Columbia University - MA in Mathematics of Finance

Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

It seems this program can be extended to 1.5 years since 2013 Fall.
Sure. But the tuition per semester has rocketed from 21000 last year to 27000 this year. This somewhat offseted the joy I had from the extension news.
In general, students wouldn't want to stay an extra semester if they can find a job after one year. Note that many one year programs have now extended longer (Columbia MFE, UCLA MFE, Columbia MAFN) so that they students can fit an internship in, hence improving their full-time prospect.
I'm in a bit of a dilema. My fiancé just got accepted to the MS in Marketing at Baruch (which is her favorite school). From NY I only applied to Columbia MAFN, but have not heard from them yet. Should I try to contact them to explain the situation so they make a decision sooner and we can start making decisions?
Actually we are going to go married our masters programs together even though one of us has to make a sacrifice so we can start out first year of marrige on a really cool way. Hopefully I will be accepted, I would hate to hold her back.

I sent them an e-mail. Let's see what happens.
Hi! Have anyone received rejection letter? I still haven't heard of anything, but I suppose that means something bad will happen……
Hi! Have anyone received rejection letter? I still haven't heard of anything, but I suppose that means something bad will happen……
A friend of mine just got rejected a few days ago.
Yeah. I submitted my application on Feb 26, yet heard any results from them.
I am wondering does this simply mean rejection..
Only rejection means rejection. Check out last year's tracker, there were addmits up to June.
Two days ago one guy rejected the admit offer, couple of hours later another guy got an admitted. Last year there was a lot of activity (admits and rejects) from May 31st to June 6th. Let's see what happens. Good luck to you all.
Two days ago one guy rejected the admit offer, couple of hours later another guy got an admitted. Last year there was a lot of activity (admits and rejects) from May 31st to June 6th. Let's see what happens. Good luck to you all.
So presumably, they will give out a lot of admits/rejects this coming week?
Fingers crossed
Tell me about it! I submitted my application almost 200 days ago! Next week I think it will be very active
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