot of MBAs (at least historically). I don't think OR helps you much for what you are wanting to do (corporate finance/ibanking), Econ will probably be better but not by much. I guess it's too late to get...
  92. Connor

    Second bachelor at OR in columbia or master in econ at nyu?

    Have you tried getting a job? Your current qualifications should be enough for what you listed. Operations research isn't really necessary for corporate finance or ibanking but then neither is a masters in econ...
  93. Connor

    Baruch MFE Programming education

    Have you tried to teach yourself programming yet? I tried to teach myself programming and was unable to do so effectively (might have been because I was like 12 at the time) and found a class a good way to get the basics down.
  94. Connor

    Undergraduate Advice

    I second what Andy says. The thing about undergrad finance majors (in my opinion) is that they (1) are too easy, (2) include a lot of other general business courses so don't require taking many actual finance courses, (3) don't prepare you for a number of finance roles, and (4) finance is easy...
  95. Connor

    Undergraduate Advice

    Take a look at Berkeley's prereqs to get an idea: Take what math you are able and allowed to take, that's all you can do. But remember that your application will be up against people with degrees (possibly masters) in math and...
  96. Connor

    Undergraduate Advice

    Welcome Mike Whether going to UF disadvantages you or not is hard to say and doesn't really matter for you at this point. Best thing is to not worry about it and focus on doing well, something you can control. You will definitely need that second major as a finance major alone will not be...
  97. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    How strong is your math?
  98. Connor

    About Financial Mathematics Bar Ilan University

    MFE programs in the US are usually 1 to 1.5 years long so transferring really isn't an option. The curriculum looks decent but the fact that it is a brand new program causes some hesitation. It will probably be fine if you want to pursue a job in Israel, otherwise I wouldn't recommend doing it.
  99. Connor

    Where to start?

    First welcome to the forum! Please check out this thread which deals with a similar case: You never know how things will change so in undergrad you should study something that interests you. I suggest going for physics if you...
  100. Connor

    Need Help with Profile

    I think your profile is pretty strong. Math: It looks like you've covered most of the basic math requirements for admission, but realize that some applicants to top programs will have stronger math backgrounds. So if you have the ability to take a few extra math courses before applying, it...
  101. Connor

    How important is Java?

    I don't believe it means that you only learn one programming language your whole life, but that when first starting out focus your efforts and get good at one. What's more valuable/useful: being a top C++ programmer or knowing how to write a "Hello world" program in 20 different languages?
  102. Connor

    How important is Java?

    I don't remember where, but I read that some people are worried about the future of Java since Oracle took over Sun. Worried as in Java will completely go away or will lose its viability as enterprise level language. And the advice I always hear regarding what programming language is to just...
  103. Connor

    Conflicting Advice

    I don't think the jobs requiring 2-5 years are impossible but they probably will be looking for someone with more finance related experience. Draw some parallels between what you have done in the past being applicable to what you are applying for and some self-study in finance will help. At the...
  104. Connor

    How important is Java?

    I've seen a few quant ads asking for Java experience, but in my opinion if you know C++ already, Java is a breeze. A few books I've used:
  105. Connor

    Why Do Harvard Kids Head to Wall Street?

    A good read. I think it brings up some interesting questions/problems regarding education and recruitment. Regarding education, one thing that bothers me is that if you are interested in finance as a career, finance probably is not the thing you should study at university. According to this...
  106. Connor

    best C++ beginner book

    #2 Absolute C++
  107. Connor

    COMPARE LSE fin math vs oxford MCF

    Work experience would definitely help afterward, but can you defer admission?
  108. Connor

    We are Wall Street ... we are smarter

    As ThinkDifferent pointed out arrogant, but I think it's catchy :D
  109. Connor

    We are Wall Street ... we are smarter

    I thought it was funny, an amusing read to start the day. But I couldn't stomach too many comments, just more people bitching...
  110. Connor

    About using R program in Finance

    The master reading list linked below in my signature has many books on programming and specific languages. I recently picked up "Introductory Statistics with R" by Peter Dalgaard from my university library but have looked at it yet.
  111. Connor

    Baruch MFE Do i have a chance?

    The first next step would be to read many of the threads under Education. Admission requirements and preparation are discussed. What does your background in mathematics and programming look like?
  112. Connor

    COMPARE LSE fin math vs oxford MCF

    LSE has the location advantage of being in London so interviews and assessment centers will be easier to get to, but I would think the Oxford brand would go along way. On another note I believe both of their programs are relatively new.... Personally I would go to Oxford because of the atmosphere.
  113. Connor

    How I became a Quant? - Toronto

    What was their conclusion? Can you elaborate any on this? Thanks.
  114. Connor

    COMPARE LSE fin math vs oxford MCF

    Compare the curriculum of the programs and chose the one that most interests you. Also consider whether you want to live in London or Oxford for the duration of your MSc.
  115. Connor

    A question about taking the GRE test

    I believe they look at the highest score
  116. Connor

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but most likely to be able to implement AI/machine learning on the market would require a PhD in CS? At least from getting a job doing it perspective.
  117. Connor

    Aspiring Quant - the math way or the econ/finance way?

    2,3, and 4. Finance is easy compared to math, computer science or engineering. You can always self-study finance and if you plan to get a PhD you will have plenty of time to pick up a few finance courses later.
  118. Connor

    UCB MFE Should I retake the GRE?

    Depends on the rest of your application. For a weak application, high test scores are needed to compensate for other things. For a strong application, a high test score just gets you over the threshold. If it was me I wouldn't retake it unless I has very sure of getting 800 on the next try.
  119. Connor

    Young person seeking advise

    Welcome to the forum! First, here are a few links to threads dealing with a similar question to your own that you might find useful:
  120. Connor

    COMPARE Tepper MSCF vs Stanford Engineering (advice)

    I agree with Stanford and the dual masters idea.
  121. Connor

    part time vs full time, advice needed

    Part time. You will miss out on some of the career services but can still network with professors and other students. Plus the added experience will be a bonus if you decide to look for another job elsewhere after the program.
  122. Connor

    Is my program choice flawed? and ideas about Columbia's M in Statistics

    Try starting a new thread for your question. ;)
  123. Connor

    Baruch MFE Polytech's MS Financial Engineering

    You'll want to gain some basic programming knowledge either through self-study or a class. Otherwise you risk struggling in the program or possibly lowering your chances of acceptable.
  124. Connor

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy Birthday!! =D>
  125. Connor

    Would you take Numerical Analysis if it uses Mathematica?

    Hopefully the professor will approve Joy's suggestion. And if you can't find another PDE I would think it worthwhile to take NA this summer and then PDE in the fall.
  126. Connor

    Would you take Numerical Analysis if it uses Mathematica?

    I agree that doing it with Mathematica is not as good as using C++ or Matlab but I also think you have to take into consideration how it will affect your schedule.
  127. Connor

    Undergraduate study.

    I agree with roni, Joy and Andy before. First you need a better idea of what you want to do and whether a MFE is even right for you. Second, I think what Joy said was so important that I will repeat. It is important to pick a degree that interests you and would allow you to get a job...
  128. Connor

    Is my program choice flawed? and ideas about Columbia's M in Statistics

    Are we assuming that "technical material" specifically means financial engineering? If not, then any of the three could be considered technical.
  129. Connor

    Baruch MFE Which Undergrad major to take?

    Accounting and Statistics and Quantitative Modeling. This would allow you to do the 4+1 masters in accounting if you decided to go that route or do a MFE. Or both masters if you really wanted
  130. Connor

    Baruch MFE Which Undergrad major to take?

    Accounting can be good for corporate finance; if this is what you want to do I would recommend doing the 4+1 degree that prepares you to take the CPA (a number of senior corporate finance positions want/require a CPA). Good chance of getting a job here because you can do either accounting or...
  131. Connor

    Baruch MFE Which Undergrad major to take?

    Do you have a career in mind? What are your interests? Because FE and accounting are very different things in my mind.
  132. Connor


    Like Andy said location is important. Where do you want to get a job afterward? Expense may also be an issue for you. NYC and London are probably similar in price but going from USD to Pounds you will lose some. Look at the curriculum and courses for the two programs and compare to what your...
  133. Connor

    Post Baccalaureate programs for quant/ programming classes?

    I also agree that it makes more sense to stay at your current undergrad. A very few MFE students go on to PhD, but if you want a PhD you can go into a program straight from your undergrad. And in some cases you will be able to take MFE classes as electives for your PhD (or I remember there was...
  134. Connor

    Quant Job Prospects Post 2011

    Someone made a very good point in another thread (can't remember who) in that they said there will probably be greater demand for quant-type roles in other fields outside of finance in the near future, so the skills will be valuable but whether you will be able to get a quant job in finance is...
  135. Connor

    Is my program choice flawed? and ideas about Columbia's M in Statistics

    One thing to consider which was mentioned in another thread is that a MFE prepares you for a very specific field while a masters in statistics can apply across many fields. I see this as an advantage if you are worried about getting a job, and open to non-finance positions. Looking at...
  136. Connor

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    Rankings that tell me that programs like NYU, CMU, and Berkeley are at the top doesn't seem so useful to me. I think of more usefulness is ranking schools outside the top 5 or 10.
  137. Connor

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    1) I disagree with location. First, what would you define as financial centers? I think the important aspects of location are captured in job placements. The assumption is that if your program is closer to a financial center than it will be easier to get a job, but if you get a good job who...
  138. Connor

    “Hot Girls” Still Love Wall Street

    Reminds me of that beautiful people only dating website.
  139. Connor

    Quants' Perception of Southern Methodist University?

    I went to UT Dallas double majoring in finance and accounting and minoring in computer science (started out in engineering and wish I had stayed in it) Now doing a masters in finance in the UK If you have the stomach for it, a double major/double minor covering math, computer science, finance...
  140. Connor

    Should I transfer or not......PLEASE HELP ASAP

    Yeah you should change majors. I double majored in Finance and Accounting and it hasn't really helped much.
  141. Connor

    Quants' Perception of Southern Methodist University?

    Being from Dallas, I feel I must answer this one. From my experience SMU has a pretty good reputation nationwide because their MBA and law programs are both fairly decent (USNews: MBA 47, Law 49). It also really depends on what you want to study. Looking at their website, they have some nice...
  142. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Your experience should help you but your math grades are low. Do well on the GRE quant section
  143. Connor


    Gonna be hard for anyone to top goat's testicles....
  144. Connor

    Various Compilers

    have you looked at Eclipse?
  145. Connor


    Buffalo burger, duck tongue
  146. Connor

    COMPARE Umich VS Stony Brook (Ph.D)

    Doing a MFE or a PhD is a completely different thing. I think a PhD is overkill if you want to be an analyst.
  147. Connor

    Undergraduate Advice

    I had never heard of Swarthmore before but looking at their website it looks like a nice place. But from a future perspective you need to consider job placements or grad school placements for after you graduate. First off I am a promoter of double majors; I believe there are a few members here...
  148. Connor

    Various Compilers

    Last I heard Bloodshed had stopped development and was no longer being updated, has this changed?
  149. Connor

    Undergraduate Advice

    Northwestern or CMU. But the more specific you are the more we can specifically help you. :D By keeping your options open do you mean in general or open within the field of finance? Are you leaning towards a math degree? Engineering? Computer Science? Etc? What are your general interests...
  150. Connor

    MsC ETHZ Quantitative Finance - phd

    Think I'm leaning towards the MSc Quant Fin. Main background needed for PhD in finance/FE is the math and some programming, exposure to finance is good but I believe if you look at US PhD finance programs at least a number of students have engineering backgrounds.
  151. Connor

    MsC ETHZ Quantitative Finance - phd

    First, it depends on the role you want in quant finance. A quant researcher will deal more with theory and developing of models while a quant developer focuses more on programming and implementation (some places have you doing both). If you aren't interested in only doing programming than a MSc...
  152. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    Yes it should be enough to meet the minimum requirements.
  153. Connor

    COMPARE LSE Vs. Cornell

    Where do you want to work after? US or UK? The LSE program looks like more pure statistics compared to Cornell (should have guessed as much from the program names), and at Cornell it looks like you could take more finance-oriented electives. Cornell gets my vote.
  154. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    I think a postgrad would look better for MFE application and future job applications over another undergrad.
  155. Connor

    financial economics

    I would say not necessarily. While some finance jobs will be open to both, a MFE better prepares you for more quantitative roles unless you already have a strong math background.
  156. Connor

    Ask for advice

    Depends what you want to do, I believe we have a number of members here that have done a MFE and gone into trading. Historically having an engineering job, then getting CFA and going for a MBA could get you in at an IB but whether this trend will continue in the future it is hard to say. If...
  157. Connor

    Ebook Reader

    I have a B&N Nook, but the only technical books I have tried on it are in PDF format and come out horrible. So far though regular books in an ebook format are nice. I'm interested in iPad clones or 2nd generation tablets for ebook reading...
  158. Connor

    Ask for advice

    Getting a MFE doesn't mean you have to become a quant. A MFE gives you a strong quantitative financial background that can allow you to pursue a variety of finance jobs.
  159. Connor

    Any good quant PhD program that offers spring admission?

    never heard of a finance PhD program that lets you start in spring...
  160. Connor

    CMU MSCF first post, but a pretty good one. help/advice is appreciated!

    Getting a job on wall street is pretty broad, and you can get a job there without a mfe. It just helps to have a mfe and some quant roles may require a higher level of education (beyond undergrad)
  161. Connor

    COMPARE Advice - ETH Zurich, Quant Finance vs Top US Schools

    If you want to end up in london, best bet is to go to a london-based program or oxbridge. otherwise go with ucb
  162. Connor

    COMPARE Advice - ETH Zurich, Quant Finance vs Top US Schools

    I second the question on where you want to live/work after the program? Also, most Swiss banks/firms that I have looked at require German language skills (sometimes also French) so keep this in mind.
  163. Connor

    CMU MSCF first post, but a pretty good one. help/advice is appreciated!

    Differential equations. CMU's program is computational finance, so I would lean towards more C++ beyond an introductory course. I wouldn't take too many FE electives in Hong Kong because then what's the point of getting a MFE? Take a few basic FE courses to get the basics and demonstrate your...
  164. Connor

    iPad, do you iWant?

    I'm waiting for the improved, cheaper version from Apple's competitors
  165. Connor

    Books for exotic options

    Hull covers some basic exotic options
  166. Connor

    Should people with a degree in fin/biz/eco take the lvl 1 CFA exam ?

    If you have already studied finance then I would focus on the GRE/GRE math first then worry about CFA
  167. Connor

    Should people with a degree in fin/biz/eco take the lvl 1 CFA exam ?

    Agree with alain that it will only help you, but it also depends on what you want to do. Assuming you are asking if there is value in lvl 1 CFA after a degree in fin/biz/eco then I can tell you that the lvl 1 CFA goes beyond an undergrad curriculum in fin/biz/eco. I have even heard it being...
  168. Connor

    Stanford seeks to create new breed of engineer

    Without looking into the program at depth I can't be certain, but from the article it didn't sound like Stanford was moving away from a technically rigorous engineering program. I think they are trying to do two things: (1) diversify the education of a traditional engineering student to better...
  169. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    I believe many programs specifically want GRE over GMAT but assuming you get a high GMAT, it won't hurt you (but still will have to take GRE).
  170. Connor

    Just how important is career service from the MFE program?

    I view placement services and statistics as very different. A program could have amazing statistics and no placement service if the students are great and motivated to seek a job. I would go with the brand name unless the program's services were absolutely amazing, I'm talking guaranteeing me a...
  171. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    A postgrad in math will strengthen your application, but can't say it will put you above average because I don't know what the average applicant is. For example here is some profile info for 2010 Berkeley MFE: 87% of the students who took the GRE earned a perfect score. 68% were in the 94-96th...
  172. Connor

    Reputed Phd Programs in Quantfin?

    Checked out Princeton, you can do finance for your PhD but it is under economics. The BCF does not directly admit Ph.D. students. Typically, Ph.D. students in the BCF are admitted by the Department of Economics, the Department of ORFE, or the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics.
  173. Connor

    Reputed Phd Programs in Quantfin?

    Afraid the only quant finance specific PhD I have heard about is Stony Brook. You may be better off just doing a finance/math PhD at a reputable (big name) university and focusing your research on quant finance.
  174. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    Agree with goodstudent, these are the minimum and your application will be up against people with strong math backgrounds (math majors, engineers, etc). The program you linked before covered many of these I believe...
  175. Connor

    What should I do now? (Help with Education/Career Decisions)

    1. CFA won't hurt you, and could help you get a job in finance but adds little value to MFE application (in comparison to other things). 2. It's a tough job market right now, hang in there. 3. No clue. Education is always a plus in my book but you don't want two degrees that are too similar.
  176. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    Whether you can get away with self-studying and the admissions believing you is outside my knowledge, so I'll leave that for someone else to comment on. Looking at a few of the top 10 MFEs according to QuantNet namely CMU, Baruch, Stanford, and Berkeley, here is a sample of their prereq math...
  177. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    MFE aren't going to teach you the basics but assume a certain level of knowledge and then apply it to finance. Looking at the link for honours in math, I would personally go for the Mathematical Statistics option. Either way it's up to you. Most MFE programs have a list of prereq math...
  178. Connor

    looking for advise in MFE

    I don't know much about undergrad finance degrees in New Zealand but from my experience with them in the US they generally lack the required math and programming that MFEs (and quant careers) require. Self-study is useful to a point and is probably easiest with programming because at the end of...
  179. Connor

    Getting started

    CFA isn't necessarily for admission and doesn't add much value as a quant. Many take it as a way to get some basic finance knowledge and to show an interest in finance. No harm in applying now, you either get in now or not in which case you move on or strengthen your application/cv. If you...
  180. Connor

    Could I get that list of companies hiring in Canada you mentioned in "Take unsupported PhD...

    Could I get that list of companies hiring in Canada you mentioned in "Take unsupported PhD position?"?
  181. Connor

    Getting started

    kbharadwaj: C++, read Hull's book on derivatives, there is a read listing somewhere here... The financial engineering option looks interesting and of course it's Cambridge (Oxford also has a degree in financial mathematics), but the real question is whether you can get in. MPhil programs are...
  182. Connor

    Education advice for algo trading careers

    Think that depends on exactly what you are currently doing. If so the next question is whether your work experience is enough and of the nature that you don't need a higher degree to move on in Golllini's progression.
  183. Connor

    Education advice for algo trading careers

    It is my understanding that algo trading firms like to hire cs backgrounds especially PhDs. Maybe look at programs in computational finance or computational mathematics?
  184. Connor

    Getting started

    One thing you could do was I believe you are able to do a MFE during your PhD (probably towards the end). Preparation-wise I would focus on math skills. To be competitive for a top PhD program you really need perfect quant scores on the GMAT and GRE. Also, taking a few math courses would help...
  185. Connor

    Getting started

    Your deadline of starting by fall 2011 doesn't leave you much time. Most PhD programs I have looked at have deadlines in the fall (nov/dec), so for example to start a PhD in fall 2011 the deadline would be fall 2010. This doesn't give you much time to cover pre-reqs. The MFE vs PhD debate has...
  186. Connor

    Courses taken/should take

    Your 2 choices and the 2 Andy mentioned are at the top. While you may be fine with what you listed, you will be applying against people with more math and cs. If you can't fit any more courses in there isn't much else you can do besides doing really well on the GRE/GMAT. One potential opinion...
  187. Connor

    Which of the following are the most important courses :

    I would say for your 2 courses, stochastic processes and PDEs
  188. Connor

    COMPARE [UK] MSc Finance: LSE vs Imperial vs Cass

    Congratulations on your offers. Looking at Cass and Imperial, both are great programs and have some nice looking courses. Based on your goal of starting your own algo fund, it's a hard decision. I like Imperial because of the course on hedge funds and the numerical finance in C++ which would...
  189. Connor

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Bringing up your GPA a few tenths would help some. I would recommend, either through self-study or classes, strengthening your programming skills and finance knowledge. A financial mathematics course would be good too. Specifically, learn and practice C++, learn some basic finance and read up...
  190. Connor

    Fast-Track Preparation

    If you want to get into a top program then getting everything in within one year will be very difficult but not impossible. Will you be working the next year?
  191. Connor

    Work ft or apply immediately after undergrad

    It is going to depend somewhat on the grad program you are applying to but academic research experience (and assuming a good recommendation from the researcher) is going to help you get into some programs, especially PhD. It also depends on the opportunity. How relevant is the internship or...
  192. Connor

    Only the Men Survive - The Crash of Morgan Stanley Executive Zoe Cruz - Great Reading!

    Add to "My To Do List": Become a sociopath. ;)
  193. Connor

    Work ft or apply immediately after undergrad

    Completely agree, it depends on the job you can get. If it adds value to your knowledge or resume then go for it, otherwise don't (unless you need the money).
  194. Connor

    Starting in the Quant Career

    For studying for the CFA, the institute recommends 250-300 hours of study but I have heard of people with no background knowledge study less and pass it so it just depends.
  195. Connor

    MIT OCW is a real gem

    Berkeley has something similar which is also good:
  196. Connor

    C++ prerequisites

    I agree with iddqp, if it isn't an introductory to programming with C++ you will probably have trouble unless you spend tons of hours outside of class self-studying. I think it's doable but get an introductory book on programming to get the basics down before you start the course.
  197. Connor

    Graduate School (or Not) Advice

    For a quant career, you will probably want to pursue either a Masters or PhD but not necessarily straight away. Digressing shortly, how are your programming skills? With as many minors you have listed, I would recommend studying some computer science. If you could get a job in finance, at a...
  198. Connor

    MS in Scientific Computing

    Looks like an interesting degree and of course NYU is a well recognized school. I think this would be good for a quant developer role (not sure about it compared to just a ms in cs though). But for a quant research role, you would need to demonstrate an interest/knowledge of finance which this...
  199. Connor

    Quant Developer with only C++ knowledge

    Noko, I don't think knowing more math is going to be a bad thing. I would recommend the minor if you have the time. But I must ask why you are studying CS if you don't want to program in industry or be a quant developer? You should also consider a MFE.
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