The Master Happy Birthday thread

あきのーさん、 おたんじょうび  おめでとう。 =D>=D>=D>=D>=D>
Thank you very much, guys!

Dima, thanks for your advice :)
So, who will give me a nice present?? Woody or Vadim?
Hi Akino. I'm sorry, but since I lost that money to Vadim in poker, I cannot buy you that iPhone you wanted.
Thanks for confirming my fear of Russian poker players. Vadim can't hide his blush and still won all your money ? Whatever happens to poker face ?
Vadim either has mastered the art of poker face or Woody's poker skills just *****.
I'm glad didn't partake in the poker game at Hien's. I would had lost my lunch money to Vadim for the next few months.

I think you have a good chance getting that iPhone from Vadim.
Happy Birthday, Dmytro!!!

Have a good weekend and cherish the golden 30:):drinkers::band::rock::cheers:
many happy returns of the day Dmytro !!!
have fun.. :dance1:

Happy Birthday, Dmytro!!! Best wishes and have a great day today!!!
Happy Birthday, Dmytro!!! May you and Yulia have a GREAT year, and enjoy the new life that awaits both of you!!!

Happy birthday to you!!! may u have a great year ahead and all your good wishes come true..:):dance:
happy birthday!!!!!! :dance: :birthday: :dance:
Happy birthday, Dmitro!!!
I wish you and your family health and happiness.

The car is a present for you, along with Buratino and Chipolino. :D

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Happy Birthday
- in ukrainian.
Happy belated birthday. Good to have you as a teammate.
Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!! And Happy Birthday!!! :tiphat:
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