New Quantnet Features List

We have revamped the site software completely. There are more tools to help you organize the information more efficiently. This is a partial feature list on our new forum. We are constantly working on new and improved features for this site. If you discover some niffty features, feel free to add to this list.
  1. Like button
  2. Custom title: Go to your User CP, click on Edit Profile and edit Custom title field
  3. More PM space: registered users have 50 messages capacity while MFE students have 100 messages capacity. For every 200 posts, you will have an extra 100 PM messages capacity added to your account.
  4. New BBcode tags : in addition to the usual tags (bold, italic, etc), here are new tags
  • Latex tags using open and close tex tags
\(a^{2} sqrt{\sum_a^n i ~dx}\)​
  1. Click on the Top 10 List on the forum home or go directly to will show you the top of everything. Top 40 posters, top 40 most viewed thread, etc
  2. Click on New Posts or Quick Links -> Today's posts will lead you to new posts since your last visits. This will provide the complete listing in addition to Last 10 topics list.
  3. Click on Calendar will show a calendar with all birthdays, event within the current month.
  4. New PM notification. If you have new Private Message, a blinking envelop icon will show on your Welcome box (top right corner). You will also receive a popup notification when you log in.
I haven't updated this list for a while but there are always improvements and new features being added to Quantnet.

The latest would be the top Latest Thread that you see on the forum home. The current one is updated with Ajax feature. It will auto refresh every 20 seconds so you don't have to click on the browser's Refresh button to see the latest replies.
Very useful :) and a new meaning to the word "Ajax" - I know it as a name of a Dutch Football Club :)
Where did the orange pages go on the Recent Posts list? (The ones that show posts that you haven't read yet.) Does Ajax not support those? I liked them...
You refer to the new post icon

It's a bug I'm trying to hunt down and fix. Ajax is really cool and more and more features have been updated with ajax.

In either case, if any of the members here know Ajax, I can send you the code for this so you can take a look.
the search box on the top right is now Live with Ajax feature which you can see live results as you type in character by character. Just like when you search with google.

please report if you see any bug
the search box on the top right is now Live with Ajax feature which you can see live results as you type in character by character. Just like when you search with google.

please report if you see any bug

Andy, good job on the implementation. really cool!
I see those new post icons with no problem now. But maybe it was a problem in the past that disappeared on its own :) I did not see posts 10, 11 and 12 as new when they were new, but see posts 13 and after as new.
The latest posts feature is now powered by AJAX so there is no need to reload the browser.
AJAX will automatically check for latest posts/replies every 15 seconds.

Cool! Is that the case on every page, including the front page?
I like how the new layout cycles thought various lists in main forum page: top posters, blogs, newest members, most popular threads, etc. Neat stuff!
I'm adding a new Files section to Quantnet where members can upload/download papers, source codes that will facilitate the learning of quantitative finance.
Click on the Files tab between Forum and Blog tabs.
Exceptional work Andy! =D>=D>=D>
Especially the Files section is very interesting. It will encourage information sharing. We can have threads dedicated for uploaded material. This is good stuff!:prayer:
A lot of good new features! I like being able to track my ascendancy to the top poster position on the front page. :) Dan: your days are numbered!
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