Columbia University - MA in Mathematics of Finance

Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

Why will you turn it down? Maybe some of our opinions can help you make a decision ;)
Because I have already accepted another offer :)
I really like the Columbia brand name but from what I've been able to gather, this program seems very theoretical without much applications and I don't like their lack of transparency concerning the placement rates.
Hey Bengigi, congrats on the offer.

May I ask when did you submit your application to the MAFN program, and also where are you going instead?

Thanks mate!
A longggg time ago lol (beginning of March I think). I will be going to Imperial College (RMFE).
Is there any chance to get admitted without GRE?
He is no longer the director of the program. Dr Nielsen is now the director:

Dr. Lars Tyge Nielsen, Director of the MAFN Program.
Phone: 212 854 4306
423 Mathematics Building

As to the GRE, I guess you can be accepted without it given that is not a must in an application.
tried to contact Prof. Nielson once but got redirected to yhe coordinator. so i guess it wont help trying to get in touch with the director.
dont know if anyone got admitted without GRE. i assume most applicants have taken GRE or GMAT.
anyway, I have taken GMAT. but they prefer GRE. Don't know when they will send me decision. I submitted my application very late on May 19. Still don't know what they consider as a qualified student in the late decision. GPA, Experience and background, or some other tricks?
My understanding is that the GRE optional exception is meant for French students entering the program who studied under a professor affiliated with someone at Columbia. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Every single one of my theories has been incorrect. So, basically, I have nooo idea.

I doubt that anyone really knows the answer to your question, except for Laurent Breach and Lars Nielsen.
I agree, I am just hoping that someone might have talked to them and got some actually useful information back.
Hello, everyone who is still waiting. I just asked Mr. Breach.

And he replied me, "We are making decisions on a rolling basis. Some decisions are being made now, no decision on your application has been made. The admissions committee will be making decisions until the end of June. If you have not heard from them, it means a decision has not been made."

Hope this is somehow useful.
It seems like several people have declined offers of admission. Hopefully we'll see more admits soon.
I have been accepted to BU and still waiting for Columbia. I would go to Columbia (although I have some personal reasons that skew me a lot).
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