Columbia University - MA in Mathematics of Finance

Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN decisions...

Is it a general practice in all schools that part-time applicants are looked at after the full-time? A full-time applicant who applied a month after me posted his results already...
achilles, congrats on your admission! Just saw your status change in the tracker. Did the email come from GSAS or from Prof. Smirnov?
Seems like admission decisions start to crop out slowly...another member just posted their result.
thanks kmisha

i got my email from gsas saying that the admission decision was available online ...
all the best to all the other applicants :)
My status has no changes at all...
Did someone say all the decisions could be sent out today?
Still waiting... Though I am part-time. Where should one expect to see a status change? Under downloadable forms?
I guess thats the only way to check the status. Mine just shows " submitted and Yes, at department". Nothing else.
I don exactly remember, but the Submission date online reads, Jan. 6 . Unsure when all completed
It seems nothing will change today.... Wait 4 tomorrow
The only way we would see a change in their online system is if we receive an email letting us know that a decision is available online. Of course, unless, the system change goes public before an email gets dispatched.
not sure about full-time, but the director of the program told me that they had not started to review part-time applications, would start in May or June. The weird thing is if you go to the applicaion tracker, you can see a part-time applicant saying he is accepted. Either is not telling the truth?
not sure about full-time, but the director of the program told me that they had not started to review part-time applications, would start in May or June. The weird thing is if you go to the applicaion tracker, you can see a part-time applicant saying he is accepted. Either is not telling the truth?
I am part time and was Wait-listed. Received my decision yesterday.
not sure about full-time, but the director of the program told me that they had not started to review part-time applications, would start in May or June. The weird thing is if you go to the applicaion tracker, you can see a part-time applicant saying he is accepted. Either is not telling the truth?

How are they able to differentiate part-time and full-time? If I remember correctly, they never asked in the application...
How are they able to differentiate part-time and full-time? If I remember correctly, they never asked in the application...

This is a good question... I have not finished the online forms yet, so never thought about this... Anyway, that's what they say..
Another thing I know is there are only 10 positions for part-time.
How are they able to differentiate part-time and full-time? If I remember correctly, they never asked in the application...
I am still pending.... How about you?
Why there are still so many pending applications? Anyone has an idea?
I think that since their deadline is May 31, they are still waiting for new applicants.
Anyone else here considering joinging MAFN for 2011? I am trying to decide between MAFN and a MSF program, would like to get your views on MAFN. The reviews on the program here is disparaging, but the several alumni/current students I reached out to had a more favorable opinion.

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