Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

What is the latest by when we should hear from them? Would it be March-end?
Seems like GaTech rolled out a few decisions in the past couple hours
hi all! Does GATech give out scholarships and I was hoping to hear from alumni/applicants on the program!
hi all! Does GATech give out scholarships and I was hoping to hear from alumni/applicants on the program!
From my understanding they do not give out scholarships.
You can filter the results on Tracker. Select GaTech and Accepted as result. It does show any admit got any scholarship.
This is a pretty accurate way to see if a program gives scholarship and how much.
Has anyone else heard back? Anyone there who still hasn't been interviewed?
I was interviewed back in Jan, around 17th of Jan. I'd submitted my application on the 31st of December 2023
Still haven't heard back though.
My chances seem pretty slim now.
Any idea about the last date of rolling out decisions?
GaTech has been on radio silence for about 2 months now. Emailing them does not even yield a reply. I think colleges this year are dragging the process far too long and the response of "we are a small team" is just seeming more and more like an inadequate excuse.

I apologise for the rant but being in a limbo with no decision this late into the admission cycle is not a good look - for the colleges.
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GaTech has been on radio silence for about 2 months now. Emailing them does not even yield a reply. I think colleges this year are dragging the process far too long and the response of "we are a small team" is just seeming more and more like an inadequate excuse.

I apologise for the rant but being in a limbo with no decision this late into the admission cycle is not a good look - for the colleges.
My theory is that schools are receiving an influx of applications of much higher quality than in the past and they are not sure how to deal with them (i.e. how to get the best students they possibly can without destroying their yield %).
My theory is that schools are receiving an influx of applications of much higher quality than in the past and they are not sure how to deal with them (i.e. how to get the best students they possibly can without destroying their yield %).
I can understand that yes, and yet the onus is on the adcoms to deal with the situation in a way that suits all parties best.

Even if I let the delays slide and accept that this has been an unforeseen situation for them, what is not a good look is the lack of communication regarding the delays.
I can understand that yes, and yet the onus is on the adcoms to deal with the situation in a way that suits all parties best.

Even if I let the delays slide and accept that this has been an unforeseen situation for them, what is not a good look is the lack of communication regarding the delays.
Well...true, but then they will need to deal with the consequence of losing some very capable candidates who would otherwise be willing to attend their school but instead got put off by the lack of responsiveness. It goes both ways.
Has GaTech completely stopped sending out any decisions altogether? I'm seeing every college have their decisions being updated except GaTech.
I heard back this morning, and rejected
Yeah just saw two updates on the Tracker, unfortunately I haven't still heard anything from them. Thank you for informing, and best of luck with your applications!
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