I haveaPhDinstatistics(from a french university),mymainareaof application ishealth economics. The main objective of my thesis was to model a decision problem where we had to find a succession of medical actions in time that maximizes efficiency and minimizes medical care costs. So a classical problem of operations research. But in my case, the difficulty was to estimate the quantities of interest from a sample where medical costs and efficiency measure were censored (incomplete).
I used a non-homogeneous multi-state based model (not necessarily markovian). What gave me the opportunity to use extensively both stochastic calculus as Monte Carlo simulations, bootstrap...
I have a master's degree in mathematics and computer science, a degree in applied mathematics.I have some programming skills: R (daily), SPSS (daily), SAS (daily), C, C + +, VBA.
But at age 30, a reading of "On becoming a quant" (M. Joshi) made mewanttolearn moreaboutfinancial mathematics,soIreadthe bookbyHull(Options, Futures,and OtherDerivatives") and I think this area is very interesting and stimulating. The basics are the same as mathematical analysis of survival data!
What do you think of my profile? Can I access to quant jobs? Which ones? What can I do to strengthen my skills ?
MyEnglishiscertainlyto beimproved!I'm working to.
Thank you for time.
I used a non-homogeneous multi-state based model (not necessarily markovian). What gave me the opportunity to use extensively both stochastic calculus as Monte Carlo simulations, bootstrap...
I have a master's degree in mathematics and computer science, a degree in applied mathematics.I have some programming skills: R (daily), SPSS (daily), SAS (daily), C, C + +, VBA.
But at age 30, a reading of "On becoming a quant" (M. Joshi) made mewanttolearn moreaboutfinancial mathematics,soIreadthe bookbyHull(Options, Futures,and OtherDerivatives") and I think this area is very interesting and stimulating. The basics are the same as mathematical analysis of survival data!
What do you think of my profile? Can I access to quant jobs? Which ones? What can I do to strengthen my skills ?
MyEnglishiscertainlyto beimproved!I'm working to.
Thank you for time.