New Quantnet members say hi

maybe the individual doesn't want to be straddled with tons of debt by the time they graduate, if they're not paying out of pocket

I think it would be a bad idea to switch schools solely for the tuition. Columbia has an excellent reputation and it will undoubtedly look better when you apply for a job and to graduate school. Do not worry about tuition cost!
Nice site

financial engineer from London, came across the site and really liked it. Will have a look around but looks all good so far.

Hi everyone, quant developer/fund incubator with a mid sized hedge fund.

Eager to learn, happy to be here.

Introduce me
Hi everyone!

I am Mario Melchiori from Argentina, accountant, Adscript Professor of Finances en Universidad Nacional del Litoral and Financial Manager en BICA CEML.

I have wrote thee paper and built several excel files. The files and papers were meant to be a simplified version of the models to explain how they works. Papers are the following and freely available in and Mario Melchiori

Which Archimedean Copula is the Right One? [September 2003
CreditRisk+ by Fast Fourier Transform [July 2004]
Tools for Sampling Multivariate Archimedean Copulas [April 2006] .

I was reviewer of the Glyn Holton' s book Theory and Practice: Value-at-Risk.

Currently, I am wrinting a paper about Giese Model by FFT that enhancement CreditRisk+ permiting correlated sector.

Kind Regards.
Hello everybody I'm an jr. analyst. I work for Power trading shop in Houston developing trading model and automate trading.
Hi everyone

I am chemical engineer from the Autonomus University of Mexico and I am interested in optimization and process system engineer. I'm to an Excel specialist.

I hope this forum helps everyone to arise our knowledge.

Hi everyone,

This is Prasad, a Ph.D. student from UIUC, Illinois. I am interested in learning more about Quantitative Finance and came across this community.



Writing from Finland and hope to get some answers to my questions from here. Just graduating MPhil in Economics and planning to pursue a career in finance or in academics in the US.

Systematic trader at small NYC hedge fund, mostly equities. Pursuing numerous other opportunities at the moment. Looking to collaborate, network, and otherwise meet new and interesting people!
Hello from chicago

Found the website while looking into "other opportunities". Nice to have one place to go to get all your questions answered!:smt024
Hi everyone, my name is Alex. I am finishing my freshman year at University of Toronto, studying a specialist in Mathematical Applications in Economics and Finance. My major strength is Math, but I am very interested in Finance as well.
I am just starting to learn about Quant careers and the field of Financial Math, and I think this a very good forum with a lot of useful information and a lot of great people!


I guess you are a chinese. I'm also form China, and I wish we could make more communication here. :)

Hello everyone in forum!

I am Jin Wang from Graduate Center. I decided to take some quantititive courses in math in Baruch to sharpen my mathematical mind in some way. Although my major is Economics I am highly interested in pricing in derivative securities. Since Prof. Neftci left last year, I have to seek study opportunities outside of GC. Fortunately, I could take any course I like in Baruch and NYU. It is really a terrific experience to study with you guys, the most enthusiastic and active I ever meet.

Thanks you very one in this forum and my every dear classmate in course Stochastic Process this semester.

Jim :)
Hi, You said you are running a new web forum? Just introduce! I hope I could learn more from you.
Hi everyone,

my name is Antonis and i am from Greece. I am studying distance FE at Columbia. I am excited with FE and all topics that i am learning but unfortunately here in Greece there are not opportunities for this kind of job. I would like to had an ooportunity from abroad because FE is the only science i am interesting in. This forum is a step further for my dream!!
Hello everyone

I just joined today. Let's see some background, I started working at Salomon Brothers in '89 from Bell Labs. Left in the '97 for a fixed income arb hedge fund in Greenwich, CT. That didn't work out so well in the fall of '98. From there I went to Lehman till I was injured with a TBI (traumatic brain injury) a couple of years ago so I missed the CDO/CDS meltdown. I'm currently up in Albany

Anyway I joined 'cause I'm having a problem using quantlib w/VS 2008 and C#. It seems intellisense isn't working and I'm trying to find a resolution here.

If anyone has a quick and dirty answer shoot me an email. For now I'm reviewing the threads to see if it's been discussed.

FWIW I'm building a CTD calculator using quantlib,C# and Reuters 3000

Hi Everyone,

I'm a new member of this group and would like to say Hi.. to all.
I'm final year Financial Engineering/Stochastic modelling student from London - UK.

Hi everyone,
My name is Ludovic. I am a french student in a licence (~bachelor) in econometrics & modeling.
I am interested in macroeconomics (modeling, forecast), finance (assetpricing, derivatives...).

Of course, I have some questions... See you in other threads :-)Ludo

I am not sure if I am in the right place to post this, but I figured I would attempt the post -- I apologize in advance if I have posted in the wrong place. Anyway....

My name is Eric and I am an undergraduate at the a top public university in Virginia, majoring in Econ and minoring in Math. I was just searching around Google for computational/quantitative finance and came upon this gem of a site. I have been led to believe that this forum is specific to Baruch students, but I think its a good community to join. This forum seems to be a great symbiotic group of people willing to give unprejudiced information -- and that's great!

Well...I guess I will talk a little about myself and how I became to be interested in FE, or whatever you want to call it. I really love mathematics and I started there, taking calculus and introductory math courses. I did really well in them, which is usually a sure sign that you enjoy what you are doing. However, I could not seem to find a cross between my two favorite subjects: finance and math. Quantitative finance seems to right up my alley, but I am always open to other interests.

Well, I could go on and on, but I won't!
Hey everyone,

I'm a Math/Finance undergrad at Baruch who stumbled on quantNet while researching finEng. Some great info on this forum!
Nice to see everyone introduction here and learn their real name.
This thread has morphed into almost 1000 posts monster and an effective ice breaker. Keep it up, everyone!
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