
doug reich

Some guy
Some of us are thinking of organizing a paintball outing. (See rafting / paintball - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum for an old thread on prior paintballing)

The easiest place to go looks like NYC_PAINTBALL - I have driven by there a hundred times on the way to the Queensboro Bridge. It is 1 block from La Guardia college in Queens, and near the 7 train. The cost will be less than $65, depending on our exact plans & gear you get (see their pricing page for exact details).

This place is indoors, so we can go anytime, and if we get a large enough group, we can make a reservation. If you're interested, post here; if I don't have an email for you, I'll PM you in reply. Please suggest dates as well.

Edit: My colleague Shlomi informs me that "if we arrange at least 15 people we will get 10% discount and one will play for free, so if we will split it, it will be even cheaper.", so the bigger, the better.
Playing indoor paintball is not for the faint of heart... and might not be fun at all for people who has never played paintball.
On the other thread you said all paintball is not for the faint of heart :)

Why is indoor bad?
BTW, I have the full set up (marker, air tank, gear, etc, etc) if anybody wants it because I'm not playing paintball again until my kid is old enough (if he ever wants to play).
indoor paintball is usually extremely fast because the fields are small so you can get hit from the get go. It means you could be out of the game without shooting at all. Sometimes it takes the fun out of the game.

Also, if you play with somebody with a reasonable marker you will be at a disadvantage because you will be shooting "curveballs" while your opponent will be shooting fastballs right at you.

Some people like indoor paintball. It is exciting if you have some experience or you are playing with friends on the same level. If you are playing against strangers or people with reasonable equipment (while you have a rental which I think will be the case for most of the people here), you won't enjoy it as much.

ah... more important, GETTIN HIT HURTS (repeat after me, IT WILL HURT, IT WILL HURT,...). There are not two ways about it. You will get hit from close range when you play indoors because there is no time to react when you are getting shot from everywhere.

I will check the other thread because I don't remember what I wrote. You guys should try it but make sure you have a complete game and can do a reservation so you don't play against somebody else. Getting hit from close range by a stranger could lead to some "interesting" interactions. I have experienced that.
Indeed indoor is less exciting if you are talking about the one right beside LaGuadia Community University. And that site was converted from a warehouse, would be really "pain" if you don't put on thick enough outfitter. My last painball game left me some bruise lasting for months!!

But so far that one is the only painball place in NY I could find without driving.

(besides full professional painball gears, Alain also has professional Vera Wang wedding gawn which he never has the patience to wait till Trevor's bride to take it :))
Paintball trip sounds fun! I've shot paintball guns a few times in the past but never actually played paintball. I'd definitely be interested in going.

Alain, if no one else has already done so, I'll take up the offer of borrowing your gear.
Alain, if no one else has already done so, I'll take up the offer of borrowing your gear.
Eh..hem. Alain has tried to sell his paintball gear (along with a certain wedding gown; see below) for years. Good luck trying to borrow.
(besides full professional painball gears, Alain also has professional Vera Wang wedding gawn which he never has the patience to wait till Trevor's bride to take it :))
In some culture, it's customary for parents to find a 18+ yo wife for their toddler son. I'm hopeful Alain is open to that solution and find good use for his Vera Wang.
Eh..hem. Alain has tried to sell his paintball gear (along with a certain wedding gown; see below) for years. Good luck trying to borrow.

In some culture, it's customary for parents to find a 18+ yo wife for their toddler son. I'm hopeful Alain is open to that solution and find good use for his Vera Wang.

Ahh, its for sale! I thought he was being altruistic and was going to let someone borrow it.
I thought that more people will be interested....

Whats wrong with you guys, we should have some other fun than pricing options sometimes.
If somebody wants my paintball gear, they have to let me know because it is at my parents house. I don't have it with me. It's really good but kind old.
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