New Quantnet forum software

It is. We used it for several years here and the members love it. The mod was one of the most popular ones in VB and when we migrated to XF, there wasn't one around. The one available on XF was buggy and abandon so we commission for our site.
If you click on the Option link on the bottom right of that box, you would see we have made this much more advanced than any other similar "Latest Topics" out there. You can filter which forums to block, adjust the number of items to display and refresh time.
Got it.
PDF attachments are not currently supported. I'm curious to know how would your phone open a PDF file like it would an image?
Can you use your phone browser, go to that location and click on the PDF attachment? What happens then?
The browser works identical to a desktop browser -- clicking on a pdf in the browser downloads, and opens it in the Adobe Acrobat app. I assume this is the case for all Android phones. This is not that big an issue in my opinion, as I would be using the phone app for keeping up to date with a specific thread, not school work. Hence, I am more concerned about the lack of Latex support.
@Andy Nguyen
Wow, I didn't notice the options of the latest posts box. That's an impressive add-on! Will you release it? I'd pay for it on my (future) forum.
just now. on my last like. When I posted a like on the new column of the tracker. I was asked to confirm that I want to "like" the post.
That surprised me.
Well aware of it as I have it and I can't say enough good things about it. No affiliations to the guys who wrote it. I Visit about 8 forums daily so the app has paid for itself multiple times over. That said I only know of tapatalk which is why I suggested it. I'm sure there must be freeware that does the same thing. I had the free version of tapatalk for a bit and used it enough to where I ended up purchasing it. Mighty useful.
Support for Tapatalk is coming soon as well ;)
Andy, I'm starting to seriously miss the way the old forum would take me to the most recent post, and would be in reverse chronological order (with the newest post at the very top). This seems to be a major inconvenience to the occasional forum poster like me. Nothing is more annoying than clicking on a link in the 10 latest updates and being taken to a post, replying to it, and realizing you got stealthily taken to page 3 of 8 and the post you replied to was super ancient, you wasted time typing something up that was completely irrelevant.

Also the color scheme and the login fields on top of the page without having to go through some web 2.0 widget...

... just my opinions.
Are you mainly using Quantnet via your laptop i.e desktop browser or mobile phone? Can't you just check the "Remember me" box and never have to log in again?
What would you do if a new thread has 20 new posts? Do you want to just read the latest post without looking at the other 19 answers for example? (just trying to read the mind of my members here)

And if you are keep to see latest on top, have you checked out this
You also have a news feed that you can set up and check frequently
You can watch a thread/forum and have that news feed showing you the latest item on top.
Sometimes I need to click "Mark all threads as read" and confirm twice to get them unmarked. Is this the case with you too?:oops:
It works as designed because if you click "Mark all thread as Read" by accident, there is no way you can undo it so we want to make people verify it.

Thanks Andy. This is not what I meant. I have to click it twice and confirm twice.
I'll try to handle it somehow. Most often it occurs when first entering the forum section.
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