C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

Andy, from your email you stated that someone has to complete HW assignments 1 & 2 before admitted to the program. How are we suppose to do HW if we didn't take the course yet? Can you provide some lectures for free or notes to do HW assignment 1&2?
Andy, from your email you stated that someone has to complete HW assignments 1 & 2 before admitted to the program. How are we suppose to do HW if we didn't take the course yet? Can you provide some lectures for free or notes to do HW assignment 1&2?
There are a lot of reasons and mutual benefits for us to require that.
  1. Level 1 and 2 are nothing but basic C/C++ concepts. We have posted links to books/online resource or free books that you can use to finish the assignments.
  2. It allows prospective students have better estimation of their programming ability so they can have a more realistic expectation of how much they should spend on the course.
  3. It allows you to try risk-free to see if the course is right for you before you pay. If you can do this, it also allow you to save a lot of time since you can work on Level 3 materials quicker. The real C++ lectures start from level 3 and we found that the biggest hump is to get past level 1 and 2.
  4. It allows us to admit students who show some level of commitment who can be successful in our course.
Think of it as a litmus test. If you can't complete level 1 and 2 homework within reasonable time, the rest of the course will be extremely challenging.
As I said, we try to give you as much info as possible on what you will be doing in our course so that we both can see if this is the right fit for you and us. It may not be the right course for everyone and we want them to find out sooner rather than later.
I strongly encourage everyone to try out our course by doing the HW. It gives you a head up on other people interested in our course, since if admitted, you can progress much faster since you already done the first 2 levels.
And we have no reason to admit anyone who is unable to complete the first 2 levels because if they don't have time or unable to do it now, they are not likely to do better with more advanced topics.

So it's a self-selecting process. If you are able and willing to learn, I'll do my best to accommodate your needs.
A question about the HW for levels 1 and 2. I assume the HW is just to test whether the candidate understands how to program using the basic building blocks of the C/C++ language and it is not looking to test for the robustness of the program itself. Is this correct?

For example in Exercise 1 of Section 1.4 (Flow Control) the user may enter characters in unusual ways e.g. space > new line > character > space > space > Ctrl+D. The answer technically would be character = 1, words = 1, lines = 2. Is the program supposed to take care of all these unusual possibilities too?
Is it possible to ask for a recommendation letter from the faculty upon completion of the program, given it's an online certificate and has little interaction with students?
A question about the HW for levels 1 and 2. I assume the HW is just to test whether the candidate understands how to program using the basic building blocks of the C/C++ language and it is not looking to test for the robustness of the program itself. Is this correct?
You will have a chance to ask question, make changes to your program before submission once you are invited to the course. The hw is to save you time and show that you are fully committed to taking the course.
Is it possible to ask for a recommendation letter from the faculty upon completion of the program, given it's an online certificate and has little interaction with students?
You will interact mostly with your TA and other students. I don't think you will get a letter of recommendation from them ;) but if you apply to the Baruch MFE program, your TA can vouch for you, provided that you perform well in the course.
Congratulations to Kenneth who is the first graduate of the course. He achieves a Distinction in the course with a very impressive performance. Here is what the certificate looks like, courtesy of the Baruch MFE program.

Congrats Kenneth! Andy, are the certificates mailed out? Or does one pick them up on campus?
I'd like to thank, in no specific order:
Daniel - tremendously knowledgeable, kept the lectures simple and somewhat humorous
Vadim - excellence TA, helped me so much throughout the course, and gave me so much insight on being a quant
Andy - extremely coordinated and responsive to my technical issues

Where to go from here:
Pre-MFE NLA seminar followed by an application to Baruch's MFE
I'd like to thank, in no specific order:
Daniel - tremendously knowledgeable, kept the lectures simple and somewhat humorous
Vadim - excellence TA, helped me so much throughout the course, and gave me so much insight on being a quant
Andy - extremely coordinated and responsive to my technical issues

Where to go from here:
Pre-MFE NLA seminar followed by an application to Baruch's MFE
Sick job. All the best in your app!
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