C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

Agreed. "C++ Programming for Financial Engineering" has a much wider appeal than something like "Pre-MFE C++ blah blah". Ticks all the boxes of a pre-MFE student, yet doesn't put anyone off who is interesting in studying it for other reasons.
Agreed. "C++ Programming for Financial Engineering" has a much wider appeal than something like "Pre-MFE C++ blah blah". Ticks all the boxes of a pre-MFE student, yet doesn't put anyone off who is interesting in studying it for other reasons.

Looking at the contents, they are transferrable to many disciplines.
Yesterday, we sent an invitation for members in the second group to enroll in the C++ course. Each of them have one week to respond to the invitation, arrange payment, etc. Once the week passes, we will invite few more people from third group to fill the spaces made available by those couldn't join 2nd group for whatever reason.

So keep an eye out for your inbox. Many people did not check their email and miss out on the invitation.

Please add my email address (andy [at] quantnet [dot] com) to your email address book.

We also have another email address that will be staffed by the Baruch MFE personnel that you should from now on. Feel free to CC me on those inquiries so we both can answer you in a timely manner. The address is baruch.pre.mfe.online [at] gmail [dot] com
On another related note, I have a few inquiries from directors of several MFE/Math Finance programs about this C++ certificate. I have discussed the materials our course covers, the challenging nature for one to complete and earn the certificate in the time allot. Each of them has a copy of the course syllabus as well as a good understanding of the system in place to ensure students do all the work to progress from level 1 to level 6 of our course.

I will continue to answer inquiries from other programs about our certificate so they can better assess the programming background of our certificate holders for admission purpose.

You should not be surprised if you apply to some program in the future and they already know about this course.
i am international student will i get letter for visa for this program
On another related note, I have a few inquiries from directors of several MFE/Math Finance programs about this C++ certificate. I have discussed the materials our course covers, the challenging nature for one to complete and earn the certificate in the time allot. Each of them has a copy of the course syllabus as well as a good understanding of the system in place to ensure students do all the work to progress from level 1 to level 6 of our course.

I will continue to answer inquiries from other programs about our certificate so they can better assess the programming background of our certificate holders for admission purpose.

You should not be surprised if you apply to some program in the future and they already know about this course.

The Baruch MFE Program will provide, upon request, letters detailing the performance in the course, and include course details - syllabus, course creator, certification process.
We currently have 37 students enrolled in our course from the first two groups. We like to keep the class size small so we will not enroll another group until later this year.
We have multiple level of materials that each student has to complete the homework, pass a quiz to advance to the next level. As of today, only 5 students have advanced to level 2.
We constantly seek feedback from the students to provide a better learning experience and to improve our course. The following are early feedback from some of our students
Took me at least 3 re-runs of the lectures and a few rounds of internet research to even get past the exercises in 1.3. Glad my TA Siyu been very helpful as well. And like the other guys here, I'm loving it. The feeling of seeing the program finally work is undescribable.
I did expect less homework - however I am actually much happier with the amount, it makes the learning more thorough. Since I know C pretty well this is a nice warm up
So far the exercises feel concise, in that each exercise has a very specific skill that it intends to impart. Hopefully, such precision in each exercise will carry through for the rest of the course.
The exercises are concise and to the point. Every exercise has something new to learn from. So far I have been able to work on all the exercises, however I do have some doubts in some codes that I am sure will be solved soon.
We have many, many people who have registered. We will be looking at hiring more TAs so more applicants can take the course in time for their MFE application purpose.
Hi Andy,

Just want to know, how many days from per-registration can one expect to be enrolled?

Thanks for your interest in the course. I will send out an update today for people who have signed up for the course and still waiting for their turn. I will provide a better estimate of when one can enroll using the timestamp of signup date.
Andy, thanks for responding my question. Have you sent out the update yet cos I didn't get it in my email. Thanks again.

I know you touched on this before but I want to clarify about the timing of taking this course with respect to applying for the Baruch MFE program. Suppose I am planning apply before Jan 1st (for a fall 2012 start) but I am enrolled to begin the online c++ course in Feb 2012. With this start date, I would complete the course before starting the MFE.

However, at the date of applying for the MFE I have not completed of even began the c++ course. In this circumstance, does the fact that I have not completed c++ course by application time mean that it will not be useful for my application?

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