Georgia Institute of Technology - MS in Quantitative and Computational Finance

GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Results

Hey guys, for those who have received admits and looking to join GTECH this fall (i.e. 2024) would love to connect. Feel free to DM me and we can create a WhatsApp group maybe?
Hey guys, for those who have received admits and looking to join GTECH this fall (i.e. 2024) would love to connect. Feel free to DM me and we can create a WhatsApp group maybe?
The program director had sent a whatsapp link through mail to everyone.
At this time, will qcf send more offer? I have zero update since interview. ( I heard that some candidates received an email last week which told them their applications were deferred to the next round, and the result will be made by mid May )
I am sorry, I can't share the whatsapp link which the university co-ordinator sent. It wouldn't be appropriate.
Please email Malcolm Patridge directly and he will share it with you.
Hey curious around when you guys heard back from the school if any of you applied for Georgia Tech QCF spring session?
Hey! I am in the midst of applying. Having gone through the process, do you have tips on interview prep?
From my understanding they do not give out scholarships.
They have no scholarship but you can apply for funding in the form of graduate teaching assistantship, graduate assistantship from different departments. You get some money in exchange to teaching.
Screenshot 2024-10-23 at 8.06.48 PM.webp

You can see more at around 1h:02m mark in the first video
What do you mean by second round ? I haven’t received anything after submitting the application.
Like second round is the interview. like there is a mandatory interview for everyone to get into the program, it is with the director of the program if I am not wrong. Can I dm you btw?
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