Search results

  1. Forza

    Value of MBA w/ Quantitative Finance specialization

    If you want to a mixture of MBA/MFE, you might also want to consider the MSOR program at Columbia. I know that program is far from the favorite on Quantnet, but I am in it now and you can do a mixture of MBA/MFE courses. As an example, I am taking Pricing Models for FE and a MBA finance course...
  2. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @Joe, I am in Boston as well. Where do you live to be exact? I am in Somerville.
  3. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    ishant, If you read all my posts, I am actually not there right now. I am an ingoing student just like you bubba.
  4. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    ishant, The topic has been discussed many times on qnet. Do a search, and I am sure you can come up with some answers to your question.
  5. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey ishant, Did you speak with Adina? She has help me throughout this whole process, and I bet she can provide you with some assistance...
  6. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Maybe send them a check or EFT it? Have you talked to them about other options?
  7. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    You should just go all out and live in Soho:cool:
  8. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    ishant, 1. I did 2. No I have not received the letter nor have I paid - great that you paid 3. I have no idea - why don't you call or email to ask them... We are all here to help, but there are certain questions you should really ask admissions....
  9. Forza

    COMPARE LSE Financial Mathematics VS Imperial Risk and Financial Engineering

    Being polite is good, but only if you get your answers. Just like being a trader, it pays to be aggressive once in a while (especially in this case since you are paying them a huge sum of money). And like Andy mentioned, you are the paying customer and you should feel good about the product you...
  10. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Haha, ishant, you don't need to panic. You are already accepted, you just got to do what they are asking you (as weird as it sounds in this case), which is simply e-mail them back saying you received the notification. If they want something else, I am sure they will let you know. And of course...
  11. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Andy beat me to it on the pics :) Glad you are joining us ishant! I think we have a good group of folks going into the program, and I am definitely looking forward to it. When the time gets closer and we are all in place in NY, I will set something up for us all to meet and greet. In the mean...
  12. Forza

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    Since I don't have classes today (thanks to Patriot's Day in MA) and taking a break from watching a sea of reds in the market, I will start again. Final Destination - Columbia MSOR
  13. Forza

    Share your experience with MFE application process this year

    Ah ok, got ya. I know the systems used by CU and BU are totally different, but don't know if they have an actual application name (someone else might be able to fill this in) since I didn't see them. It is true that they are not very sophisticated. Right off the bat, maybe the following...
  14. Forza

    Share your experience with MFE application process this year

    Cool, I will start us off - 1) I applied to BU MSMF and Columbia MSOR, and both were great. Both very responsive to e-mails/calls (Columbia had a harder time with phone calls later on, but they were interviewing at the same time, so it didn't bother me much). I thought both systems were fine...
  15. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @ishant, You can always e-mail Adina (who is super helpful and has answered all my questions) your pertinent questions. Otherwise, when the open house does take place (which I will be attending), you can send me questions you have and I will be more than happy to ask them for you. Andy also...
  16. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey folks, Just got an email back from Adina saying they are working on setting up another open house for those that missed the earlier April one. In the mean time, if you are anxious, they will be more than happy to host individuals also.
  17. Forza

    Can Only Apply To One Program At Columbia?

    Well, maybe I am wrong after all, sorry. I thought someone on here actually applied to both the MSFE and MAFN at the same time. Give admissions a call, and see what they say.
  18. Forza

    Can Only Apply To One Program At Columbia?

    Hey crazycai, As far as I know, you can only apply to one program within the department. So you can only apply to either the MSFE or MSOR program (under the IEOR dpt), but you can also apply to the MAFN (math dpt) at the same time. Others can correct me if I am wrong on this. I just applied...
  19. Forza

    Lenovo T420

    Thanks Cjs for the tip. I just wanted a simple computer with decent speed. Was thinking between a Vostro or Edge, but after seeing a video on youtube about the screen test, I am going to stick with the Edge. Thanks again!
  20. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    @AWilliams, Oh no, I didn't mean a verbal fight either. The whole thing just started out with me talking out loud. But I do agree with you on a lot of points.
  21. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Never intended to start out as an argument for anything (or at least I didn't intend it that way), it just started out as me talking out loud to add on to bigbadwolf's comments. But yes, of course we all know there are a lot more factors in play than just pay (some pointed out by others in this...
  22. Forza

    Lenovo T420

    Does anybody have the ThinkPad Edge? The reviews seems to be fairly good overall, seems like a good buy for the $.
  23. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Great article - with higher pay, you do attract better talent and result in a better educational environment. "Our taxes are high, but our education is superior," said Ellen Cohen, 53, who has a daughter at Scarsdale High School. "It doesn't bother me that teachers do so well." "In May...
  24. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Alright dude, I am not saying the system is doing anything right. In fact, if you read my other comments before that, is that, yes the system is broke, and Americans are not trained properly on a lot of subjects (and that's why all the technical fields are dominated by international students). I...
  25. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Trust me, my fiance's mom was definitely not trying to keep up with the Jones. Life was just a little harder, especially trying to put their daughter through college. If you have dual income, you can get by life just fine (and of course living within your means). But imagine a single parent...
  26. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    I just think they should be paid a little more based on the importance of their work.
  27. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Maybe I should have worded that a little differently. What I was trying to say is that I think it is wrong for them to be paid so little.
  28. Forza

    The history of Goldman Sachs

    In terms of a close depiction of Goldman's culture, is Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World the best then?
  29. Forza

    How correct is this article?

    Copy that! You can just tell us stories that you can share.
  30. Forza

    The history of Goldman Sachs

    Is that the only book out there in regards to Goldman? I remembered there was another beforehand, but couldn't find it on GS' list or amazon....thanks!
  31. Forza

    How correct is this article?

    I am definitely impressed with your grasp of the Mafia's history. Maybe when I get to NY, we can have a Mafia night, and you can tell us all these stories. Did you grow up knowing people in the mob? :)
  32. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Mike Tyson was pretty funny in Hangover though! I always wonder why grade school teachers are paid so little, considering that they are the first line of folks who can change the thoughts of those impressionable young minds. I do think a lot of capable folks want to teach but simply can't since...
  33. Forza

    How correct is this article?

    I bet those days would have been interesting times to live in. Didn't one of the bosses testified against his family couple days ago? I scanned through the article and it talked about how it was the first time someone in that kind of position went against the family/mafia business. Screw...
  34. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Haha, I loved Shaq when he was with my beloved Lakers and hated him when he was with Miami. Haven't really kept up with basketball for the last couple years, but I don't think he is doing much anymore with the Cs....
  35. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    While patrolling the streets as a sheriff. #Winning
  36. Forza

    How correct is this article?

    Haha, I just can't believe something like that is out there. But I guess I shouldn't be, since even The Onion has it's own news network.
  37. Forza

    How correct is this article?

    Ganglandnews is hilarious!
  38. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey fellas, Just got my e-mail too...I guess we should all e-mail them back saying we got the e-mail? The application process has been interesting to say the least! @roni, Have you made up your mind yet where you are going?
  39. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    That is a great question, from an interesting point of view. I am going to give that some thought. I wish questions like that come up in conversations more often, instead of asking what is Charlie Sheen going to do today...did Shaq even graduate with a degree?
  40. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Oops sorry, I knew what Sputnik was about, just didn't know why they stop their interest in rectifying the school system. But I guess the second part of your post explains that. Also noticed lately there have been commercials pushing science/math for high school students - maybe we have come to...
  41. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    The Sputnik comment is interesting, just never heard that before. Why did the interest subsided? Yea, I remember when I was in Hong Kong (dramatically more outflow than inflow in population at the time), schooling even at an elementary level was hardcore. But as mentioned by Tsotne, all of it...
  42. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Question about Columbia MSOR through CVN

    Some great points (especially the 2nd paragraph), startover. For the MSOR program, certain courses can definitely be taken by undergrads also. Plus, it is a "professional" degree so research is not even needed. So yea, as startover eloquently put it, really just for folks that "screwed their...
  43. Forza

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    Maybe another thing is that a good majority of Americans didn't grow up enjoying math, and instead pursue careers there are not as math intensive. I remembered when I immigrated here from Hong Kong when I was young, I was surprised how ahead I was in math compared to my peers. Also, I think...
  44. Forza

    Are quant jobs fast paced?

    Hey pinkjigglypuff, Finance is definitely an exciting career field - good luck on your search!
  45. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Question about Columbia MSOR through CVN

    Great info gents, and thanks for the correction.
  46. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Question about Columbia MSOR through CVN

    Oh and one more thing, you don't interact with the professors in a classroom setting under the CVN program which is a huge down side. For an online MBA program for example (Indiana U or Penn State), you would have virtual chat rooms and Q&A sessions where you would still feel like you somewhat...
  47. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Question about Columbia MSOR through CVN

    Hey wangshitao, First off, welcome to qnet and congrats on your acceptance. In regards to the CVN program, yes, you are correct that you get the same degree. However, based on my perception and what I've researched (I initially wanted to go this route when I was still in the military), I would...
  48. Forza

    Are quant jobs fast paced?

    Really no need to thank me. I just wanted to contribute my part, that was all. Andy is right, there is so much more to life than just a career, money, Wall Street, etc. As you get older (I just turned 30) and wiser (or missing death so many times by chance/luck/act of god), you begin to value...
  49. Forza

    Are quant jobs fast paced?

    No thanks needed, was just part of my job and glad I did it. :) The post was just to back Andy's comments, that's all.
  50. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Awesome, thanks Andy!
  51. Forza

    Are quant jobs fast paced?

    Great post Andy - work will always be work no matter how much money you make or how much of a difference you are making. Off topic, but when I was in Afghanistan, I loved my job. But there was never a day I didn't wish I was home with my family and girlfriend, instead of being under 120 degree...
  52. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    "Anyone else headed to Columbia MSOR?"
  53. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey Roni, Great info on the class size. I actually was expecting more like 150 students for the incoming class - but with 110, you are still going to have to fight to take certain classes. Also, great post on the e-mail from the alum. I just don't think those points pointed out are really...
  54. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey fellow MSOR-ers, I was actually exchanging "conversations" earlier with another MSOR hopeful about the e-mail in regards to deposits, etc. It seems like those e-mails are starting to come in, but obviously, not everyone has gotten them. I wouldn't worry too much at this point... Also based...
  55. Forza

    COMPARE NYU MathFin or Columbia MFE

    Even playing strictly by the name game, CMU and NYU are pretty on par to Columbia. The name doesn't really make much of a difference. In fact, if I wanted to be a hardcore quant, I would go with CMU or NYU....
  56. Forza

    Columbia University MS in Financial Economics

    It seems to me that you can pretty much learn the same stuff with the MSOR or MS&E programs. Yes, you do get the GSB name, but you can't even go to the MBA recruiting events (which is a big part of why you want to be affiliate with the business school in the first place). A 100K is a lot to ask...
  57. Forza

    Any ex-military members on Quantnet?

    Ah, got it. Interesting he was accepted to the MSOR program also. Thanks again Andy for the help.
  58. Forza

    Any ex-military members on Quantnet?

    Hey Andy, Thanks for the info, as I was just curious if I would get any hits. I remembered looking at the posts from Sam Harris. Looked him up on Linkedin, but from what I can see, I don't even think he is involved in finance anymore. Found Roger T - I will shoot him a msg to chat about his...
  59. Forza

    COMPARE Columbia - MFE vs MS&E

    Ah ok, well sounds good. Let us know if you are coming to MSOR.
  60. Forza

    COMPARE Columbia - MFE vs MS&E

    @roni, In terms of the incoming MSOR class size, no idea. I e-mailed Adina to see if there is an open house coming up, and if there is one, I will be there and that will be one the my questions to ask. In terms of actual head count in the courses, they vary from 30 to 200 based on what I can...
  61. Forza

    Any ex-military members on Quantnet?

    Hey everyone, Just curious if there are any members on qnet that are ex-military. I haven't seen any since I have been on the site, but never know.
  62. Forza

    C++ course (community college)?

    Hey Andy, I would be interested in something like this, since I have only taken generic C/C++ courses.
  63. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    @mcgruber, Ah, got it. I received my decision on the 30th, so maybe they will have another one then. I will contact Adina too see if there is another one coming up. Thanks again!
  64. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    For housing application? Yes, but you can contact Jonathan Stark, the Assistant Dean of Graduate Student and Post-Doctoral Affairs (who I guess takes care of housing stuff too for IEOR students) at and he will hook you up with the login (I found him through the main housing...
  65. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    @onthesc, I went ahead and put in my application anyways even though I heard the some thing from the IEOR department housing liaison. Not betting on it even though I am going after couple housing. From what I am seeing on Craigslist tho, there are tons of options in a variety of price ranges...
  66. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    Yea we are still waiting for our welcome packages since we are not starting until early Sept. If they have an open house for MSOR students, I will more than likely be there and post some info on here afterward. Thanks again for your help!
  67. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    Hi mcgruber, I am actually in the MSOR program since that's a better fit with my background. But hopefully I willget a chance to meet you around campus/other events.
  68. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    Thanks, I will go from here.
  69. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    @mcgruber, Thanks for the great info! Yea I figured sooner or later they will start emphasizing the MFE program more in terms of recruiting. It makes sense. Do you have a point of contact for the career services office? I would like to contact that person to see if there are more info for MSOR...
  70. Forza

    Anyone heading to Columbia Open House?

    @mcgruber, Just for clarification, MSOR and MFE students have separate career services, correct? Also, was anything mentioned for the MSOR program? Thanks for your help and insight.
  71. Forza

    Analyst or Associate?

    Andy, As always, great points. Based on your experience and what you have seen, what is usually the compensation structure for someone going into the following - Risk Management, Sales/Trading, and Quant software development?
  72. Forza

    Analyst or Associate?

    Hey alain, Good point, I really don't care about the title, and more about the responsibilities and pay scale range. I've noticed some firms call a lot of their folks analysts, but I am sure there is a junior/senior break down to determine responsibilities, pay, etc. Thanks again alain.
  73. Forza

    Analyst or Associate?

    Got it, thanks alain!
  74. Forza

    Analyst or Associate?

    Hey everyone, Since we are on that topic, I have a MBA from a regular state school with couple years of military experience, and now will be attending the MSOR program at Columbia. Would I be considered an analyst or associate? I plan on going into AM or S/T. Thanks!
  75. Forza

    Question about MFE Career

    Lol, thanks for the laugh @goldski! @Amber Roxanna, I am not an expert in this by any means, but I think you are pretty closed to being qualified for a MFE. And that's probably an understatement.
  76. Forza

    COMPARE Help!! Which program has better placement? Gatech vs Chicago?

    @Afina, Thanks, just trying to help in any way I can. The goal of QNet is really to share information with others so they can make better decisions, and I just try to follow that rule. But Chicago does have a better name than GT in the finance circle, so another thing to keep in mind.
  77. Forza

    COMPARE Help!! Which program has better placement? Gatech vs Chicago?

    @Afina, You might still want to chat with each program and its alum to get a feel what the job market is like out of those schools for non-US citizens. In other words, more research the better. Another thing to consider, Atlanta is a lot cheaper and just as fun. My family lives there and I...
  78. Forza

    COMPARE Help!! Which program has better placement? Gatech vs Chicago?

    @Afina, As mentioned by atreides, you have to choose the program that fits you the best. But just a couple quick points - - A friend of mine graduated from the GT QCF program and was able to get into a prop trading firm in Chicago (but he is a US citizen). From chatting with him, firms do...
  79. Forza

    Will Quant Positions be flooded ?

    @DominiConnor, Always love reading your posts, as they contain insights that are hard to find anywhere else. Especially like Test 3!
  80. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Agree, it's always good to keep it friendly. The field of finance is relatively small, and you never know who you might need a favor from one day. Plus, we are all here to help each other out. ;) onthesc, I also had the chance today to come up with a list of courses I plan on taking at MSOR. I...
  81. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @roni, Congrats on all three of your admits! I have not done a lot of research into their curriculum, but it seems like Baruch does the best job in preparing you for quant roles. Their placement rates are simply phenomenal and you can't go wrong with it in NYC. Best of luck to you, and maybe...
  82. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @onthesc, Not yet, will let you know once I get it. @roni, Not a pure quant, I am shooting for asset management or S/T. I just like how the MSOR program fits with my background. If I am correct, you will be going to Cornell?
  83. Forza

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR or U of Toronto MMF?

    On the prestige issue, it is definitely great, but you have to go with the best fit. It is not very useful if it doesn't get you the job that you want. Hey Andy, will definitely let you know when the time comes. Maybe some others too from the MFE and other CU programs can join us as well.
  84. Forza

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR or U of Toronto MMF?

    @Yueliang, Also keep in mind, you will have to compete against other students in taking some of the courses (MBA courses for ex). And like others such as Andy have touched on, I don't think the MSOR program is the best of fits if you intend to be a hardcore quant. But the number and variety of...
  85. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hi Fan, Interesting background you got. I sent you a PM to discuss with you more.
  86. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Got rejected from MS&E, can they transfer application to MSOR?

    hey money, I might be wrong on this, but I think if they didn't let you know that you are being considered for MSOR after your initial MS&E decision, then it's probably a no (similar to MSFE that were directed to MSOR perhaps?). But you can always contact the admissions office directly and I am...
  87. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @paintvintage, Sounds like a good plan, as the 1.5 year plan is what I am going to do also. Let us know when you will be arriving to NY and maybe we can meet up along with the others. @Biswas Garg, It's up to you, you can make it into 2 semesters, or 3 semesters.
  88. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    danli, From what I understand, you would have to apply to the PhD program just like others since the MSOR is a terminal degree. However, I would suggest you contact the admissions office to get additional info.
  89. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey paintvintage, Great background! After your one year is up, are you going to try to stay in the states? What classes are you looking to take?
  90. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Haha you should Andy! And then you can have those central park picnics every weekend! Definitely Andy, I have tons of e-mails and great info from Ms. Adina Brook (who has been great!) that I would love to share with others. Once I start the program, I will keep contributing to create more...
  91. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @paintvintage, If you don't mind sharing, what is your background? Glad you will be joining us! @Biswas Garg, Agree with onthesc, definitely check out and understand the organization and structure of the program first before you decide to apply/go. Maybe that's why some folks have been down on...
  92. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @onthesc, Yea on the pre-reqs topic, it is def tricky. I am going to do the same, list the courses, and see what pre-reqs are needed. And then maybe even contact the professors themselves to see what is truly needed. And when the time comes, you and I can divide and conquer on that. On the...
  93. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    @onthesc, I will probably take intro to FE since the other courses require it as a pre-req (and it has been a while since my undergrad finance days). But once I am done with school at UMass, I will seriously sit down and come up with a game plan. I love going back to school, but 45 might be a...
  94. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey Janhavi, This is just my perception, so don't put too much weight on it. But I think the MSOR program is getting negative light due to the fact that MSOR seems to be a step child of sort to the MSFE program. It might be true, but it doesn't matter to me since you can take a good number of...
  95. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    If you intend on going to the MSOR program, let us know. So far, I am going for sure and onthesc might.
  96. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey Janhavi, For the interview, these were the 4 questions they asked me (you can also look at the MSOR admits on the tracker) - why Columbia MSOR, career choice afterward, what other programs did I apply to, how do I intend to fund it. I really can't help you on where you should go, since I...
  97. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Andy, Oh great, I will definitely try to make that, especially I have never been to central park before. Only been to NYC once on a 4 of July weekend.
  98. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Oh, and I plan on taking more than the required 30 cr hrs. That way, I can make it into 3 full semesters.
  99. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    onthesc, Ah I had some friends that went to DBHS, but that was long time ago. Ayala do have a nice campus, and had a good mixture of sports teams. I do remember Del Taco (if I remember it correctly, it is down by the LA fitness and all that), but I miss In N Out the most. UCSD is still nice...
  100. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    onthesc, Good deal, what HS did you go to? I went to Ayala but I am a little older so things are probably not the same back there anymore. UCSD is a great school, their eng department is pretty top notched from what I heard. And I am sure it has a fabulous social scene. I also got the same...
  101. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Unfortunately, I will still be in Boston at that time, but once I get to NY sometime in Aug, I will definitely pay attention to the posts and come out for a meet.
  102. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey Joy, I already have a MBA (so really no point getting another), and just really didn't like most of the soft classes (marketing, org behavior, etc). And funny you mentioned MFin, because I was actually accepted into the program at Boston College last year, but decided against it since I was...
  103. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey onthesc, If you don't mind sharing, which school did you go to? The reason I asked is that I grew up in California (Chino Hills by Riverside), and a good number of my friends went to UCI, a couple to UCLA and some to UC Berkeley. All great schools. I also like the flexibility of the MSOR...
  104. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hey Andy, The sole Yes was me, so I guess others are probably still waiting. I wanted to start this thread since class size is relatively large so knowing a few folks going in would be good.
  105. Forza

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    hamletwlp - I applied directly into OR since I was more interested in that. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. SagaG - my last name starts with W. You should call the IEOR department and ask them if you haven't heard anything yet. It seemed to speed up things for me....
  106. Forza

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    SagaG, I don't know if you have tried calling them, but I called them yesterday morning and got an interview invite in the afternoon. Interviewed this morning, and got my result couple hours ago. Best of luck to you.
  107. Forza

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Hi folks, Just wanted to start a thread for anyone that is headed to Columbia MSOR, so maybe we can get to know each other or chat about the program itself before the start of the program. To start off, just some basic info about me - Went to a state school through an Air Force scholarship...
  108. Forza

    2011 Columbia University - Interview

  109. Forza

    2011 Columbia University - Accepted

  110. Forza

    2011 Boston University - Accepted

  111. Forza

    2011 Boston University

    800Q/670V, 3.9/4.0 GPA Finance undergrad (included Linear Algebra, Cal III, Diff Eq, Numerical Methods, etc.), and has a MBA from a state school. Military for the last 5 years with a tour to Afghanistan
  112. Forza

    2011 Columbia University

    800Q/670V, 3.9/4.0 GPA Finance undergrad (included Linear Algebra, Cal III, Diff Eq, Numerical Methods, etc.), and has a MBA from a state school. Military for the last 5 years with a tour to Afghanistan. Will be attending since it is the perfect fit for me.
  113. Forza

    Boston MSMFT Got admitted to Boston university Math Finance program. Any advice

    @ilanitsh, I sent you a PM. I recently went in for an interview and the interviewer mentioned your name to me. Look forward to corresponding with you.
  114. Forza

    2011 Boston University - Pending

  115. Forza

    2011 Columbia University - Pending

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