Search results

  1. doug reich

    Demand for quants?

    You are still making assumptions about how the industry will operate. Specifically, that there is going to be a big machine putting out new products all the time. That is not a given, as today it seems the independent investment bank has gone into temporary or even permanent hiding. Nobody is...
  2. doug reich

    Demand for quants?

    I think evil and newtoquant are missing the forest for the trees. Of course there are little niches in which quants will survive under any circumstance. But the current market of quants can more than fill those niches; will your skills be lucrative and in-demand? By analogy, are we entering the...
  3. doug reich

    Fed Allows Goldman, Morgan Stanley to Become Banks

    Woody, that is the implication of this article in WSJ: Business - And the original statement: Real Time Economics : Fed Statement on Goldman, Morgan Stanley Perhaps that version of Wall Street is done, as you say, however this does not prohibit some other player from entering this...
  4. doug reich

    Transition from application development to Algorithmic Trading?

    Hello, and welcome to the forum. Questions like yours have been a hot topic lately; please take some time to look at the various forums for the answer. You might also find the FAQ (in my signature) helpful.
  5. doug reich

    Analysts warn of Credit Card ABS Crisis

    Requires a subscription :( (You can get a trial, though)
  6. doug reich

    Let's talk politics and Wall Street...

    The authors of the paper very sweetly wrote a kind of summary:
  7. doug reich

    Master list of free financial data

    Some of these are duplicated, but here's another reference with other sites. Wilmott Forums - Where can I find free financial data?
  8. doug reich

    Moral Hazard for Dummies

    That cool blog, for the curious: train of thoughts
  9. doug reich

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday!
  10. doug reich

    Bad time to get into financials?

    bigbadwolf: You're consistently very cynical and particularly negative on quants. The first is understandable, the second is more puzzling. I wonder why you keep coming here for that sport? :)
  11. doug reich

    Baruch MFE Help deciding on the Baruch MFE

    I also was at that info session, and I noticed that there were many questions about improving the application. Such questions are answered in the Baruch FAQ Andy linked to. (As a side note, people sometimes people lose sight of why they are doing something, and get caught up with the thing...
  12. doug reich

    Extremely confused!

    It doesn't sound like you know what's out there. Read up on the industry, job functions, memoirs, etc. For the small portion of the universe that is quantitative finance, we can help you there (see the FAQ in my signature for links on that) You say you would like to get a bachelors? Does that...
  13. doug reich

    Coming Soon ... Securitization with a New ...

    I was going to say something to that effect; it's a chicken-egg problem still. They need to raise cash before writing down the assets, but the price at which the new equity comes in would be selling the company, in effect.
  14. doug reich

    Coming Soon ... Securitization with a New ...

    Most of the article is old hat: bad risk models, securitization means a dash for trash, etc. The last section is the most interesting:
  15. doug reich

    Asian markets plummet

    I believe the technical explanation is that trading was halted, and when it resumed, the shares had gapped up. It shouldn't have a line connecting those points.
  16. doug reich

    Asian markets plummet

    No, the SEC only regulates US markets. Many countries have standing rules that restrict or prohibit short selling altogether, though.
  17. doug reich

    Morgan Stanley considers merger

    I still don't buy this shorting spiral theory as its own component. There's a saying that you "can't fight the tape" -- shorting more stock will usually just cause you to lose more money if you're trying to manufacture a disaster. That's not to say that with these other legs to stand on...
  18. doug reich

    The death of derivatives

    Isaac, I request that you stick to the conventions of this board and refrain from using confusing shorthand in your posts, and instead spell out words.
  19. doug reich

    Morgan Stanley considers merger

    It's not so trivial; all of these companies access the equities markets when the **** really starts to hit the fan. If the stock price goes down the tubes, they are basically giving the company away, which we saw with Lehman wasn't an acceptable outcome. As confidence falls, they won't be able...
  20. doug reich

    Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are so right! Come one, I'm not that dumb. I was operating under the assumption that international students have to be FT to keep their visa.
  21. doug reich

    Correlation Gold,Dollar,Oil,Interest rate

    Deflation of the commodities bubble is causing oil & gold to move together: down. Treasuries are going down because the dollar was strengthening.
  22. doug reich

    Voting is today

    The question is: does your family live in a swing state? If they live in our fine city, they won't be able to do much to turn the tide either way. But you can always help send a message.
  23. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    Some frighteningly accurate sarcasm: The Big Picture | The Terrible Lessons of Bear Stearns -- we just have to hang around until the next crop of "too big to fail" get up to bat: the JP Morgans and BAC's of the new world order...
  24. doug reich

    Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    Those tables are a lot of fun to look at. I know the people who constitute the 2% in our class... Curious: 28 FT students and 27 international students. I can think of more than a few full-time, not international students. Is an "international student" someone here on a student visa, or is...
  25. doug reich

    Voting is today

    You WISH you had a bridge in Alaska; the money got soaked up somewhere else. Someone should have taken my odds; I had Andy as a longshot.
  26. doug reich

    Bad time to get into financials?

    Really? They'd rather have someone overqualified who will jump ship as soon as possible to a fresh graduate eager to please? I can see both sides of the story, but I guess you're saying the huge influx of people into this industry in the last few years means it's basically bottom-heavy.
  27. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    John: that article on Reserve Primary Money was chock full of goodies. RPM has joined an elite group, you can see. If you read down a little, that this group of MM funds that have broken the buck is a ruse: The parent usually takes the hit so that the MM can avoid it; Reserve just didn't have...
  28. doug reich

    Voting is today

    I will resist the strong temptation to bash candidate I dislike. But I am giving odds on who will take that gauntlet and start a flame war... I mean political discussion.
  29. doug reich

    Any electronic gadget fanatic here ?

    ... it's funny because he boasts about not knowing computers. He should get together with Ted Stevens and talk about the Tubes, which are not a dumptruck.
  30. doug reich

    Forum FAQ

    Thanks! I made this thread sticky so it will be easy to find. Perhaps some frequent posters can also link to it in their signatures.
  31. doug reich

    Forum FAQ

    I just wrote: Forum FAQ - Quantnet Wiki Anything I should add? It's a wiki, so you can add what you want, too.
  32. doug reich

    Math Subject GRE Prep

    Google is your friend. Check out the GRE website; if it's anything like the general test, they will have preparation material there.
  33. doug reich

    Dealers hold emergency trading session

    I know they come to some workout value when there are more contracts than notional covered. From wikipedia (Credit default swap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
  34. doug reich

    Bigger Mess to Haunt US again

    I heard a buzz about covered bonds; I'd love to read an intro on them.
  35. doug reich

    COMPARE Columbia MSFE vs MSOR - Methods in Finance

    There was a big thread on the benefits of the programs recently: some truth about the Columbia OR - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum That might help.
  36. doug reich

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE excels - Prestigious grad program shines bright

    Makes sense, but reading the article, they refer to "graduates" as opposed to "applicants", which makes me think otherwise.
  37. doug reich

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE excels - Prestigious grad program shines bright

    What does this mean? 70% of job offers are accepted?
  38. doug reich

    Is MFE for me?

    Actually, if the paper seminar bombs, I'll just roll that time into organizing D&D... or WoW if that's more your style... ;)
  39. doug reich

    U.S. News & World Report

    It's a somewhat rarefied list of public master's schools in the Northeast... still not bad. :)
  40. doug reich

    Is MFE for me?

    You should do more research before posting; look around these and other forums (see my signature for several links), and program websites, as many questions are answered. 1. Is the MFE for me? I mean i dont really know what else to do since quant was kinda my thing. The other thing i can look...
  41. doug reich

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    It may be inappropriate, but you could use a wiki page for that. Then each person can "claim" an item by editing an putting their name under it.
  42. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    Just came across this article on a blog ( The Great Derivatives Smackdown - And, of course
  43. doug reich

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    I don't live very far from there, so I can reserve us a spot. I can probably also find some blankets to sit on (will post again if I do).
  44. doug reich

    VIX Options pricing question

    Makes total sense. The options are there to hedge the futures, whereas the index is not tradeable (is it?)
  45. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Check out links in my profile. We don't really do these "what are my chances" threads on QN.
  46. doug reich

    ALGORITHMIC TRADING CONFERENCE : New York, October 3rd 2008

    Algorithmic Trading Conference - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum
  47. doug reich

    VIX Options pricing question

    Where are you getting the quotes? Are both the VIX and option prices delayed or both real time? Are you looking at last trade or bid-ask on the options? Use the latter, especially when trades are not getting executed. Look also at when the last trade was made. When I go to the CBOE website and...
  48. doug reich

    Quant vs. Pure Trader

    Isn't the buy side by definition the only place with the traders? Or are you differentiating it from brokerage and, e.g. IB hedge funds?
  49. doug reich

    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    Happy birthday!
  50. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    That is inspiring, but you have to also recognize the reality that 100,000 more qualified people have lost their jobs on Wall Street. That is an extremely tough market to break into.
  51. doug reich

    Lehman Merrill Lynch AIG Fannie Freddie WaMu Madoff Citibank saga

    That's a strong statement that people consider their days numbered... really putting your money where your mouth is.
  52. doug reich

    Algos erase $1B in minutes !!

    You have raised more questions than you have answered... I hope to hear more about this at some point.
  53. doug reich

    Algos erase $1B in minutes !!

    Don't you mean trading, not market making?
  54. doug reich

    Bar Intermission Part something

    Last week we went to Rodeo on 27 & 3rd. It was a bar, and it was a little too loud to talk comfortably. We can all meet again outside class, and go over at the same time, either there or a different place.
  55. doug reich

    Remembering 9/11

    I was in high school a few blocks up West Street at the time. I wrote something down that evening, I think (there was nothing to do, and I was at loose ends). It is here with many others from my high school: World Trade Center Memorial Site: Eperience You can also find a special edition of my...
  56. doug reich

    Could somone recommend a single book for me to start off with?

    I believe: Hull, Shreve, Stefanica are common starting points from a financial instruments perspective Emanuel Derman's book for a flavor of the industry Can you be more specific about your interests in mathematical finance & knowledge?
  57. doug reich

    Hedge Fund's money management...

    I believe many funds leverage their investments up at least 3-to-1, sometimes 5-to-1 or more. That means for your $100, they will invest $500. They do this because their strategies (and this is many quant funds I am talking about) return only a few % with low volatility that needs to be...
  58. doug reich

    Engineering, Cubicles and Finance

    I would say it is high stress, high pay. It also depends on where you are in the hierarchy; if you are a trader, you will have to avoid bathroom breaks during intense times. If you are a programmer in the back office, it will resemble your engineering job. I would suggest reading some of the...
  59. doug reich

    Google Chrome

    Firefox doesn't sit idly by... many of the features touted by Chrome, including seams tab dragging and fast Javascript are coming to a browser near you:
  60. doug reich

    QuantNet Picnic In Central Park on Sat 9/20

    Google maps to the rescue! Google Maps I have the location marked on the map. The picnic area is called the "Great Hill", if you want to seek other web resources. Ways to get there... 1. B,C to 103rd street. (There are stairs right where you come in on 103rd street; walk up those and keep...
  61. doug reich

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Probability is 1. He is a magician, so the ace was up his sleeve.
  62. doug reich

    Google Chrome

    Do many people have leeway to install this software on the office computers? The reason I ask is that my colleagues and I tend to agree that there is IE and then there is everything else. That is there are three types of people in the browser wars: there's the people who can't install (office...
  63. doug reich

    Google Chrome

    Not so much google's style, but I could see them trying to subvert such a thing. After all, their revenue is almost completely derived from ads.
  64. doug reich

    Specific work experience before applying to MFE programs? And other general questions

    Many of your questions have been discussed on these forums before. Please take a look at the "MFE Candidate Profiles" in my signature, as that is where those answers tend to live.
  65. doug reich

    Linking static libraries in VS2008

    Forgive the question: do you have a main in your prjoect?
  66. doug reich

    std namespace - finer partitioning?

    ...and the debugging! Oy!
  67. doug reich

    Google Chrome

    Has anyone else downloaded it? (Google Chrome - Download a new browser and Google Chrome) It seems pretty fast to me in comparison to Firefox 3, although I think it's psychological (all at once vs. as the elements get done). (I like to think the my plugins on FF3 speed it up, but maybe they...
  68. doug reich

    need ur valuable opinion

    There are several posts on Birbeck on these forums: QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum - Search Results
  69. doug reich

    Columbia MSOR Operations Research at Columbia University/Financial Engineering at Ann Arbor (Michigan)

    You should also consider that employers are more likely to hire locally; you will have an easier time both finding companies and scheduling interviews if you are going to school where you want to work. (This is also a topic somewhere on these forums...)
  70. doug reich

    Columbia MSOR some truth about the Columbia MSOR

    I suppose I didn't like being in school that much, so seeking another degree without a firm understanding of where I was going with it was very undesirable to me. FWIW, the Baruch program has significantly more American students; it's probably a function of visibility and brand recognition...
  71. doug reich

    Do hedge funds or similar require citizenship for job application?

    It's under the "visa" search tag now, so that should help...
  72. doug reich

    Columbia MSOR some truth about the Columbia MSOR

    Thank you both for an enlightening discussion. After thinking over my position more, I realized I was looking at it only through my own eyes: American-born, raised, and educated. Someone coming from another country would not have the chance to evaluate their options as I had, and so they have to...
  73. doug reich

    Do hedge funds or similar require citizenship for job application?

    Sounds like a question for an immigration lawyer.
  74. doug reich

    Columbia MSOR some truth about the Columbia MSOR

    My mistake: I had assumed that if you are going to grad school you know exactly why. In that case, wouldn't you save yourself a lot of time, money and effort by doing some informational interviews with quants? Some of them, either people you cold call, friends, acquaintances, or alumni of your...
  75. doug reich

    Drinks after class Thursday

    Where would you suggest?
  76. doug reich

    Drinks after class Thursday

    Hairy Monk is on 25th & 3rd on the east side, correct? That one looked pretty busy for our big crowd to fit in.
  77. doug reich

    Drinks after class Thursday

    I scouted out Bull's Head -- they have a band and a $7 cover on Thursdays. Fitzgeralds on 25th & 3rd on the southwest corner is all right -- a little small for our crowd, but the best of those I checked out.
  78. doug reich

    Columbia MSOR some truth about the Columbia MSOR

    FinanceGuy: Thanks for your informative post. It's great to get this kind of information from someone first-hand. Your appraisal of the OR program is a very limited endorsement, at least as far as MFE goes. That is, MFE students get picked first by the school and by the employers. As a...
  79. doug reich

    Cornell MPS Statistics

    I was only saying that while your pretax, pre-expense income is $100,000 (a "payout"), that's not comparable to the $36,000, which is paid for with the after-tax, after-expense dollars.
  80. doug reich

    new website for quantitative analyst : The Quantitative Finance library

    Browsing newsletter archives does not work. I get a 404 error when I view messages.
  81. doug reich

    Cornell MPS Statistics

    100K isn't really 100K though; actual pay after all your expenses (taxes, housing, food, utilities) is going to be much less, maybe 20K. You'll still make back that $36K, but only after a couple of years.
  82. doug reich

    Financial news database in C#

    I guess this doesn't meet your criteria, but I'll throw it out there: Now that you mention it, our trading platform (Knight Direct) provides RSS for company news (I think). Something like that might work as well, but obviously you want to platform independent. Don't think you can get historical...
  83. doug reich

    Quantnet Picnic in Central Park

    I have an embarrassing story about the great hill, location of last year's picnic, from my childhood. I will tell it to you if you go to the picnic, and if you ask me to.
  84. doug reich

    Quantnet Picnic in Central Park

    I scheduled one of those Subotnick tutorials on the 13rd, so I prefer the 20th, but that can obviously be canceled.
  85. doug reich

    Financial news database in C#

    Although bloomberg doesn't provide a good API for the news, I discovered the macro recording recently that may do the trick. Press Alt-R to record your keystrokes on Bloomberg, and you can write a simple program (look up macro recording in WAPI) to "play" the keystrokes back in the terminal...
  86. doug reich

    Where can I find US Equity Sector data and Indicies

    Reuters? I assume you are looking for something more than what a trading platform provides (i.e. pricing data). You can also get Compustat XPressfeed, e.g. depending on what you want, that is somewhere above $20K per year, I think.
  87. doug reich

    advice from quants

    See the OP: he's not going to school; he's working at a start-up.
  88. doug reich

    Drinks after class Thursday

    ...due in no small part to your "posse's" determination. ;)
  89. doug reich

    Drinks after class Thursday

    The title says it all. Location is Grand Saloon, 23rd between Lex & 3rd around 8:30 We'll plan on doing this every week; just putting it up here again for people who weren't in the refreshers.
  90. doug reich

    How to create UDF in Excel using C# and Visual Studio 2008

    I think in the original link (.NET4Office : Writing user defined functions for Excel in .NET) from which you wrote your tutorial they say how to make it portable. Rather, they imply how to make it portable, and then say "buy my book" to get the real secrets. (See the "improvements on the code"...
  91. doug reich

    Quant finance papers websites?

    Thanks guys, these are all great pages. Please keep them coming!
  92. doug reich

    Question about database and Bloomberg

    Since this thread first came up, I spent much more time looking at WAPI -- if you look around there, it explains what the different limits are on data use, and how you can minimize your hits by using the API calls wisely. EDIT: They describe the limits and how to stay below them in the...
  93. doug reich

    To move from computer programming to a quantitative job in finance

    In the past there has not been as much expertise on this forum about Australia, as this is a New York-centric forums. However, I encourage you to search the forums for such questions, as some have come up from time-to-time. As for preparation, there are quite a few such threads; please look at...
  94. doug reich

    Balance between MFE and MBA

    NYU has a program in which you can get an MFE and MBA at the same time. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences NYU
  95. doug reich

    Quant finance papers websites?

    What are some good websites with quant finance papers? I have a short list mostly garnered from the forums up at Category:Paper - Quantnet Wiki If you have any more to add, you can just put them on that page, or reply in this thread.
  96. doug reich

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    I think you're talking about a job board; the guide is for informational purposes of a more qualitative manner (what do employers look at; how does this or that look on your resume; trends in hiring; interview material). I doubt you'd get this level of depth from reading forums. I should...
  97. doug reich

    What features would you like to see on Quantnet ?

    I really like this new tag cloud. It is now my goal to make the tags more balanced to reduce the size of Baruch MFE and MFE Candidate Profile :) If anyone wants to help tagging old posts, please PM me; I'll help coordinate forums/topics. Even if you spend an hour opening up threads; scanning...
  98. doug reich

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    Depends. For a few bucks, I don't see why I wouldn't pay someone to do something menial but important to my business. But, I don't have a business, and I don't see it being helpful in my daily life. After all, why would I have someone read my personal email; I would take steps to reduce that...
  99. doug reich

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    I tried it as an experiment to help me find a moving company. I didn't feel it was particularly helpful, although it put my mind at ease that I had already found the best deal. Four hour workweek - -that's where I heard about it: The 4-Hour Workweek and Timothy Ferriss and 301 Moved Permanently...
  100. doug reich

    Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    I'm not so sure about that; I think he's backed up is all. Look down the thread a little; people at various points ask about it and are told someone else got it recently. Dominic, have you considered hiring an outsourcing agency to handle this kind of task, i.e. screening resumes, organizing...
  101. doug reich

    MS Visual Studio 2008

    I can't help you there. I suppose you'll either have to fork over the dough or suffer with the Express edition. What features do you need from Visual Studio Professional? It is my impression from your post that you are just learning to use Visual Studio, so you won't need such advanced features.
  102. doug reich

    MS Visual Studio 2008

    If you are a student, you can get the software for free. This is from our Quantnet wiki:
  103. doug reich

    MS Visual Studio 2008

    Hey Charles, I don't know of any such tutorial except for what I've figured out from looking at projects/solutions myself and playing around piecing things together here and there. If you do happen to find such a document, I would be curious, though. My understanding is that the directories...
  104. doug reich

    Cumulative return function in VBA with user defined ranges

    Curious what you did. something I suggested, or another option?
  105. doug reich

    Cumulative return function in VBA with user defined ranges

    See my edit. I did use an example without an issue in which the product and count do not incorporate blanks. There are two ways to do this easily, quickly, once. Either: 1. Assuming your returns are in column A, insert a blank column B and fill (either highlighting and fill-down OR copy one...
  106. doug reich

    Cumulative return function in VBA with user defined ranges

    I don't believe your formula needs to be an array function; both PRODUCT and SUM expect arrays. The functions you are using already ignore blanks. I am unclear on what your desired function would do that this does not. You appear to be assuming that your input is on a monthly basis from the...
  107. doug reich

    MS Visual Studio 2008

    It is pretty much the same interface: Certainly as a beginner, you won't miss those features. It's likely that the examples skipped some steps or applied to a different version of VS (and therefore needs some additional changes not covered).
  108. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    As soon as I wrote "it's attached", I went and broke something... putting it back as it was right now. What's very weird is that I changed the code to use a different database... and now I can't insert new rows! However, all I did was change the column names and the file location. I'll play...
  109. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    I am working through the example Andrey posted. It works for me, but I have to make some modifications, probably due to different Visual Studio versions. See the following for my adjustments; assume otherwise that I closely followed their instructions. (I didn't find their code for download...
  110. doug reich

    quant lifestyle + quant strategist salary question

    You'd be surprised at the variability in price. Depending on amenities (doorman, elevator, floor if it's a walk-up, laundry in building, light) can make a HUGE difference in price. I would say somewhere between 1800-3000 for a 1br in the financial district. But I've never lived there; just...
  111. doug reich

    quant lifestyle + quant strategist salary question

    Don't be so sure; that's exactly the kind of thinking that is the making of bubbles. I'm not going to try making an argument to the contrary, but pricing is a complex machine. Just like in stocks, if everyone gets on one side of the trade, it's going to go the other way. Anyway, for an entry...
  112. doug reich

    Free Visual Studio 2008/2005 for students

    It sounded like a whole rigmarole to actually get the software... EDIT: Maybe not, assuming your school is connected to their network. You're right, this was covered once before on QN: Free Visual Studio 8 Professional Edition - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum and I put it on the...
  113. doug reich

    How difficult is a Ph.D in Math or Fin Math?

    I think it is hard to make an argument based on "successful trader" outliers. If a PhD can come into the business at $150K, that is pretty good compared to most of the world. If that's all you ever wished for, that's one thing, and there's not a lot to discuss here. Financial jobs pay well. But...
  114. doug reich

    Monty Hall Problem

    Bendort: I haven't seen anyone approach it that way. I think that would be very helpful to think about. How does Otropablo support his/her position after reading the NYT feature? It explains the solution in a pretty straightforward manner. Also, see...
  115. doug reich

    MFE Just For Fun?

    I thought I would share this article on QN.
  116. doug reich

    Is it too late?

    This seems to be a common problem; take a look around at some of the mfe candidate profiles to get a feel for what is important (link in my signature). Regardless, you should be able to patch yourself up with self-study, etc. over a year or two if you can't get into your desired program...
  117. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    Here is an old thread on QN which touches on similar material: Integrate C++ program into VBA - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum
  118. doug reich

    New GRE preparation aid?

    If you want to do vocabulary, there are zillions of sites out there. I suggest you stick to one site which you can "train" so you don't end up being tested on the same (easy) words over and over again. If you want GRE-format problems, the universe is somewhat smaller. I used the following to...
  119. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    How do you see this?
  120. doug reich

    Future of Mechanical Engineers in MFE

    Take a look at the links in regarding MFE Candidate Profiles to see other threads on this topic in my signature. Also see the books link in my sig, which, if you go to the "required textbook" link should get you there
  121. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Yes, but which do you really want to go to? Why bother with the rest? This isn't college, where one degree is about as good as the next, so long as you get one. See some of the other posts in my signature.
  122. doug reich

    Verbal 430 and Math 800 is enough for NYU and CMU MFE?

    Apparently the job market doesn't care enough for the school to care about it, either.
  123. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    That is exactly what I was looking for. Something I can wrap my head around as a first approach to the matter. Thanks!
  124. doug reich

    New Jobs for Wall Street Jobless

    No, 7% is the fraction of people laid off from subprime. It is the people fired and not replaced, as opposed to the number of people fired or who quit and replaced, which is the number you are thinking of.
  125. doug reich

    New Jobs for Wall Street Jobless

    ...if they already have a gym, laundry services, catered meals, it's only a matter of time before IBs expand further to include haircuts, and more...
  126. doug reich

    Is MFE/MSF the way to go?

    I don't think Alain was trying to be nasty; there are just a lot of profiles out there (look around these forums) that are quantitatively like yours. I also don't think the profile I posted represents him particularly well; it is a two year old blurb. Having met him, you can easily see he is...
  127. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    When I download the example and try to compile, I get some compiler errors, (almost) exclusively due to different string types being expected. I changed the types to what the compiler was looking for, and it compiles OK. However, the code throws an exception when I try to connect to the DB...
  128. doug reich

    VBA looping problem

    You don't need VBA to do that. Write add a third cell whose value is 0 if you have nothing entered, 1 if dollar amount only, 2 if % amount, 3 if both. =if( AND( A5="", B5="" ), 0, IF( AND( A5<>"", B5="" ), 1, IF( AND( A5="", B5<>"", 2, 3 )))Where A5 has the $ cell and B5 has the % cell. Then...
  129. doug reich

    The Quintessential Quant

    Beg all you like; these are never hard-and-fast rules. Perhaps you had something else to recommend you at the time.
  130. doug reich

    The Quintessential Quant

    Put it this way: 790 is not acceptable, regardless the scale. ;)
  131. doug reich

    Is MFE/MSF the way to go?

    QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum - View Single Post - Entering class of 2006
  132. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    Great! This looks very promising. I was about to say something along the lines of "Why does VBA and PHP, etc. have a simple interface for DBs and C++ doesn't?" Well, someone has thought of it...
  133. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    I was lulled into a false sense of security by the ease with which VBA does it. I'll take another crack with that COM/ADO as you suggest. The bindings for the API I am using are only in C, so I guess I'm stuck with that. I also have to export a C library, but I'm guessing you can do that in C#...
  134. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    While ENROLL seems like a good example, it is so far form what I am used to (I haven't written a windowing application before; haven't used MFC or COM before), I don't even know where to begin looking. Do you know of anything that's perhaps, 5 steps below that? I'm not averse to learning these...
  135. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    Hi Christian, Although they call it C++ code, isn't that really C code (the headers & procedural nature)? I was also hoping for something with a little more explanation; i.e. what are the headers doing? The dll import line? This one in main: ::CoUninitialize();(I don't understand that syntax...
  136. doug reich

    Database access in C++

    I have to write a DLL that makes a call to an Access .MDB database. I think I have the DLL part down (I found very instructive), but I can't find a good tutorial on using OLE DB (optimal, they tell me), ODBC (suboptimal, they tell me) or even...
  137. doug reich

    Beer night Thursday

    We'll make an exception: 70 shots. Super power-hour. I think it's fair.
  138. doug reich

    Beer night Thursday

    "After class drinks -- FREE a" and then people click thinking "what is 'FREE a'?" Only to find out that it got cutoff and "a" is "admission". The thread might get more hits than the MFE programs, Quant interview questions, etc. threads! Genius.
  139. doug reich

    Beer night Thursday

    You're taking this very seriously, Naing! ;)
  140. doug reich

    Beer night Thursday

    No problem, Dan :)
  141. doug reich

    Beer night Thursday

    Incidentally, non-drinkers are welcome too; don't consider this to be some kind of exclusive event.
  142. doug reich

    Beer night Thursday

    It's (O(1)), although the coefficient can range rather large. It is a weeknight, though...
  143. doug reich

    Funny Quant story for Quant Apply @ Morgan Stanley

    The way it's stated, it sounds like you could very easily save all the people: each person tells the person in front of them what color that person's hat is. The last two people switch, and the former "last" person is told what color his hat is. "Collaboration"!
  144. doug reich

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    I believe the distinction Ilya is trying to make is between strongly typed and weakly typed languages, as compiled versus scripted languages don't make a meaningful difference, IMHO. If you already have programming concepts down then learning new syntax should not be so difficult. FWIW, I...
  145. doug reich

    Funny Quant story for Quant Apply @ Morgan Stanley

    Sorry I was just in a probability course and wanted to remind myself I could do the math... :)
  146. doug reich

    Funny Quant story for Quant Apply @ Morgan Stanley

    It's the same game: the probability the coin came from the first draw given you picked a gold coin is 2/3 (2 of 3 gold coins live there), and from the second drawer, 1/3. Or, P( 2nd coin is gold | 1st coin is gold ) = P( 1st coin is gold | 2nd coin is gold ) P( 2nd coin is gold ) / P(1st coin...
  147. doug reich

    Funny Quant story for Quant Apply @ Morgan Stanley

    I'm telling you, go to your friend and play it verbally. (Person A: OK, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 3. Person B: 2? Person A: It's not 1. Person B: ____ ) and see how often person B gets it by doing one strategy or the other. It becomes fairly obvious that person B is being told which...
  148. doug reich

    Best Programming Language for Finance

    I am surprised to hear that people are still using fortran. This must be a result of legacy code, no?
  149. doug reich

    Large Volume Trading

    I don't follow your reasoning. A poor return on 1 share is the same as a poor return on 10,000 shares, unless you are leveraged. I didn't think you were trading just 1 share; I am thinking percentage-wise.
  150. doug reich

    Large Volume Trading

    If you get filled at 10.07, the only difference in your P&L is the cost of executing the trade. If you put the order in when you see 10.07 go across the tape, that's another question, and it depends on how quickly the price is moving.
  151. doug reich

    Large Volume Trading

    Bid-ask spread. Tight spread means that there is a a lot of liquidity, and it is very cheap to get in and out of the position Making 7 bps in the entire trading day is a poor return on your money given the risk. Institutional brokers charge per-share in the US. I believe in Europe (and...
  152. doug reich

    Large Volume Trading

    Those are high frequency statistical strategies, and they are out there. However, they will have some additional constraints (mean reversion, momentum, resistance, etc.). One thing that becomes very important here is speed, trading costs, and the spread. Even if a strategy exists, it may not be...
  153. doug reich

    CFA Level II and III are only given in June; Level I is in both June and December. I will gauge...

    CFA Level II and III are only given in June; Level I is in both June and December. I will gauge the amount of time I have after the 1st semester, but I'm 90% sure I won't take the next level until after I'm out of the program. The amount of time you need for studying is a function of what you...
  154. doug reich

    Funny Quant story for Quant Apply @ Morgan Stanley

    What's actually really funny about the story is his diatribe about the model not fitting life... however if you just PLAY the game (which is very easy to do), you see immediately that the math works out! (That was the best way to persuade my boss the math worked.)
  155. doug reich

    DataStream: Matching bond pricing data with the issuing company financials?

    Given that, I would say the best thing to do is come up with a few heuristics, e.g. break the name into individual words, search in each word; compare directly; look at underlying stock price... and the item with the most matches is guessed to be the issuer. Bloomberg or some other data...
  156. doug reich

    Is New York over the hill? This section really caught my eye: Their description is everything I have heard about New York prior to 1993 (if we have to date it). Ambition, energy, "can do". The paragraph about not telling people how tall the Burj al Dubai...
  157. doug reich

    DataStream: Matching bond pricing data with the issuing company financials?

    Can you get a data dump of issuers + codes? Then you can go into excel and do a vlookup to match them up. Alternatively, you can leverage excel to generate a long boolean query (company = "XYZ" OR company="PQR" ...) and copy and paste -- doesn't solve the fundamental problem, but makes it much...
  158. doug reich

    PhD or MFE

    Telecaster: i put your reply on the wiki (unedited); it seems to be a very good explanation of the issues involved.
  159. doug reich

    PhD or MFE

    Category:Qualifications - Quantnet Wiki There are some links here. Look in the PhD and MFE/MSCF subsections. If you have a good answer, you can take a stab at writing this into a real article. (If you find more links that are worthwhile, add them there.)
  160. doug reich

    MBA vs MFE for trading jobs

    Everyone is from Goldman Sachs, don't you know? Even my mother and unborn son.
  161. doug reich

    MBA vs MFE for trading jobs

    I have always found this to be an interesting dichotomy. Did you find out these peoples' stories? How did they land the job? One thing is for sure: Ivy League graduates are very persuasive.
  162. doug reich

    So I just took a practice GRE exam

    It was not required for 08 admission, can't say about next year.
  163. doug reich

    Interview with a Hedge Fund Manager

    Dude, enough with the sauce analogy. The point is that the MFE doesn't teach you how to trade, it teaches you how to value derivatives, and there's a million ways to get between the two.
  164. doug reich

    Testing a model - MatLab??

    Why not? It's not clear what you're asking here... Just fix yourself at the time (e.g. 1/5/1990), and run your model on the data released prior to that day. You have to make sure you don't use data that wasn't available at the time you make your simulated trading decision. For example, if you...
  165. doug reich

    Heat Equation using PDE's

    Marmite? (Marmite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
  166. doug reich

    Heat Equation using PDE's

    I think he's trying to edumacate us slowly, Andy!
  167. doug reich


    Jared: substitute blsput wherever you see blscall in the code royalbitbol posted and that should be it. (That is, in any code you have, use the Black Scholes price of the put in place of the BS price of the call to change from computing Call implied to put implied vol).
  168. doug reich

    Any electronic gadget fanatic here ?

    Andy, that camcorder sounds amazing... what's the catch? What more could a person want? Image stabilization? Zoom lens? Better quality lens? Maybe it has those...
  169. doug reich

    CFA Results

    Bravo, and good luck with your application!
  170. doug reich

    Intro to finance

    There is a "recommended books" forum. At the top of that forum is a thread called "Master Reading List for MFE". You should start there. EDIT: You're already in the recommended books forum... just look for the sticky thread.
  171. doug reich

    CFA Results

    The better question is, are you the CFA materials, Alain? ;)
  172. doug reich

    CFA Results

    I wouldn't say that. I think they are a good summary. I studied most of the curriculum from the Schweser notes, but for things I wasn't getting (like economics), the CFA notes were much more thorough and made a huge difference. Similarly, trying to learn accounting principles from the Schweser...
  173. doug reich

    about the strategy group at Goldman Sachs

    To add to Dmytro: he gets a chance to interview the group, and should ask for an opportunity to sit with them for part of the day and watch the work flow, talk to some of the team members, whatever will satisfy him.
  174. doug reich

    Baruch MFE Reg Part time MFE Baruch

    Part time and full time are treated the same at Baruch. They do not make a distinction on the application, if I recall, and the only difference is the tuition (set by the college) and the number of classes you take. Tuition and Fee Information - Baruch College Specifically look at Graduate...
  175. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    You're here, aren't you? :)
  176. doug reich

    CFA Results

    I started with Schewer, but ended up using the books the CFA sends, plus any practice tests I could get my hands on. With the CFA books you have to be careful not to study wayyy too much and not cover the test material. Schweser was a little light on explanation, especially for someone who has...
  177. doug reich

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I believe that is still computational; it's the "sledgehammer" method.
  178. doug reich

    compiling c with micr visual c++ 2008

    I've used both Bloodshed and VC++. I find the debugging in Bloodshed to be a pain. (e.g. adding breakpoints while running isn't possible and getting locals, especially from objects, is quite difficult) Creating a project is a 30 second exercise, and pulling up an old one is instantaneous so I...
  179. doug reich

    compiling c with micr visual c++ 2008

    The Google strikes again. This is for 2005, but should apply: Compiling Programs in C with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Why not upgrade to the newer, cooler C++ language?
  180. doug reich

    CFA Results

    I would say it depends on your background. I spent a lot, lot more time on Economics & Accounting principles than I did on Quant (barely any), Ethics (mostly cramming), Alternative Investments, or Fixed Income. But I have never taken a finance course before, and I haven't had economics since I...
  181. doug reich

    CMO Valuation

    That's pretty straightforward bond pricing... shouldn't you have known that for your job app?
  182. doug reich

    CFA Results

    I would feel like a real jerk if you could pass the CFA in 4 days of studying to my 6 months... I'll be there. Tonight?
  183. doug reich

    CFA Results

    It varied: I started studying in earnest in late January with about 5 hours a week; I bumped it up after I got all my MFE apps in late February to more like 10 hours a week; I started doing 10-15 hours a week in early April. Based on that model.... it appears I would have done 150 hours...
  184. doug reich

    CFA Results

    The level 1 results came out this morning at 9 am. I believe level 2 and 3 come out in 3 or so weeks. How did anyone do? I passed! Obligatory dancing banana: :dance: I think I did worst on alternative investments :) I recall answering that hedge funds are not usually highly leveraged (it was...
  185. doug reich

    MSF or MBA

    Not all funds are quantitative, and not all money managers are actually doing the work. Some of them are more like salesmen who get the money in the door and hire the smart people to generate the returns.
  186. doug reich

    CMO Valuation

    Plugging that bond into my financial calculator with 7.5% interest rates, I get about $286,000 as the PV. So it seems to be in the ball park by that metric; your answer should be lower with the prepayment risk. The interest rate risk may also lower the value (depends on the model of rate moves...
  187. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Surely you can get English language books in the Ukraine? Amazon isn't the only place out there selling books. Perhaps a bookstore can help you out; perhaps you can get them through Ebay dealing with an individual (who is more flexible); perhaps you can work something out with someone in the...
  188. doug reich

    Question on bets!!

    I was actually asked an equivalent question on a job interview. Work backwards. (i.e., Suppose the score is 3-3; what should my current P/L and bet size be to have the required output? What about 3-2 based on that knowledge? How about 2-3, 3-1, 1-3, 2-2, 1-1, 1-0, 0-1, in that order, I...
  189. doug reich

    The best paid fund managers in 2007

    A lot of academic research goes on towards this end. Just today I was pointed to an article from 2000 on short interest and returns. SSRN-An Investigation of the Informational Role of Short Interest in the Nasdsaq Market by Hemang Desai, S. Thiagarajan, K. Ramesh, Bala Balachandran The...
  190. doug reich

    The best paid fund managers in 2007

    Before and after taxes? :) In a recent Berkshire Hathaway letter, Warren Buffett observes that Berkshire's tax bill ($4B I think) ran the entire federal government for 5 minutes or so. Take our billionaire earners here, and they each run the government for a minute each... assuming they pay taxes.
  191. doug reich

    Learning C#

    Which version of C++ are you using? I played a little with the visual studio to build GUIs, and it seems extremely easy once you get the hang of it. I can't imagine the C# is meaningfully different, especially if you're in VS.
  192. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Seeing how word does the equations, I can see why you would do it as you did: it's kind of a pain. It would be quick for me to turn it into latex: is it worth the effort?
  193. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Sorry I meant |S| not S in #3 -- I was just talking about a more intuitive description of the number of terms. I knew it didn't quite look like Latex (that and you said you weren't going to use latex...)
  194. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Speaking of ver 1. You might make it clearer to use paragraph form for each of your items using Definitions and Theorems. That is, That way, there isn't any looking up and down the page. You might also use footnotes for your notes, but let's not go overboard :) (If you post the tex source, I...
  195. doug reich

    calculus or cfa .. or both?

    While we're outing ourselves: I just took the CFA I in June, so I have more than passing familiarity with the material. My parenthetical was clearly second hand from a coworker on the fundamental side as well as a PM at his own quant fund; the applicability is to stat arb. However, one can...
  196. doug reich

    calculus or cfa .. or both?

    Let's not go overboard here: the CFA is a different skill set. The CFA is geared towards fundamental analysts on both buy-side and sell-side. It test skills in stock selection. These are not skills you will use in most quant jobs. (But I am told that there is a premium for someone with both skills.)
  197. doug reich

    JOB or MFE ??

    See the interview with Dominic Connor, I believe he voices that opinion. EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Dominic Connor of Paul & Dominic (P&D) - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum
  198. doug reich

    Oh, I was just drawing on general knowledge of plain vanilla options; I don't know about FX in...

    Oh, I was just drawing on general knowledge of plain vanilla options; I don't know about FX in particular.
  199. doug reich

    Sorry, I don't know about FX options. Which thread are you referring to?

    Sorry, I don't know about FX options. Which thread are you referring to?
  200. doug reich

    JOB or MFE ??

    Do you want to do software development? How does that fit with your goals? Some people on this board are pretty dismissive of being in a software development role; they say that if you get pigeonholed there at an IB you may just miss the boat on getting to the front office. (I am probably...
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