The Master Happy Birthday thread

gee thanks guys! this thread made visiting QN especially enjoyable this weekend. thanks again.
Happy Birthday, Jacob!!

Happy birthday and all the best for your new baby :):band::drinkers::dance1::birthday::cheers:
Happy birthday, Jacob.
I wish this year brings you even more happiness and the joy of life!!!
You got it all Jacob. Happy birthday and enjoy everything.

Andy, do not fool people again. First you posted your cousin's picture, saying it is yours. Now you posted a bearded man. ;)

You got it all Jacob. Happy birthday and enjoy everything.
Happy Birthday!! May you have a great year ahead and all your good wishes come true..:)
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:
Happy Birthday, Jake, and have a marvelous year!!!
how come Muting always gets to be the first to wish people happy bday? :-k

well, the corruption within QN can be discussed on another forum, but today - it's all about Jacob.
All the best, buddy; for better or worse, this is the year in which many of us will grow up ;)

Have a great birthday Jacob!! Best wishes to you on your special day!
Happy Birthday, Andy!

Andy, happy birthday!
Thank you for serving Quantnet for so long and giving us a warm home here :dance::dance:
Happy birthday, Andy, the anchor of our quantnet:D=D>=D>=D>
Andy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday :) Nice to know that you were also born in March :)
Andy, you da man!!! :thumbsup::smt006:thumbsup:

Best wishes for a great, great year, and best of luck with everything that will be happening in your life!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know you in person but I love the community you build here. Keep up the good work.
Happy birthday and best of luck in your future endeavors.
Andy, Many Happy returns of the day...
Have a great year ahead...
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