Cornell University - Master in Financial Engineering

Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng

I saw on the tracker that someone was interviewed by Cornell. Does anyone have an idea of what type of interview Cornell FE conducts? Technical or non-technical?

I think you have been admitted by Cornell. My Friend told me no technical question asked. CMU's interview is still sending now. By the way, I see in the tracker someone off the waitlist to admit today. Good luck!
I think you have been admitted by Cornell. My Friend told me no technical question asked. CMU's interview is still sending now. By the way, I see in the tracker someone off the waitlist to admit today. Good luck!
I have been admitted by Cornell. However, I saw someone who was admitted a few days ago who also had an interview. This person is listed as anonymous on the tracker. I was wondering what kind of interview this person received.
I have been admitted by Cornell. However, I saw someone who was admitted a few days ago who also had an interview. This person is listed as anonymous on the tracker. I was wondering what kind of interview this person received.

Oh, Congrat! I heard it is a non-technical interview. Have you received the interview by CMU?
Cornell still sending out acceptances. Someone got accepted today (check tracker), unless the acceptance came before.
Anyone else?
Indeed, I received an Email saying I am waitlisted... What's the chance of getting-in based on the history? Also, finger-crossed for all of those getting waitlisted...
Indeed, I received an Email saying I am waitlisted... What's the chance of getting-in based on the history? Also, finger-crossed for all of those getting waitlisted...

Mail them an essay saying that you are willing to choose them and blah blah. It can only help.
Mail them an essay saying that you are willing to choose them and blah blah. It can only help.
does mail them an essay trick always help.or is it specifically for cornell?.just curious as I am waitlisted for MAFN
does mail them an essay trick always help.or is it specifically for cornell?.just curious as I am waitlisted for MAFN
Don't really know. What I can tell you for sure that it is not going to hurt you ;)
You should try.
i havent received a reject or admit or waitlist yet....the last email i received was a mass email telling the applicants to wait patiently for results .
roni, whom should we mail the essays to? Kathryn?
I think I mailed it to the ORIE department. They have the address somewhere online. If you can't find, let me know...
I think I mailed it to the ORIE department. They have the address somewhere online. If you can't find, let me know...
Yes, I can find the address. but my question is "whom should a address this mail to?"
Yes, I can find the address. but my question is "whom should a address this mail to?"

I think I wrote "ORIE Admissions" or " School of ORIE" or something like this this... I don't really remember.
It wasn't to a specific person, though.
I think I wrote "ORIE Admissions" or " School of ORIE" or something like this this... I don't really remember.
It wasn't to a specific person, though.
thanks, roni, I will also give it a shot.
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