New Quantnet forum software

Thanks for the report. Can you see it if you log out?
Can you click on the What's New? at the top and see if new posts are shown?
Can you clear your browser's cache? (Ctrl+F5)

If possible, I would love to see some screenshots of what you are seeing and we will get to the bottom of it.

No_Latest Items_quantnet.png
Didn't know that so many people read the forums but don't register!
Btw, Andy, is this just a map of people who have used the new software so far?
This looks pretty good now. try to get some other color schemes going. I think a darker background will be good on the eyes.
Forum visitors are notoriously known as lurkers. I know people who have lurked for years without sign up. I myself read other forums and only register when I have something to post or want to join the community.
So it's a normal thing. We made it very easy here for people to use our site without forcing them to sign up. And we routinely purge users who have registered but never visited or posted for over a long period of time. We have 20k+ registered members which I trim to around 8K at this time.

As for the map, it's a real-time snap shot of the members using Quantnet at that moment. It will change if you refresh the page.
As for the map, it's a real-time snap shot of the members using Quantnet at that moment. It will change if you refresh the page.
Whoa.. that's a lot of readers! Are many of those visitors bots or something?
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