Need sound advice (PhD statistics)

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I haveaPhDinstatistics(from a french university),mymainareaof application ishealth economics. The main objective of my thesis was to model a decision problem where we had to find a succession of medical actions in time that maximizes efficiency and minimizes medical care costs. So a classical problem of operations research. But in my case, the difficulty was to estimate the quantities of interest from a sample where medical costs and efficiency measure were censored (incomplete).
I used a non-homogeneous multi-state based model (not necessarily markovian). What gave me the opportunity to use extensively both stochastic calculus as Monte Carlo simulations, bootstrap...
I have a master's degree in mathematics and computer science, a degree in applied mathematics.I have some programming skills: R (daily), SPSS (daily), SAS (daily), C, C + +, VBA.
But at age 30, a reading of "On becoming a quant" (M. Joshi) made ​​mewanttolearn moreaboutfinancial mathematics,soIreadthe bookbyHull(Options, Futures,and OtherDerivatives") and I think this area is very interesting and stimulating. The basics are the same as mathematical analysis of survival data!
What do you think of my profile? Can I access to quant jobs? Which ones? What can I do to strengthen my skills ?
MyEnglishiscertainlyto beimproved!I'm working to.
Thank you for time.
Your English is fine but your tab key is broken.
Why don't you try to apply to some jobs, go to interviews and see if you can do well?
There is only one way to know if you are suitable and prepared for this is to go out, make mistakes, improve your profile and try again.
You can read as many books as you want but it does not give you real world feedback on your weakness.
Your English is fine but your tab key is broken.

Second that... fix the space key... ;)

Why don't you try to apply to some jobs, go to interviews and see if you can do well?

definitely... If your C++ is strong... you should land up with a job with some effort...

soIreadthe bookbyHull(Options, Futures,and OtherDerivatives")...

Did you actually finish the book?

I would suggest the BOOKS FOR QUANT INTERVIEWS at

-- ALL of THEM....
I have a PhD in statistics (from a french university), my main area of application is health economics. The main objective of my thesis was to model a decision problem where we had to find a succession of medical actions in time that maximizes effectiveness and minimizes medical care costs. So a classical problem of operations research. But in my case, the difficulty was to estimate the quantities of interest from a sample where medical costs and effectiveness measure were censored (incomplete).
I used a non-homogeneous multi-state based model (not necessarily markovian). What gave me the opportunity to use extensively both stochastic calculus as Monte Carlo simulations, bootstrap...
I have a master's degree in mathematics and computer science, a degree in applied mathematics.I have some programming skills: R (daily), SPSS (daily), SAS (daily), C, C + +, VBA.
But at age 30, a reading of "On becoming a quant" (M. Joshi) made ​​me want to learn more about financial mathematics, so I read the book by Hull (Options, Futures,and OtherDerivatives") and I think this area is very interesting and stimulating. The basics are the same as mathematical analysis of survival data!
What do you think of my profile? Can I access to quant jobs? Which ones? What can I do to strengthen my skills ?
MyEnglish is certainly to be improved!I'm working to.
Thank you for time.
Your English is fine but your tab key is broken.
Second that... fix the space key...
I found that my post was already long, If it is unreadable in addition... so than you for your answer.
I've repaired my tab key for my post new readers:)
Why don't you try to apply to some jobs, go to interviews and see if you can do well?
definitely... If your C++ is strong... you should land up with a job with some effort...
Your profile looks fairly strong to me. I agree with Andy in that you should try applying for some jobs.
@Andy, @Devdeep, @Connor, Thanks for your answers.

I live in France, I must go where it goes for quants (london?) to be able to have interviews, but I'm hold a position of biostatistician, so I want the maximum information and prepare myself for the Max possible before making a decision as important.
I know quant a very competitive field, so I have my own values ​​are not absolute but relative to those of other candidates, I want to know my competitive advantage if indeed I have one and my weaknesses which Principal is not having a MFE degree. I guess my profile is better suited to one type of job than to another (in quant fields?). The job of a trader (as evolution) does not interest me, I do not see myself coding only, every time. I just love maths and their implemented models, If I can do them and earn a good living and rubs elbows with brilliant minds, I'd be a happy man!

Thanks for your interest:cool:
Did you actually finish the book?
Yes, more than 80% but if I should go interview, I shall reread it more academically (with often the pencil, which was always the case for the first 15 chapters), so I'll try to remember more things by heart.

Thanks, there are plenty things, I have a lot of information I needed. @Devdeep, Thank you letting me the link, and @Andy Nguyen for putting this mine online:)
@Devdeep, Thank you letting me the link, and @Andy Nguyen for putting this mine online:)

You are welcome! I would say "Heard on the Street" would be a good starting point... Also... you will be tested on the programming area... so try to be on top of your C++ etc...

Good Luck~!
I would recommend reading as many finance related books as possible (on general finance, programming, interviews, etc) so that you are able to come across as someone that has an idea about the finance side of things.

I would recommend being able to explain being a biostatistician as a strength. Your statistics skills/knowledge and programming skills should appear on your CV and in your transcripts. But also consider how things unique to biostats could be applied to finance. Be able to make health economics relevant to quant finance if the issue comes up in an interview.
I would recommend reading as many finance related books as possible (on general finance, programming, interviews, etc) so that you are able to come across as someone that has an idea about the finance side of things.

I would recommend being able to explain being a biostatistician as a strength. Your statistics skills/knowledge and programming skills should appear on your CV and in your transcripts. But also consider how things unique to biostats could be applied to finance. Be able to make health economics relevant to quant finance if the issue comes up in an interview.

Thank you @Connor for time.
There are a few powerful tools in biostatistics and health economics I haven't seen yet in quantitative finance. But I have covered only the classical approaches used in QF, I suppose they are used even if not routine, after all they are not systematic either in biostatistics and health economics. Also I have not met many statistical or econometric approaches in QF at this stage of my readings, yet when they are combined with probabilistic models, the results are very interesting. I'm still surprised that all this is not usual in an area that concentrates many smart minds. I have also found some things in financial mathematics which would be very useful in survival analysis (biostats).
I'm reading, reading, reading general finance et mathematical finance. I learn many new exciting things.
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